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Dear Mr Cecil,
I'm confurse on the facing of flying star and 8 mansion house are they the same.
For example, flying star facing should be the most bright and view frontage of the house like balcony/ windows. If my house frontage is the balcony should I applied the same 8 mansions house facing at the balcony or main door. i.e flying star applied on balcony facing and 8 mansions applied on the main door facing? or Both flying star and 8 mansion apply on the same facing?
Thank you
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These are some considerations:
1. Both Flying Star and Eight Mansions belong to the same School.
2. They belong to the Compass School.
3. What you mentioned has more to do with technique(s).
3.1. For example, when you say "the most bright and view frontage" this is a precusor to trying to use which sector to PLOT a flying star.
4. Since both Flying Star and Eight mansions belong to the compass school; and both depend on one single entity: the MAGNETIC North.
5. Therefore, how can they differ when we need to match both onto a layout that has ONE single NORTH marking on it.
6. Therefore, one should not confuse upon the technique to determine the facing direction of the Flying star vs the compass marking.

On 7/20/2011 11:36:20 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Mr Cecil,I'm confurse on
the facing of flying star and
8 mansion house are they the
same.For example, flying star
facing should be the most
bright and view frontage of
the house like balcony/
windows. If my house frontage
is the balcony should I
applied the same 8 mansions
house facing at the balcony
or main door. i.e flying
star applied on balcony facing
and 8 mansions applied on the
main door facing? or Both
flying star and 8 mansion
apply on the same facing?Thank

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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