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Good Morning Master Lee!
I plan to repaint our South room from the present yellow to another color. What color would you suggest? I live in a Period 6 W3 house. The stars in the South room is 8m 3w and 1b. I was thinking of light blue and white or turquoise and white. It's a big room so I don't want the entire room to be blue or turquoise. I plan to have two sides of the wall painted blue and two sides painted white. What do you think? What are the best colors? I was thinking that since the South represents fire and the South will be visted by #2 in 2011, then maybe the blue and white colors will help suppress #2? This is just a guess! Would rather wait for your advice. Thanks and I appreciate your help!
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From now until 2023; this period belongs to the "earth" period.
During this period the best colour other than considering the stars is: barley white (which is light cream) or beige. Or if really not sure; use neutral white or light pastel colours.

On 1/24/2011 5:57:07 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Good Morning Master
Lee!I plan to repaint
our South room from the
present yellow to another
color. What color would you
suggest? I live in a Period 6
W3 house. The stars in the
South room is 8m 3w and 1b. I
was thinking of light blue and
white or turquoise and
white. It's a big room so I
don't want the entire room to
be blue or turquoise. I plan
to have two sides of the wall
painted blue and two sides
painted white. What do you
think? What are the best
colors? I was thinking that
since the South represents
fire and the South will be
visted by #2 in 2011, then
maybe the blue and white
colors will help suppress #2?
This is just a guess! Would
rather wait for your advice.
Thanks and I appreciate your

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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