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Is the front door determined by the direction it is actually located in? Our front door is facing North in our area--but is this the way I actually determine the baqua houses or do I need to have an eight house report done and use that one?
Thank you very much

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Dear Carrie,
Please read below:-

On 11/16/99 8:32:56 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Is the front door determined
by the direction it is
actually located in? Our
front door is facing North in
our area--but is this the way
I actually determine the baqua
houses or do I need to have an
eight house report done and
use that one?
Thank you very much
If you are using the Eight House, simply standing at the center of the house and using a compass, you can tell if your main door is in which direction.

So in your case, it can be said that your door is a North door, which means a North house.
Then, all you need to do is divide the house into an 8 pie of (45 degree angle) each to assess your home with the Eight House Theory.
If you have the time, you can view the compass method at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/cecilcompass.htm
Hope that helps.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
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