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These are some considerations:
1. Take a look at the attached photo. Although this photo is from a shop-store located in a shopping complex.
2. From the photo; one can obviously see lots of items and even fallen pieces of paper all over the place.
3. Thus, based on "commonsense" think hard before one replaces a kitchen wall or even a study room wall with glass.
3.1. By installing glass panels; one has to make sure that the specific room or kitchen has to be extremely, extremely tidy!
3.2. Furthermore; if lots of glass is used; the joints need to be considered. In this sample shop-store; the joints of the glass seems to "slice" thru the counter girl's "image". This is not ideal.
4. I had come across many youngsters who don't really consider such things; why spent more money to knock down solid walls (that can hide things e.g. in a kitchen; there are lots of unsightly items like knifes and often; the kitchen leads to the yard.. where some even hang undies and bras etc... So why spent money unwisely?
5. To sum up: Looking at the photo: Doesn't it look UNTIDY?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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