myfs_149259 Posted March 9, 2011 Share Posted March 9, 2011 Hi Master,I am in the midst of looking for a new single storey link-house. According to my Bazi, I am a strong Metal person. My favor elements are Wood & Water. In addition, I am also a Kua 7, where I notice my 4 good direction does not contains with either Wood or Water.With that I definitely can't have a have a good main door facing my best directions with either Wood or Water,i) How could I optimize my Heaven Luck, Earth Luck & Human Luck?Kindly advise. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 13, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 13, 2011 These are some of the considerations:-1. In my opinion; the major key success factor is : Location, location and location.2. The most sensible thing one should do; like the majority of people is: to bring your partner and or the entire family to the proposed new home.3. In fact, Para 2; is always what most of us do until some "discovered" Fung Sway!4. Just imagine; majority of us depend on our instincts to purchase a home. And in fact; majority have been successful.5. When one starts or try to make sane of so many Feng Shui and even Bazi concepts; here; the yearn for the perfect home is injected into our head.6. In a house hunting report; there is the overview of the 15 directions and which directions are very good; good; so-so; inauspicious based on the Flying Star + another variable = when the home is/was built.7. Unless one is applying Ba zi Feng Shui; then one has to evaluate Para 6 with your best directions. And some apply Ba zi Feng Shui. If so, with more variables; as you had found out... for a novice; or not an expert in the Can or cannot buy field; it is trying to walk into a mine-field and home that one does not step onto a mine.8. In general:-8.1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui: Location, location and location is of paramount importance.8.2. Next greater weigthage is to the Flying Star Feng Shui8.3. As for the eight house; if Para 8.2. is an excellent house; then for the breadwinner; the facing direction can be "irritation" or "spook" vs "death" or "disaster"; And other considerations include; looking into the sector(s) how best does family member's fit.8.4. The dreaded afternoon sun is still a major consideration8.5. Another consideration is Bazi Feng Shui. Some geomancers consider that since Bazi has more inputs: and in a very detailed bazi : DD/MM/YYYY and Time is included; thus; some geomancers say this has a higher weighage than just the Eight House. As this Eight House thing has fewer variable inputs e.g. Year of birth as the consideration.9. Thus, under 8.5. the concept of G.I.G.O. may be a consideration. Since Bazi uses so many detailed information (even without the time of birth) it is still considered fairly accurate vs say the Eight House.10. The only senario is that unfortunately, bazi results often differs. Thus, there are many geomancers that can get your bazi wrong, also. So, if your bazi is analysed wrongly; then.. so is the results.11. Thus this goes back to Para 2. above. This is the most practical method! Quote On 3/9/2011 9:25:22 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Master,I am in the midst oflooking for a new singlestorey link-house. Accordingto my Bazi, I am a strongMetal person. My favorelements are Wood & Water.In addition, I am also a Kua7, where I notice my 4 gooddirection does not containswith either Wood or Water.Withthat I definitely can't have ahave a good main door facingmy best directions with eitherWood or Water,i) How could Ioptimize my Heaven Luck, EarthLuck & Human Luck?Kindlyadvise. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 13, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 13, 2011 This is usually how a Can or Cannot Buy House Hunting (Guildline) Report looks like..The report looks at the main breadwinner and analyses the various stars, combinations, suitability with housewith ba zi suitability. This this sample is of a male personDate of Birth: 23 Mar 1978 and the House is a Period 8: 2004 onwards till 2023:- Type of House Direction of Main Door Excellent House N1 (337.5-352.4) , E1 (67.5-82.4) , S1 (157.5-172.4) , S2 (172.5-187.4) , S3 (187.5-202.4) Auspicious House N2 (352.5-7.4) , N3 (7.5-22.4) , E2 (82.5-97.4) , E3 (97.5-112.4) , SE1 (112.5-127.4) Auspicious/Average but Unsuitable House SE2 (127.5-142.4) , SE3 (142.5-157.4) Inauspicious House NW2 (307.5-322.4) , NW3 (322.5-337.4) , NE1 (22.5-37.4) , NE2 (37.5-52.4) , NE3 (52.5-67.4) , SW1 (202.5-217.4) , SW2 (217.5-232.4) , SW3 (232.5-247.4) , W1 (247.5-262.4) , W2 (262.5-277.4) , W3 (277.5-292.4) , NW1 (292.5-307.4) Quote On 3/13/2011 4:23:28 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some of the considerations:-1.In my opinion; the major key successfactor is : Location, location andlocation.2. The most sensible thing oneshould do; like the majority of peopleis: to bring your partner and or theentire family to the proposed newhome.3. In fact, Para 2; is always whatmost of us do until some "discovered"Fung Sway!4. Just imagine; majority ofus depend on our instincts to purchase ahome. And in fact; majority have beensuccessful.5. When one starts or try tomake sane of so many Feng Shui and evenBazi concepts; here; the yearn for theperfect home is injected into ourhead.6. In a house hunting report; thereis the overview of the 15 directions andwhich directions are very good; good;so-so; inauspicious based on the FlyingStar + another variable = when the homeis/was built.7. Unless one is applyingBa zi Feng Shui; then one has toevaluate Para 6 with your bestdirections. And some apply Ba zi FengShui. If so, with more variables; as youhad found out... for a novice; or not anexpert in the Can or cannot buy field;it is trying to walk into a mine-fieldand home that one does not step onto amine.8. In general:-8.1. Shapes andForms Feng Shui: Location, location andlocation is of paramount importance.8.2.Next greater weigthage is to the FlyingStar Feng Shui8.3. As for the eighthouse; if Para 8.2. is an excellenthouse; then for the breadwinner; thefacing direction can be "irritation" or"spook" vs "death" or "disaster"; Andother considerations include; lookinginto the sector(s) how best does familymember's fit.8.4. The dreaded afternoonsun is still a major consideration8.5.Another consideration is Bazi Feng Shui.Some geomancers consider that since Bazihas more inputs: and in a very detailedbazi : DD/MM/YYYY and Time is included;thus; some geomancers say this has ahigher weighage than just the EightHouse. As this Eight House thing hasfewer variable inputs e.g. Year of birthas the consideration.9. Thus, under 8.5.the concept of G.I.G.O. may be aconsideration. Since Bazi uses so manydetailed information (even without thetime of birth) it is still consideredfairly accurate vs say the EightHouse.10. The only senario is thatunfortunately, bazi results oftendiffers. Thus, there are many geomancersthat can get your bazi wrong, also. So,if your bazi is analysed wrongly; is the results.11. Thus this goesback to Para 2. above. This is the mostpractical method!On 3/9/2011 9:25:22 PM,Anonymous wrote:Hi Master,I am inthe midst oflooking for a newsinglestorey link-house. Accordingto my Bazi, I am a strongMetalperson. My favorelements are Wood& Water.In addition, I am alsoa Kua7, where I notice my 4 gooddirection does not containswitheither Wood or Water.Withthat Idefinitely can't have ahave a goodmain door facingmy best directionswith eitherWood or Water,i) Howcould Ioptimize my Heaven Luck,EarthLuck & Human Luck?Kindlyadvise. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 19, 2024 Staff Share Posted December 19, 2024 GEOMANCY.NET IS THE OLDEST FENG SHUI FORUM IN THE WORLD holds the distinction of being the oldest Feng Shui forum globally, serving as a significant platform for discussions and insights related to this ancient practice. Its longevity underscores its importance as a Leader in the field of Feng Shui. How can we help you today? GET EXPERT HELP: IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Comprehensive Home Package [A.]: On-site or [B.]: Off-site for HDB / Condo / EC & Landed Properties for New/Re-Sale House or facing financial/ marriage/ relationship/ health issues Do you offer a 1 visit On-site audit? How much? " As much as we see, has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. " Success starts with good Feng Shui Transparent Pricing & No Hidden Costs. No Purchase of Products. Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / House Hunting? We will help you select the most auspicious unit! Learn More The Experts in House Hunting AUSPICIOUS DATES FOR ONE OR TWO PERSONS Please visit 30 Days Auspicious Date for ONE or TWO Person(s) - FengShui.Geomancy.Net +++ Related: Non-Religious Chinese Customs For New Re-Sale Home +++ ALL ELSE KEEP CALM AND LET CECIL HANDLE IT Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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