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Direction of Table fountain
Before CNY, I bought a table fountain and placed at NW directionand to my understanding that was the wealth direction. Recently I changed it to the N direction. Mymain door is facing N 350 degrees. Is it the correct direction to place the fountain. Iam facing a financial crisis, something has gone wrong. Pls advice
Danny Yeo

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1. Please refer to the following link:-

2011 Flying Star Forecast



Take note the following sectors:-

  • Sickness Star this year is at South
  • Misfortune/Sickness Star this year is at East
  • Disputes/Quarrel Star this year is at North
  • Education/Romance Star this year is at South-West

  • Grand Duke this year is East, 90 Degree.
    - Avoid sitting facing the grand duke or disturbing him by having renovations.
  • Location in Conflict is West.
    - Avoid having renovations done opposite the location in conflict.
2. This year after CNY; the "Quarrels, disputes, lawsuits and legal entanglements" has moved to NORTH = #3. #3 belongs to the Wood element.
3. Thus, based on the Flying Star for this year; it is not advantages to move your water feature from NW to North. Here, under the Five elements concept: Water fuels or inflames Wood.
4. In this case, it aint' useful - in fact more harm to have a water feature moved towards North.
5. This is a very useful and practical concept; an observation I made donkey years ago; i.e. in the 1980's:-
The Customer Engineer Concept:-
6. Given the limited information; it is good to reflect on what one has done earlier...

On 3/20/2011 8:19:08 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Direction of Table
fountainBefore CNY, I bought a
table fountain and placed at
NW directionand to my
understanding that was the
wealth direction. Recently I
changed it to the N direction.
Mymain door is facing N
350 degrees. Is it the correct
direction to place the
fountain. Iam facing a
financial crisis, something
has gone wrong. Pls
adviceRegardsDanny Yeo

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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