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1. Thanks for the sketch.

2. Based on the simple sketch, so long as the lamp post does not seem to "slice" towards especially the main entrance door or "open windows" then it is not an issue.

3. Please see attachment: The simple test is: If you are standing at A looking towards B; is there any openings e.g. main door; sliding glass door or open windows? If so, do you have an additional fencing (closed type etc...)

4. If the lamp post does not slice into anything from Marking A to B, then there is no "visible" threat towards your lower ground floor.

5. If your home has a second floor; usually part of the lamp post can also go as high as the windows of the 2nd floor. Again, if there is no opening at the 2nd storey, then it is fine or OK - no visible threat.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Attached the actual layout, please confirm on it to release our worry and is there any different with lamp post is without lamp post in front of the house?

No lamp post shall be better compare with lamp post is it? Or nothing different? What if I need to built a extension kitchen on the empty 10ft land, will it now causing problem?

Any other advice on the empty 10ft land to do as for our family good?

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Attached the actual layout, please confirm on it to release our worry and is there any different with lamp post is without lamp post in front of the house?

No lamp post shall be better compare with lamp post is it? Or nothing different? What if I need to built a extension kitchen on the empty 10ft land, will it now causing problem?

Any other advice on the empty 10ft land to do as for our family good?

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Benjamin P. wrote:
Attached the actual layout, please confirm on it to release our worry and is there any different with lamp post is without lamp post in front of the house?

1. Of course, it would be better if there is NO LAMP post that SLICES into a home. Anything outside your home perimeter is not your jurisdiction, so most likely not in control.

1.1 Sometimes, if the lamp post is on the empty land or at the fringe, good to have "free" lighting at night: good fordetering any thieves (if any)

2. Frankly, from your simple sketch it looks like no lamp post SEEMs to be slicing into any part of your EXISTING home. I believe only on the empty area.

Benjamin P. wrote:

No lamp post shall be better compare with lamp post is it? Or nothing different? What if I need to built a extension kitchen on the empty 10ft land, will it now causing problem?

3. Your question is so general. How to answer?

3.1. For example, there are things like where the stove should be located; the interior layout of the kitchen; which compass SECTOR is the kitchen cum stove.

3.2. There are more than meets the eye. In Feng Shui, even the Flying Star chart is looked at also to determine whether the kitchen is good or bad. For example, if the kitchen falls in a auspicious double #8's from now to 2023; then it the auspicious stars are wasted, here.

3.3. Thus, without the proper facts, you might as well get hold of a coin: determine which is you want: HEADs or TAILs. And then tell yourself maybe: HEADs = kitchen will not cause you problems. This sort of thing.

Benjamin P. wrote:

land to do as for our family good?

4. Imagine, you go to see a doctor. And immediately ask this question without even an investigative work done say at the Hospital Triage.

5.Your questions are one or two liners and then you expect some "miracles to happen". sort of .. or precise answers given...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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These are some considerations:-

1. From your sketch; the lamp post does not seem to slice thru your main gate.

2. In such a situation, the sha qi from the lamp post is not a threat to your main gate area even if it is a sliding type.

3. Since it is not a threat to the main gate; from a Feng Shui point of view; there is no need to replace or update your main gate; other than for asthethic or cosmetic reasons.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 8 years later...
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Often, even some HDB flats may not be immune to street lamps. Here, the street lamps may even be located on the roof-tops of Multi-Storey Car Parks (MSCPs) ....

I added some resource on street-lamps and even seemingly innocent roof-lines of teh car park staircase / lift well...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 4 months later...

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