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I found an apartment number 1254 and the building complex was built in 2000. According to the computerized feng shui flying star house number, it is not good. Would you recommend me not picking this unit based on this?
If I do pick it, how can I remedy the brain, stomach illness that it predicts?

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1. Frankly, in several of the past messages; the house number analysis is better used in situations for a new development where many of the stacks and units are available.
2. Here, for example within a stack; one can quickly check which level or storey or floor is better. For example stack #08 has most of the units available. For example; stack #9 could be better than say #7 or #10. In such situations.
3. In a "no-choice" or highly limited choice senario of resale homes; even if another unit in the same stack is better; and if no one wants to sell it; not much use, here.
4. In the final situation: Shapes and Forms and things like plotting out the Flying Star chart for that unit is your best bet in such a situation where the apartment level (floor or storey) may not be auspicous.

On 6/9/2011 11:25:01 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi,I found an apartment number
1254 and the building complex
was built in 2000. According
to the computerized feng shui
flying star house number, it
is not good. Would you
recommend me not picking this
unit based on this? If I do
pick it, how can I remedy the
brain, stomach illness that it

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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