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Child kept fallg sick recently, can geomancy help?


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Dear master,
my first time here, hoping to find a way to help my gal.
For the past 3months, my 3yr old girl kept falling sick, cough(for 1+ month), stomach flu, common flu n her reflux (vomitg) problem worsen. As my girl is only going for her usual 1.5h weekend classes, chances of her gettg virus are pretty low.
These are the changes in her life since June:
1.her younger sister is born
2.my parents move in wif us
3.she now stays at my house daily, before her sister is born, she sleeps over at my place on alternate days only.
Could it be possible that she n her sister got clash of characters? Or the fengshui of my house is bad for her? (we juz move house 10mths ago). Can geomancy help? Should I engage a fengshui master?
Thanks a lot for helping!
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These are some considerations:-
1. Myth: Health concerns due to clash between parties be it elder sister from younger sister, vice versa etc...
1.1 Yes, Chinese astrology, and ba zi do have such things with regards to compability but as mentioned above, no such thing as one member of the family or sibling CAUSING health issues to other family members due to clash of characters = NOT TRUE. If ba zi clashes, in the future, there may be more "fights" or disagreements (full stop).
1.2 In the past, the myth is that a baby tiger girl can bring calamity to their parents is usually unquantifiable.
2. Feng Shui is about the EARTH luck. And Feng Shui cannot be done by remote control. Thus, if a person frequently fall sick e.g. predefined bedroom or rest area, then the location could be investigated either to reduce the incidence via Feng Shui. Thus Feng Shui can be used to look into such things.
3. Again, Feng Shui is about earth luck. And one Feng Shui school is based on "time dimesions". For example, inadvertendly sickness star(s) may be apparent at a specific sector or inflame it.
3.1. Here, there were like you mentioned no apparent health issues, but in a certain year or even month or even week, some of the bad flying stars (sickness) falls within certain sectors of the home.
4. Thus, I have roughly provided some of information for your consideration.

On 9/11/2010 7:57:30 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear master,
my first time here, hoping to
find a way to help my gal.
For the past 3months, my 3yr
old girl kept falling sick,
cough(for 1+ month), stomach
flu, common flu n her reflux
(vomitg) problem worsen. As my
girl is only going for her
usual 1.5h weekend classes,
chances of her gettg virus are
pretty low.
These are the changes in her
life since June:
1.her younger sister is born
2.my parents move in wif us
3.she now stays at my house
daily, before her sister is
born, she sleeps over at my
place on alternate days only.
Could it be possible that she
n her sister got clash of
characters? Or the fengshui of
my house is bad for her? (we
juz move house 10mths ago).
Can geomancy help? Should I
engage a fengshui master?
Thanks a lot for helping!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Useful information:
Traditional Feng Shui cure for the "worst" kind of health related issues vs today, modern technology with air cleaners ranging from:-
Hepa cleaners e.g. Honeywell
Ionizer cum air cleaner e.g. Japan Sharp company and many other ionizer purifiers....

On 9/11/2010 9:36:35 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Thanks a lot for your prompt
reply. It is really

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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