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Frankly, this is not a racist question or anything of that sort.
This is an international forum and the internet is worldwide. Thus, not all races have even heard of Qing Ming less adhere to the culture and "respect" of the dead on Qing Ming.
Thus, in my opinion; "It depends!"
It depends on whether are you a Chinese or "others".
If you are a Chinese; or pure Chinese then of course; the Chinese find it disrespectful to move house during the Qing Ming which is on 5th April 2011. And many Chinese don't move one week before or after Qing Ming.
Even if one is a Chinese female and often married to a westerner than less likely to adhere to the concern for Qing Ming.
Thus.. therefore.. two words: "IT DEPENDS!". You have to check yrou "skin" and roots?
If I am westerner; I would heck care with Qing Ming as it is not my cultural practise.
Got it? Get it?

On 3/21/2011 4:52:22 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Can moving of house be in the
month of Qing Ming ? Based on
the Auspicious Date search in
Gemoancynet, it appears to be
auspicious. Can u advise ?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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