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My Kua number is 8 while my husband Kua's number is 2. Both of us are West person according to Kua.
I am having problem in placing the bed for our bedrooms. Our bedroom in in the East of the house. If the bed is with our heads sit on the West then our feet is facing East, facing the window and the road. I was advised by a Fengshui consultant that this is acceptable. However my in laws says to have the positioned changed straight away, as the feet facing the road means "coffin" position.
So we changed the bed position to the heads sit on the North, and our feet facing south with a door directly opposite it. We have made a rule in the house not to use that door, but to use the other door.
If I use the Kua's numbers for the best position then the bed will have our head sit on the north east but the back of the bed will not rest against the wall.
What should i do???????????
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These are some of the considerations:-
1. The concept of : "If it ain't broken, don't fix-it!".
1.1. The idea is that if one generally doing fine; and has been staying in an existing home; and only due to one's itchy fingers; got advise to move the bed;
1.2. If so, leave it as it is.
2. Sleeping under the "coffin" position concept.
2.1. Please see attachment: coffin position.gif (Illustration of a typical "coffin position")
3.Frankly, I often just scan thru lots of text like yours - (faintest) idea about your bedroom arrangement. (I prefer a sketch).
4. Concept of "auto-suggestion" and ....hmmm... self-fullfilling prophecy...
4.1. Often it takes someone else to make a comment: be it the in-laws or other close relatives to make one really uneasy over a certain layout or placement. For example, if the in-laws again comment on the bedroom and says that "you have mirror on the wardrope door is no bloody.. good.." then one feels unease and uncomfortable over it.
5. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui
5.1. Shapes and Forms prevail over the use of KUA NUMBER especially if one tries to fit a "square peg intoa round hole" - sort of thing!
5.2. Thus, many of us, often instinctively, would already have an idea of how we would have an idea of how to place our bed in a bedroom.
6. "You live, here; we don't"
6.1. The major crime of most geomancers are: that they often spent an hour or two at your home. And without much consideration; some geomancers (unfortunately) give advice; that will impact on our lives!
6.2. There were geomancers who had even asked the owners not to use e.g. the master toilet totally! Come on! Even if the owner(s) become eunuchs; don't you think that eunuchs like everyone else; also need to go to the bathroom?

On 1/29/2011 10:03:21 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi,My Kua number is 8 while my
husband Kua's number is 2.
Both of us are West person
according to Kua.I am having
problem in placing the bed for
our bedrooms. Our bedroom in
in the East of the house. If
the bed is with our heads sit
on the West then our feet is
facing East, facing the window
and the road. I was advised by
a Fengshui consultant that
this is acceptable. However my
in laws says to have the
positioned changed straight
away, as the feet facing the
road means "coffin"
position.So we changed the bed
position to the heads sit on
the North, and our feet facing
south with a door directly
opposite it. We have made a
rule in the house not to use
that door, but to use the
other door.If I use the Kua's
numbers for the best position
then the bed will have our
head sit on the north east but
the back of the bed will not
rest against the wall.What
should i do???????????

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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