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Dear Master Lee,
My Kua number is 7. I belong to West Group. In my office, there are two possible positions where my office desk can be placed: one is facing North and the other is facing East.
I read that both these direction are not good for me in terms of feng shui. Please advise me any ways I could do to improve the feng shui of my office.
Thank you and warmest regards,
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1. Frankly, I have always mentioned: about the concept of The Three-Step-Approach
2. If one is applying the Eight House / Four Good and Four Bad directions: under this concept: either you work within a good sector and equally nice to have work facing a good direction OR ELSE..... look up the above link....... (FULL STOP).
3. Please note that both the Eight House / 4 Good-bad directions belong to the Compass School of Feng Shui. The other concept is the Flying Star Feng Shui.
4. The later (Flying Star)is more flexible as it suppose to have a "cure" for each sector. The downside is one has to do the homework to work out a "CORRECT" chart.. analyse and propose a solution (if any).

On 4/27/2011 1:52:16 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Lee,My Kua number
is 7. I belong to West Group.
In my office, there are two
possible positions where my
office desk can be placed: one
is facing North and the other
is facing East.I read that
both these direction are not
good for me in terms of feng
shui. Please advise me any
ways I could do to improve the
feng shui of my office.Thank
you and warmest regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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On 4/27/2011 3:36:22 PM, Anonymous wrote:
CONCEPT1. Frankly, I have always
mentioned: about the concept of The
Three-Step-Approach2. If one is applying
the Eight House / Four Good and Four Bad
directions: under this concept: either
you work within a good sector and
equally nice to have work facing a good
direction OR ELSE..... look up the above
that both the Eight House / 4 Good-bad
directions belong to the Compass School
of Feng Shui. The other concept is the
Flying Star Feng Shui. 4. The later
(Flying Star)is more flexible as
it suppose to have a "cure" for each
sector. The downside is one has to do
the homework to work out a "CORRECT"
chart.. analyse and propose a solution
(if any). On 4/27/2011 1:52:16 PM,
Anonymous wrote: >Dear Master Lee,My
Kua number >is 7. I belong to West
Group. >In my office, there are two
possible positions where my
office desk can be placed: one
is facing North and the other >is
facing East.I read that >both these
direction are not >good for me in
terms of feng >shui. Please advise me
any >ways I could do to improve the
feng shui of my office.Thank >you
and warmest regards,
There is a saying that flying stars yield faster results but if one wants a long term solution then refer back to 8 mansions. True?
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In my opinion; actually, both belong to the same Compass School of Feng Shui.
Yes, Flying staris suppose to yield faster results;especially if oneis "spot-on" withthe timely analysis + implementation of cures or enhancement i.e.it was DONE in a TIMELY manner i.e. time dimension.
1. For most people; once a Flying star analysis has been completed; how often e.g. yearly adjusts the fine tuning. Thus, if one does not regularly "update" it;
2. Thus; just imagine any vehicle. In a hot humid; start-stop traffic city especially Singapore; it is always recommended to change engine oil at a specific interval e.g. say every 10-15,000 KM OR 6 months whichever comes first.
3. I am not implying that Flying star must be done reguarly; the gist of it is based on "timely stars". And it is like a modern car with lots of electronics and more complicated to "fix" and "fine tune".
4. While the Eight Mansions is based purely on one's Year of birth. And is static.
5. Thus; on a moving average; therefore in the long term; perhaps the Eight Mansions will get more "hits".
6. We can compare to history. For example in the 2nd World War: Germany produced their tanks: Panzer III and IV tanks. These tanks were of engineering marvel (kinda like the Flying Star); but harder to produce in mass. While Russia produced a cheap and robust tank T-34. (sounds similar to Eight Mansions).
7. Here, Germany could not produce more and during winter; the tanks were not as robust as Russia's. And Russia; simply produce so many that even the superior Germany tigers were OUTNUMBERED.
8. Some say: "Keep it simple, stupid!" applies OR K.I.S.S. is true; here?
Note: How to get a person's 8 Mansions wrong? It is based purely on one's Year of Birth! While for the Flying Star; as many of us know; many Geomancers can't even agree on the basic thing like the facing direction. Not withstanding how to properly interpret or even how to apply a cure or enhancement!

On 4/29/2011 8:20:56 AM, Anonymous wrote:
On 4/27/2011 3:36:22 PM, Cecil Lee
CONCEPT1. Frankly, I have always
mentioned: about the concept of The
Three-Step-Approach2. If one is
the Eight House / Four Good and Four
directions: under this concept:
you work within a good sector and
equally nice to have work facing a
direction OR ELSE..... look up the
link....... (FULL STOP).COMPASS
that both the Eight House / 4
directions belong to the Compass
of Feng Shui. The other concept is
Flying Star Feng Shui. 4. The later
(Flying Star)is more flexible
it suppose to have a "cure" for each
sector. The downside is one has to
the homework to work out a "CORRECT"
chart.. analyse and propose a
(if any). On 4/27/2011 1:52:16 PM,
Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master
Kua number
is 7. I belong to
In my office, there are
possible positions where my
office desk can be placed: one
is facing North and the other
facing East.I read that
direction are not
good for me in
terms of feng
shui. Please
advise me
ways I could do to improve
feng shui of my office.Thank
and warmest regards,Master,There is
a saying that flying stars yield faster
results but if one wants a long term
solution then refer back to 8 mansions.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Frankly, in my opinion; if we think-out-of the box; I personally feel that in many situations; the Holy Trinity of Luck applies.
2. Here, as many of us know:-
Heaven Luck = born with
Earth Luck = Feng Shui
Human or Man Luck = feelings and psychology
3. My observations are that often if one applies the Eight Mansions; it is a clear-cut case. This theory is so simple; not rocket science; and in my opinion is like or similiar to those "smart-weapons" of today.
3.1. "Press" and forget about it.
3.2. Thus, after one apply it; one don't have to constantly search our minds or seek further advice; to check if it is ok to do so..
3.3. Thus majority of this "simpleton" go on with their daily lifes.
4. Unlike the caricature which I had posted in the first message. While the man "rest" easy afterwards; that woman would often think "for this year; must I? should I? make any changes...
5. Thus... if we are unsettled; then it can often affect our Human or Man Luck factor. Which also accounts for as much or even more than 33.3333 percent of the total marks!
6. Never ever discount one's feelings : be it good; bad; being unsettled; etc...
7. Alternatively; just forget about this think called : FUNG SWAY.. and go on with our regular lifes...
8. For example; I remember a recent "lady" user her was so enthusiastic in sending in many questions some considered as "first time ever posted into this forum".
9. I was correct; after a while; many go on with their lifes... and take the Feng Shui fad as a passing phase.. perhaps... like some sort of "infatuation".
10. We are all humans.. and there are many out there that; take up a hobby and then give it up for some reason or other... it is natural...
11. Unfortunately or fortunately, you can't say the same for me. My passion is and will always be the Fung Suay curosity! I love it.. (full stop)

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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