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These are some considerations:
This may be aa catch-22 question if it is an apartment or flat: as the facing direction can be interpreted in "many" ways: some geomancers say: stand inside the main door looking outwards; others the facing of the building or stack and/or the "face' is where the most yang energy comes in. If so, for an apartment: sometimes even the main door or front door may not necessarily be the facing direction. Thus, changing the main door may not be correct.
2.1 For a landed property; in my opinion; majority of the time (especially in Singapore) where homes are back to back; it is highly unlikely that the "face" of the home is the back of the house.
2.2 However, in some other countries especially out-skirts away from the city centre; some homes may even have their facing direction; say at the back of the home e.g. a beautiful patio, dinning area looking towards a beautiful lake etc...
3. Thus, one has to make sure where is one's "facing direction". And as pointed out above; may not always be at the frontage.
4. NOW: Assuming, the main (front) door is the frontage; in my opinion, a Feng Shui expert would say; tilting the main (front) door is only TEMPORARY. Ultimately, it is still the traditional facing direction i.e. most likely standing inside the house looking out of the front door (irreguardless) whether you had tilted the front door or shifted it to the side of the home.
5. The key success factor in getting the Flying star facing and sitting direction correct is about : where the most "yang qi" comes into the home. And this is the key reason for the Flying star.
6. I repeat: Flying star is about determining where is (are/was /were) the opening or openings where "air or wind" could come into the home. And from this; we determine the Flying Star.
7. Thus, what you mentioned; changing the facing direction and then "pretend" to or "pyschologically" changing the Flying star to fit what one want's to hear is = NOT REAL. This is unfortunately; not the way Flying Star Feng Shui is / was / were designed for.
8. Thus, overall; this is like in the wildest dream: getting the earthquake to shift one's home so that the orientation SEEM's good on paper. This is frankly, akin to bluffing one's self! This is only self-defeating.

On 1/8/2011 10:00:04 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master,prefix = o ns =
effice" /
Pls advise if the changing of
the directions of a front door
is enough to change the flying
stars combination in the
house? Can the new direction
be considered as the facing ?
thank you

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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