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Erh.. did you post your message to the correct forum (site?)
This forum is about Traditional Feng Shui methods. Anything else is a modern invention.

On 1/21/2011 2:47:15 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi there,Which are the correct
colours used when making a
Post Heaven Bagua
sequence.Thanks in

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Cecil,
To my understanding each of the
five elements is associated with a colour but in the Bagua the elements
of Earth, Metal and Wood have two trigrams each and I would like to know
which particular colours will be required for them because by doing so
we would give more power to the Bagua itself.
Maybe this is not Traditional Feng Shui but I think it would be a good idea introducing colours for that specific purpose.

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  • Staff

These are some considerations:-
1. You can find the colour chart, here:-
2.In the 1960's tothe early 1980's many Geomancers like yourself had the idea that North = Water = Blue, South = Fire = Red..
3. Please spare a thought;what year is today!
4. We are in the 2011! And what you mention is only KINDERGARTEN type of basic Fung Sway.
5. Or we call it;stone age Fung Sway!
6. What you are "proposing" is that all cars are identical! Thus, today, a China made Geely or Cherry perhaps to you is equal to a Jaguar or Mercedes. This is not the case.
6.1. Or would you, today, want to take an ocean liner like the Titannic and sail from UK to America? Or would you want to fly on an airbus or boeing 777?
6.2. Again, would you fly in a UK, Comet built propeller plane from America to Australia or take a jet liner?
7. It is not worth practising such things, nowadays....

On 1/22/2011 11:02:06 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,To my understanding
each of the
five elements is associated
with a colour but in the Bagua
the elements
of Earth, Metal and Wood have
two trigrams each and I would
like to know
which particular colours will
be required for them because
by doing so
we would give more power to
the Bagua itself.Maybe this is
not Traditional Feng Shui but
I think it would be a good
idea introducing colours for
that specific

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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