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I have read at many places that one should not hang pictures of water bodies or trees in bedroom. But that leaves very little options for paintings in the bedroom. Can you please suggest some ideas about what type of images can be used in bedroom. Is a picture of desert inauspicious in any way? or a picture of an animal?
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These are some considerations:-
1. Just imagine humans are not exactly homogeneous!
2. In the past, I mentioned: some of us can sleep like a pig; with mirrors all over our bedroom; but some feel very uncomfortable!
3. One of my main examples was: that in some Feng Shui books; it states that when we sleep; it is said that our spirit wakes up and if there is a mirror; it see's itself in the mirror and goes into shock!
4. I had also mentioned; what happened if the spirit is more extrovert? It likes to see itself in the mirror; to check if the hair is not in a mess. If so, the spirit would want to comb hair before flying off to meet one's friend.
5. Again it is like some of us can eat chilli padi; while some others cannot? This sort of thing.
6. Another detriment is to some people; they may be affected by; "gossips" by friends or even relatives. Just imagine; a relative steps into your bedroom and comment: Hey! your mirror is not auspicious! For some of us; it will affect these people: psychologically.
7. Thus, to many negative comments from friends or relatives; may make the person feel kinda of not so good. Even if nothing is wrong at all!
8. I must make a confession! Since the day, I bought a new home till now; I had hung a western countryside painting that has both trees and water! At my bed-head! So, how?
9. I can't be bothered by it!
10. In theory, water such as a painting of water fall is considered "yang" and not favourable in a "yin" environment.
11. In addition, plants or trees are said to be growing; thus, it is why some geomancers say, don't place a real plant or tree in a bedroom. As growth means Yang!
12. Frankly, do things for yourself or how you personally feel; not because some others tell you that it can or cannot be done!
13. God Bless all of US (other than those in North Korea or some other dictatorship) countries!
14. Here, many of us are in countries where we are "free" to think or do what we want! Why must you be scared of this or that?
15. If you really like an animal painting, go ahead!
16. There are even some fish lovers; I have seen that have a fish tank; yes, a fish tank in their bedroom for many donkey years!
17. The strange thing about human luck or human factors is that if one feels Ok about it; usually it should be OK..

On 3/8/2011 1:42:27 PM, Anonymous wrote:
sir,I have read at many places
that one should not hang
pictures of water bodies or
trees in bedroom. But that
leaves very little options for
paintings in the bedroom. Can
you please suggest some ideas
about what type of images can
be used in bedroom. Is a
picture of desert inauspicious
in any way? or a picture of an

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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