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I read in an article that being a rat, I need 2 dragons on each side of the house when I enter the house.
Now the issue is whether the dragon faces into or out of the house? It is not fengshui dragons and just new year decorations which I suppose is fine. It is meant to bring wealth and attract people who will help me.
Cos in this link:
The dragons have to face inwards, however I read in this website it has to face out. So which is which?
Last but not least, I need some help to change my situation at work. I am not hoping for some advice to improve the situation. let me know what is needed for consultation?
Thank you.
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These are some of the considerations:-
1. Just imagine, parents, grand-parents and great grand parents time; where got such figurines.
2. In modern society, we have to call these objects; modern invention.
3. Again in modern times; many businessmen, choose to try to sell products; in the name of Fung Sway. Why?
4. A simple product or figurine.. costs "next to nothing" to produce. But suddenly when it was wrongly value added "in the name of Fung Sway"; supernormal profits are made out of the idea of "greed begets greed".
5. Guess, who pockets the supernormal profits; and guess who is "poorer" by that amount.
6. My grand parents, your grand parents; did not have such items... so how? Only a "select" few have it; like yourself...
7. A businessman will not sell a product and give a guarantee that within say 14 days; one will get a wind-fall.
8. Thus, the morale of the story? When the buying Stops; the Selling Can! Applies.
9. Treat it like just any decorative item that one fancies; and like. Not just because of or for the sake of Fung Sway.
10. Again, (literally although one is poorer buying it) but if it makes the person; happy; Then it is a plus point for some - feel good = human factors... not Fung Sway...

On 2/1/2011 11:27:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Apologies, what i meant is I
need to change my situation.
The dragons I use are just CNY
decorations (close to an
actual one) and not metal
Their positions flank the
living room where it is windy
and open.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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