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Hi Mr Cecil,

If one's favourable direction is the other's (spouse) bad direction, and given the fact that they're partners in a business; the business is registered under the wife's name, how should one look for an apartment?

(Husband: H, Wife: W)

H: N: spook; NE: excellent; E: irritation; SE: death; S: disaster; SW: prosperity; W: longevity; NW: health.

N: longevity; NE: disaster; E: prosperity; SE: health; S: excellent; SW: irritation; W: spook; NW: death.

Best regards

Paul Wangchuk

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These are some of the consideration:-

1. Even in a bedroom; the Eight House can be applied, in this example:-

2. In the bedroom; it is not like because the two differs; both partners would have to sleep with each other's "smelly" feet and toes.

3. Even in this modern times, the phrase still stands " male chauvinist PIG = MCP".

3.1. Thus, when finding a home; and if one applies the Eight House concept; usually the Male's suitability is considered First or of prime importance.

3.2. Even if the female earns 50-50 percent of the income for the home; usually Para 3.1. still stands but with some consideration for the female.

3.3. For example; between a NE or SW facing home which is considered a BETTER choice?

3.4. Some geomancers "seek" some sort of a compromise:

3.4.1 Where in this example: the Male : NE = excellent ; Female NE = disaster while for the Male : SW = Prosperity while Female SW = irritation.

3.4.2 Normally, without looking at the Female's ba zi; NE is preferred facing direction of the main door. But in this case; it can be "adjusted" to say that the top choice is SW facing. Get the picture?

3.4.3 Alternatively, some geomancers place higher weightage for NE facing home for the couple BUT hope that the bedroom sector is most suitable for the female or spouse.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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