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:These are some of the considerations:-
1. What you mentioned, below comes under another concept.
2. Even under "that concept" mentioned above; rarely anyone follows it - unless one is truly a fanatic of such things. (That concept speaks aabout "being cautious" when travelling ..eg. south.. but in no where does it say you MUST not travel e.g. south)
3. Under the 4 Good and Bad directions; only those who have "screws" loose or the lunatic kind may put the 4 Good and Bad + directions together and come up with such a (looney tunes) idea of LINKING the two together. This is no brain-storm. But rather this is instead a NO-brainer idea.
4. Drawing a parallel to such things; say in Singapore, all males citizens are required to serve (mainly) in the army. And there is no such excuse as "green colour is inauspicious to me" sort of thing. You cannot be EXCUSED from army e.g. infantry or armour or guards batallion by saying that green colour is inauspicious for that person.
5. BTW, Congratulations *JOKE* Since I started the forum and other subsidiary Feng Shui forum; (unfortunately) you are the very first to erh... link 4 Good and Bad directions literally with travel directions. No prize! Here! Hahahaha,,,,,

On 12/28/2010 4:46:35 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello,I have a question after
reviewing the 4 Good and Bad
directions. Does that
influence travel destinations?
That means for example, if
south is a "disaster" then one
should avoid travelling south?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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