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Master Cecil,
We plan to set our bedhead on the same wall as the toilet's bath tub as shown on the picture as this will be our good facing. Understand that the toilet bowl shouldn't be same wall as bedhead. How about bath tub? Also the MBR toilet door is facing the master bed room's door, do we need to add a screen divider in-between to block it?

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"You are the one that posted the question on: Walk-in-closet".
I can assure you that AGAIN, this question has very much to do with commonsense.
Thus, as mentioned under your previous thread "Walk-in-closet";
One should put on their thinking CAP and try to find out the answer, on your own.
You don't need a Cowsense Geomancer to do it for you, rite?
Off-track: In the past, in the 1980's IBM marketing personel would give away... pads with a bold BLUE word "THINK" on the lined pad.
I believe, that was how; later, IBM chose to name their PC = THINKPAD!
I strongly encourage you to put on your THINKING CAP... Got it? GET it?

On 7/21/2011 1:21:37 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Master Cecil,We plan to set
our bedhead on the same wall
as the toilet's bath tub as
shown on the picture as this
will be our good facing.
Understand that the toilet
bowl shouldn't be same wall as
bedhead. How about bath tub?
Also the MBR toilet door is
facing the master bed room's
door, do we need to add a
screen divider in-between to
block it?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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