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Dear Master Lee
1. I've read in your previous reply that painting the ceiling in one go, doing a major renovation, lifting the roof and doing a majorcelebration qualifies the house to move to period 8.
2. My question is does painting the ceiling alone in one go (without doing a major celebration, renovation) qualifies the houseto move to period 8. And lastly what does it specifically means "painting the entire ceiling in one go"? does it have a time table to finish the entire painting job?what if the entire painting job without pause(including the exterior ceiling) will last for 3 week job will it still qualifies?
Thank you in advance.
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These are some of the considerations:
1. Assuming most of us have a working life-span of 40 to 50 years; most of us only get to see or experience an actual change of qi 2 or the most 3 times of such an occurrence in our life. (Flying star qi changes every 20 years).
1.1. Thus, frankly, best to take a pinch of salt if anyone in the entire Feng Shui world or internet can be that accurate in saying that if one follows such and such a procedure; the success rate if high!
1.2. In fact, as mentioned under Para 1; even amongst Geomancers; it is considered like all talk or theoritical / symbolic how to change to a new period qi.
2. Thus, to be honest; many of us geomancers can't be said to have or be said to be highly specialised in this field.
2.1. For example; for quite many years; Hong Kong and Singapore geomancers do share the same experience(s). That of high density high rise living. And naturally, we do see more of or conduct more Feng Shui audits in this area than say a geomancer in Malaysia, Indonesia or Taiwan.
3. Two schools of thoughts regarding change:
3.1. One school fo thought says that especially for high rise buildings; especially the foundation still remains with the old period. And for an apartment or flat in such a building; it is considered as an uphill task to change to a new period. Given that the "roof" is fixed; etc.. etc..
3.2. The second school of thought believes in symbolism: As you had mentioned; some of the things need to change to the new period.
4. In my opinion; the higher success rate goes more to landed properties. Especially when they knock down the shell or change nearly everything; the main door; windows; actual roofing and more. As for flats or apartments; the success-rate is much like what has been mentioned under Para 3.1. and the most meaningful term here is "a truly uphill task".
4.1. If one has the time i.e. a DIYer; do plot out two flying star charts and logically monitor from there.

On 5/18/2011 8:56:53 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Lee1. I've read in
your previous reply that
painting the ceiling in one
go, doing a major renovation,
lifting the roof and doing a
qualifies the house to move to
period 8.2. My question is
does painting the ceiling
alone in one go (without doing
a major celebration,
renovation) qualifies the
houseto move to period
8. And lastly what does it
specifically means "painting
the entire ceiling in one go"?
does it have a time table to
finish the entire painting
job?what if the entire
painting job without
pause(including the
exterior ceiling) will last
for 3 week job will it
still qualifies?Thank you in

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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