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Generally all houses, flats or apartments have a central wall that divides the living room, kitchen,from the bedrooms, study, etc. Can we say that since such wallsare not the perimeter walls of a house or apartment, they are not facing any of the important directions of NESW, or NE, SE, SW or NW etc and hence they are not the facing walls where the Grand Duke, Five Yellow, Three Killings are, so wecan afford to be less wary of and can do renovations, hang things or drive nails into such walls?
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This has more to do literally with commonsense.
For example, majority of the time:-
1. Landed property: Most of the time, this is the clear space area or passage way area.
2. For many smaller condos; usually, this area is close to the passageway leading towards the other "organs" of the home.
3. For some condos and government housing board flats; this area is sometimes within the toilet and or toilet door area or again the passage way area.
4. Thus, commonsense would mean that most likely if any hacking; would be the "surrounding rooms e.g. making the master bedroom larger or demolishing a wall in the bedroom area for a walk-in wardrope or making the room larger or even partition it.
5. Thus, commonsense or cowsense says that 99 percent of all homes be it landed or condo or private flats; there is really nothing much at the centerpoint - other than usually fixtures. It is not like one often encounter a bedroom smack in the middle of the bedroom or other important rooms that need configuration.
6. Therefore, you are merely stating the obvious; just that maybe one just don't see it;
7. So what if one hangs a piece nail to place a picture on a wall; usually such things ain't even considered as a "renovation".
8. If one's home is a palace or white house with "wings"; then maybe; but tiny apartments or homes... is as mentioned above, often fixed. For example, if the centrepoint is at the toilet door; what renovation are you talking about? Removing the toilet door - an open concept toilet where every one else in the home can see one bathing etc...
9. For information, under the Shapes and Forms Feng Shui; where: there is the "Bird or phoenix"; the tortise; the green dragon and white tiger; the center is considered as belonging to the earth element.

On 2/8/2011 5:10:18 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Generally all houses, flats or
apartments have a central wall
that divides the living room,
kitchen,from the
bedrooms, study,
etc. Can we say
that since such wallsare
not the perimeter walls of a
house or apartment, they are
not facing any of the
important directions of NESW,
or NE, SE, SW or NW etc and
hence they are not the facing
walls where the Grand Duke,
Five Yellow, Three Killings
are, so wecan afford to
be less wary of and can do
renovations, hang things or
drive nails into such

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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