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Hi, I really enjoy the site. I put together a flying star chart for the apartment my wife and I are moving to, and I found that the room we're planning on using as our bedroom has a sitting star #5 (which seems to be bad, although I don't really know). The only other bedroom in the apartment has a sitting star of #3, so not much better, and it has a facing star #8, so I was looking forward to using it as an office.
What should we do about this? Is there some way to mitigate having this star or are we just sort of out of luck?
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  • Staff

These are some of the considerations:-
1. Priority should be given to the Water and Mountain stars.
2. If I read you correctly; when you mention "sitting" star; I believe you are refering to the base star or some call it the palace star.
3. Well, it is preferred to look more closely at the both the Water and Mountain stars vs just only the "sitting" star(s).

On 4/5/2011 4:48:38 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi, I really enjoy the
site. I put together a
flying star chart for the
apartment my wife and I are
moving to, and I found that
the room we're planning on
using as our bedroom has a
sitting star #5 (which seems
to be bad, although I don't
really know). The only
other bedroom in the apartment
has a sitting star of #3, so
not much better, and it has a
facing star #8, so I was
looking forward to using it as
an office.What should we do
about this? Is there
some way to mitigate having
this star or are we just sort
of out of luck?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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