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Hi Master
I plan to buy my second home soon. The units i chose are from Block 348A unit 559 and Block 347B unit 523. Both 5 Rooms. layout attached.
Block 348A, unit 559 faces a Tjunction, pond and beside the pond there is a hospital, the balcony is facing the hospital.
Block 347B unit 523 faces a playround but on the side there is a canal, I read that its not good to have a canal nearby.
Could you please advise me as the flat selection is next week.
Currently am staying in a flat that faces an open field which is auspicious so if moving to these new flat is not good, I might just consider staying in my current place instead of moving.

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On 3/2/2011 1:34:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi MasterI plan to buy my
second home soon. The units i
chose are from Block 348A unit
559 and Block 347B unit 523.
Both 5 Rooms. layout
348A, unit 559 faces a
Tjunction, pond and beside the
pond there is a hospital, the
balcony is facing the
hospital.Block 347B unit 523
faces a playround but on the
side there is a canal, I read
that its not good to have a
canal nearby.Could you please
advise me as the flat
selection is next
week.Currently am staying in a
flat that faces an open field
which is auspicious so if
moving to these new flat is
not good, I might just
consider staying in my current
place instead of moving.
Reply: Need a site audit.. Anyway have not heard that a canal is not good fs :-)
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Thanks alot Master Lee
Those points you mentioned were really informative. I did not even think of that. Besides those that you mentioned, you did not comment on whether facing a canal is ok? I read somewhere in your web that a unit was damp before and it was infested with termites because there was a canal nearby. Does that apply to this picture?
Please let me know whether the pond facing is ok as well. Thank you.

On 3/3/2011 3:08:24 PM, Anonymous wrote:
These are some of the considerations:1.
Afternoon SunIn fact, usually if we were
to look at a development were most of
the units (stacks) are sold; quite often
we will discover that the first time
most people do is: avoid units (stacks)
with direct afternoon sun.Therefore,
this is always one of the key criterias
when selecting a home or apartment.In
terms of Feng Shui; this is true and too
much exposure also to afternoon sun
(sun-light ... to .. heat soaking into
the walls / coming into windows and even
"sun-burn" ) are concerns.2. Sha Qi or
Poison ArrowsIn a development like this,
where there so many different blocks and
stacks facing different directions;
there may be a likelyhood that a sharp
corner of another neigbhouring block or
stack COULD/ MAY be aimed towards one's
dream apartment.Thus, it is best to TRY
to avoid buying such a unit. Of course,
it is not built yet so how? If possible
try to study the neigbouring block and
your "dream unit" and if there are more
detailed block map, try to figure out as
much as possible; whether or could the
corner be sharp or aimed at a specific
room of the unit one may be wanting to
purchase.Of course, if later on it turns
out that way, there is indeed a sharp
corner aimed at the unit "window"..
then.. 3. Such a development have
various units/stacks facing many
directions.. thus, check mainly the main
breadwinner's best directions: East or
West Group.4. Also, the period we are
in. Since we are now under Period 8;
better apartments are often the SW / NE
facing. South etc..5. Units facing main
roads are often noisy. So is low units
close to the dusbin area (smelly). Where
is the power station; How does
cars use the service road in and out of
the basement carpark .. will affect low
floor units facing this service road
area...6. Any external threats (if any)
from neigbouring blocks etc.. etc...On
3/2/2011 1:34:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi MasterI plan to buy my
home soon. The units i
chose are
from Block 348A unit
559 and Block
347B unit 523.
Both 5 Rooms. layout
348A, unit 559 faces a
Tjunction, pond and beside the
pond there is a hospital, the
balcony is facing the
hospital.Block 347B unit 523
faces a playround but on the
side there is a canal, I read
that its not good to have a
canal nearby.Could you please
advise me as the flat
is next
week.Currently am staying in
flat that faces an open field
which is auspicious so if
to these new flat is
not good, I
might just
consider staying in my
place instead of moving.
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These are further considerations:
1. Yes, in the long term, termites may be a concern.
2. For new developments; most (I say) most suppose to be responsible developers or their main contractor should have place those termite "canisters" into the soil. Usually, these are slow release ones and often can deter termites upto say 2 to 3 years (less those termities that may fly in or brought in by the subsidary proprietors.
3. As per the canal or pond etc.. either you have get professional services such as "Can or Cannot buy" or DIY for that matter....

On 3/3/2011 4:00:11 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Thanks alot Master LeeThose points you
mentioned were really informative. I did
not even think of that. Besides those
that you mentioned, you did not comment
on whether facing a canal is ok? I read
somewhere in your web that a unit was
damp before and it was infested with
termites because there was a canal
nearby. Does that apply to this
picture?Please let me know whether the
pond facing is ok as well. Thank you.On
3/3/2011 3:08:24 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
These are some of the
Afternoon SunIn
fact, usually if we were
to look at
a development were most of
the units
(stacks) are sold; quite often
will discover that the first time
most people do is: avoid units
with direct afternoon
this is always one of
the key criterias
when selecting a
home or apartment.In
terms of Feng
Shui; this is true and too
exposure also to afternoon sun
(sun-light ... to .. heat soaking
the walls / coming into windows
and even
"sun-burn" ) are
concerns.2. Sha Qi or
ArrowsIn a development like this,
where there so many different blocks
stacks facing different
there may be a
likelyhood that a sharp
corner of
another neigbhouring block or
COULD/ MAY be aimed towards one's
dream apartment.Thus, it is best to
to avoid buying such a unit. Of
it is not built yet so how?
If possible
try to study the
neigbouring block and
your "dream
unit" and if there are more
block map, try to figure out as
as possible; whether or could the
corner be sharp or aimed at a
room of the unit one may be
wanting to
purchase.Of course, if
later on it turns
out that way,
there is indeed a sharp
corner aimed
at the unit "window"..
then.. 3.
Such a development have
units/stacks facing many
directions.. thus, check mainly the
breadwinner's best directions:
East or
West Group.4. Also, the
period we are
in. Since we are now
under Period 8;
better apartments
are often the SW / NE
facing. South
etc..5. Units facing main
roads are
often noisy. So is low units
to the dusbin area (smelly). Where
is the power station; How does
cars use the service road in and out
the basement carpark .. will
affect low
floor units facing this
service road
area...6. Any external
threats (if any)
from neigbouring
blocks etc.. etc...On
1:34:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
MasterI plan to buy my
home soon. The units i
chose are
from Block 348A unit
559 and
347B unit 523.
Both 5
Rooms. layout
348A, unit 559 faces a
Tjunction, pond and beside the
pond there is a hospital, the
balcony is facing the
hospital.Block 347B unit 523
faces a playround but on the
side there is a canal, I read
that its not good to have a
canal nearby.Could you please
advise me as the flat
is next
week.Currently am staying in
flat that faces an open field
which is auspicious so if
to these new flat is
not good, I
might just
consider staying in my
place instead of moving.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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These are some of the considerations:
1. Afternoon Sun
In fact, usually if we were to look at a development few units or stacks were left; majority of these unsold units/stacks are affected by direct afternoon sunlight.
Therefore, this is always one of the key criterias when selecting a home or apartment.
In terms of Feng Shui; this is true and too much exposure also to afternoon sun (sun-light ... to .. heat soaking into the walls / coming into windows and even "sun-burn" ) are concerns.
2. Sha Qi or Poison Arrows
In a development like this, where there so many different blocks and stacks facing different directions; there may be a likelyhood that a sharp corner of another neigbhouring block or stack COULD/ MAY be aimed towards one's dream apartment.
Thus, it is best to TRY to avoid buying such a unit. Of course, it is not built yet so how? If possible try to study the neigbouring block and your "dream unit" and if there are more detailed block map, try to figure out as much as possible; whether or could the corner be sharp or aimed at a specific room of the unit one may be wanting to purchase.
Of course, if later on it turns out that way, there is indeed a sharp corner aimed at the unit "window".. then..
3. Such a development have various units/stacks facing many directions.. thus, check mainly the main breadwinner's best directions: East or West Group.
4. Also, the period we are in. Since we are now under Period 8; better apartments are often the SW / NE facing. South etc..
5. Units facing main roads are often noisy. So is low units close to the dusbin area (smelly). Where is the power station; How does cars use the service road in and out of the basement carpark .. will affect low floor units facing this service road area...
6. Any external threats (if any) from neigbouring blocks etc.. etc...

On 3/2/2011 1:34:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi MasterI plan to buy my
second home soon. The units i
chose are from Block 348A unit
559 and Block 347B unit 523.
Both 5 Rooms. layout
348A, unit 559 faces a
Tjunction, pond and beside the
pond there is a hospital, the
balcony is facing the
hospital.Block 347B unit 523
faces a playround but on the
side there is a canal, I read
that its not good to have a
canal nearby.Could you please
advise me as the flat
selection is next
week.Currently am staying in a
flat that faces an open field
which is auspicious so if
moving to these new flat is
not good, I might just
consider staying in my current
place instead of moving.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Mr CecilLee,
Thank you for the wonderful tips you have shared below for choosing an Unit @ Adora Green. I have also applied for 5 room C2 type unit which are available at only in a couple of blocks.
Incase we get selected to choose the unit of our choice we would be going in for the BLK 348A unit as the first choice. If not , C1 in blocks 348 B or C facing the park. Now my worry is that, recently there were 2 unnatural deaths @ Yishun Pond in front of AG......of 2 sec 1 students. Will this have any negative effect on this DBSS?
Looking forward for your commenmts.
Thank you,
Mr Tan

On 3/3/2011 4:44:01 PM, Anonymous wrote:
These are some of the considerations:1.
Afternoon SunIn fact, usually if we were
to look at a development few units or
stacks were left; majority of these
unsold units/stacks are affected by
direct afternoon sunlight.Therefore,
this is always one of the key criterias
when selecting a home or apartment.In
terms of Feng Shui; this is true and too
much exposure also to afternoon sun
(sun-light ... to .. heat soaking into
the walls / coming into windows and even
"sun-burn" ) are concerns.2. Sha Qi or
Poison ArrowsIn a development like this,
where there so many different blocks and
stacks facing different directions;
there may be a likelyhood that a sharp
corner of another neigbhouring block or
stack COULD/ MAY be aimed towards one's
dream apartment.Thus, it is best to TRY
to avoid buying such a unit. Of course,
it is not built yet so how? If possible
try to study the neigbouring block and
your "dream unit" and if there are more
detailed block map, try to figure out as
much as possible; whether or could the
corner be sharp or aimed at a specific
room of the unit one may be wanting to
purchase.Of course, if later on it turns
out that way, there is indeed a sharp
corner aimed at the unit "window"..
then.. 3. Such a development have
various units/stacks facing many
directions.. thus, check mainly the main
breadwinner's best directions: East or
West Group.4. Also, the period we are
in. Since we are now under Period 8;
better apartments are often the SW / NE
facing. South etc..5. Units facing main
roads are often noisy. So is low units
close to the dusbin area (smelly). Where
is the power station; How does
cars use the service road in and out of
the basement carpark .. will affect low
floor units facing this service road
area...6. Any external threats (if any)
from neigbouring blocks etc.. etc...On
3/2/2011 1:34:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi MasterI plan to buy my
home soon. The units i
chose are
from Block 348A unit
559 and Block
347B unit 523.
Both 5 Rooms. layout
348A, unit 559 faces a
Tjunction, pond and beside the
pond there is a hospital, the
balcony is facing the
hospital.Block 347B unit 523
faces a playround but on the
side there is a canal, I read
that its not good to have a
canal nearby.Could you please
advise me as the flat
is next
week.Currently am staying in
flat that faces an open field
which is auspicious so if
to these new flat is
not good, I
might just
consider staying in my
place instead of moving.
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These are some considerations:-
1. Fernwood Towers @ 24 Fernwood Terrace (Marine Parade/Siglap area)
In the early 1990's during piling work for this development; a worker was killed by the pile (or crushed to death).
2. Melville Park Condo
There was ever a drowning occured in the swimming pool.
3. Goldhill Park Condo
Around 2006 thereabouts, someone was sucked into the suction pipe was drowned to death.
4. Yesterday, I had a call from a reporter from The Straits Times. The article came out, just today, that they found a grave even with a grave marking at Yishun Ave 5. But this is a "peaceful" death.
5. Overall, Yishun is suppose to be an auspicious land and once a popular Teochew village. And long gone, was the orchid and the Yishun cemetry (mostly a Teochew) cemetry.
6. All cemetry sites were suppose to be auspicious. For example, the long gone cemetry that was once at the Orchard MRT station. When Tangs, relocated to the current place where The Marriot Hotel is today.
7. The senario that most mimic the Adora Green is Para 1: Fernwood Towers. But Fernwood Towers is a bit more complicated; part of the land was also abit like Yishun but previously there were kampongs and even graves on that plot of land.
8. Frankly, or realistically speaking, I would be more concerned with Fernwood Towers if I compare this to Adora Green : where the incident has not taken place on it's land itself.
9. In fact, there are many places in Singapore where tragey occurred; "nearby". In my opinion; "nearby" is not as bad as on that land itself.
10. In our line of business, one of the occupational hazards is related to "ghost or spirit" detection. Once in a while we MAY or COULD "meet" or have such an encounter even with homes that have no trace of tragedy. For example, if you were to do a search for something like Haig Road or Block 3 Haig Road etc...
11. Some homes or apartments may encounter "hauntings" is due to: humans bringing in those things accidentally; or a home was left vacant for some time... or for an old home; renovations on a "sensitive" area etc... or if one applies Flying Star Feng Shui; all the YIN stars cluster into a certain sector and perhaps that room is dark and cold or used as a store-room etc...
12. However, unlike people like us which have to go to review and audit so many homes; for a lay person; the statistics are as safe as "taking a plane ride" and landing safely. It is much safer than say riding in a car and getting into one of those @(#)$!@!!!.

On 3/23/2011 3:49:10 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Mr CecilLee,Thank you for the
wonderful tips you have shared below for
choosing an Unit @ Adora Green. I have
also applied for 5 room C2 type unit
which are available at only in a
couple of blocks. Incase we get selected
to choose the unit of our choice we
would be going in for the BLK 348A unit
as the first choice. If not , C1
in blocks 348 B or C facing the park.
Now my worry is that, recently there
were 2 unnatural deaths @ Yishun Pond in
front of AG......of 2 sec 1
students. Will this have any negative
effect on this DBSS? Looking forward for
your commenmts.Thank you,Sincerely,Mr
TanOn 3/3/2011 4:44:01 PM, Cecil Lee
These are some of the
Afternoon SunIn
fact, usually if we were
to look at
a development few units or
were left; majority of these
units/stacks are affected by
afternoon sunlight.Therefore,
is always one of the key criterias
when selecting a home or
terms of Feng Shui;
this is true and too
much exposure
also to afternoon sun
(sun-light ...
to .. heat soaking into
the walls /
coming into windows and even
"sun-burn" ) are concerns.2. Sha Qi
Poison ArrowsIn a development
like this,
where there so many
different blocks and
stacks facing
different directions;
there may be a
likelyhood that a sharp
corner of
another neigbhouring block or
COULD/ MAY be aimed towards one's
dream apartment.Thus, it is best to
to avoid buying such a unit. Of
it is not built yet so how?
If possible
try to study the
neigbouring block and
your "dream
unit" and if there are more
block map, try to figure out as
as possible; whether or could the
corner be sharp or aimed at a
room of the unit one may be
wanting to
purchase.Of course, if
later on it turns
out that way,
there is indeed a sharp
corner aimed
at the unit "window"..
then.. 3.
Such a development have
units/stacks facing many
directions.. thus, check mainly the
breadwinner's best directions:
East or
West Group.4. Also, the
period we are
in. Since we are now
under Period 8;
better apartments
are often the SW / NE
facing. South
etc..5. Units facing main
roads are
often noisy. So is low units
to the dusbin area (smelly). Where
is the power station; How does
cars use the service road in and out
the basement carpark .. will
affect low
floor units facing this
service road
area...6. Any external
threats (if any)
from neigbouring
blocks etc.. etc...On
1:34:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
MasterI plan to buy my
home soon. The units i
chose are
from Block 348A unit
559 and
347B unit 523.
Both 5
Rooms. layout
348A, unit 559 faces a
Tjunction, pond and beside the
pond there is a hospital, the
balcony is facing the
hospital.Block 347B unit 523
faces a playround but on the
side there is a canal, I read
that its not good to have a
canal nearby.Could you please
advise me as the flat
is next
week.Currently am staying in
flat that faces an open field
which is auspicious so if
to these new flat is
not good, I
might just
consider staying in my
place instead of moving.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Oh! I forgot mention; most people have "yang qi"; or simply energy or even "energy field" that is vibrant.
Only those with e.g. negative sort of or rather below average qi may be affected by this. It could be deep depression, plenty of stress and negative feelings. If that "glow" is lost from that person; then more likely to meet or encounter... the ain't too good stuffs!
Thus, if one and everyone beside them have a normal or even positive "glow" of qi; such things hardly if any ...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you Mr Lee, for the good news! We are all relieved!

On 3/23/2011 5:31:47 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Oh! I forgot mention; most
people have "yang qi"; or
simply energy or even "energy
field" that is vibrant.Only
those with e.g. negative sort
of or rather below average qi
may be affected by this. It
could be deep depression,
plenty of stress and negative
feelings. If that "glow" is
lost from that person; then
more likely to meet or
encounter... the ain't too
good stuffs!Thus, if one and
everyone beside them have a
normal or even positive "glow"
of qi; such things hardly if
any ...
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  • 2 years later...
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Most expensive stacks in Adora Green.
Photos taken on the opposite side of the pond over-looking Adora Green.
Only when one looks at the photos; then one gets a "clue" as to why the stacks highlighted; seems to be the most expensive in the EYES of the consumer (purchasers) of specific stacks in this development.
From a Feng Shui point of view; if one were to be at the Adora Green BTO site; one would be wondering : Why so expensive, given that the stacks are at a angle ; at the noisy junction?
Another negative that some felt may be a liability is that these stacks are directly facing the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Yishun.



On 3/24/2011 4:20:20 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Thank you Mr Lee, for the good news! We
are all relieved!On 3/23/2011 5:31:47
PM, Cecil Lee wrote: >Oh! I forgot
mention; most >people have "yang qi";
or >simply energy or even "energy
field" that is vibrant.Only
those with e.g. negative sort >of
or rather below average qi >may be
affected by this. It >could be deep
depression, >plenty of stress and
negative >feelings. If that "glow" is
lost from that person; then >more
likely to meet or >encounter... the
ain't too >good stuffs!Thus, if one
and >everyone beside them have a
normal or even positive "glow"
of qi; such things hardly if >any



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 3 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Living room facing canal

Hi master, 

I am lookin at a unit facing canal, low floor at Cardiff residence - near Lorong Chuan. Is the external Fengshui bad? Any stack from siteplan I should avoid?



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If the canal is similar to it being channeled underground where it disappears just before The Chuan at Chuan Close until SMRT Depot then good.

Since the canal is open air and water flows away from this development towards Kallang river, then it is a cause for concern, here.

Thus not favourable under the Water Classics.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee pinned this topic
  • 3 years later...
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 WHATSAPPx.gif.933b1f171b62310142ae17b5501fc685.gif Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / support@geomancy.net



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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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No wonder, Feng Shui suffers from a bad reputation, today

Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui.
But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui.

Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one:


01 say no to feng shui commercial products.png


Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why.

Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES!

On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client


P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away!

FAKE (3).png




FAKE (7).png

When the buying Stops! The selling Can!



Yes! Ask: "Must I buy from YOU?"

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Type in the unit number to find out



Please go to this link to check a unit number:
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Go to
URL: https://login.geomancy.net
On the blue navigation on the left, click under Free Reports | House Number.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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