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These are some considerations:
1. Whatlike the "mosque like" building is in my opinion not a sha qi or poison arrow fromWHERE you had taken the photo.
2. Usually,when standing at where you took the photo; it should be directly facing the location. Here; it seems more like to the left side ofthe"location". Thus, definitely not a threat.
3. From a broader perspective; some may consider a "threat" as what I had mentioned under Para 2: where it is directly facing the "location".
4. Frankly, there are other considerations like the distance. Thus; the distance of thebuilding is consideredquite a distance away.
5.For example; thePetronas Twin-Tower. This building is so tall and"huge" thus it is illogical to imply that because of this building; the whole of the neighbourhood is "threaten by this building". Since it is like your picture a "circular + geomatric" type of shape. And not exactlylike a durian but hasgentle spinesprotuding in every direction.
6.1 Usually, the threat is often from the edge of the roof that coincidewithour location. Thus ifsay our flat is at 5th storey high and the roof edge is similiar heightand in close proximity this may pose a threat or sha qi.
6.2. Thus if there is a "spine" such of a church cross at the roof level of the church e.g. 8th storey high. And our unit is exactly at the same level of this cross on the roof; then it may be considered as a poison arrow.
6.3 I am surprised that some geomancers have mistaken a spine e.g. the antennae on a tall building as a poison arrow. For example, we know that the Petronas tower has two antennaes or tip. When we are standing at say 20 storey; we can see this spine (antennae). If we go up higher at 40 storey of our building.. we still can see it. But this should not be construed as a threat at our level. The threat is horizontal or at the same level of the spine or antennae. Much like a street lamp post slicing towards say a main door entrance at the same ground level.

On 5/4/2011 4:26:35 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Lee,Is this
considered poison arrows too?
The building seems far and
across a river. If it is,
which Day Master it harm the
most?Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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