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1. There are four blocks in this development: 588A, 588B, 588C and 588D.
2. Each block has two units that directly face the car-park and parallel to Ang Mo Kio Street 52. These apartments based on Streetdirectory map (onemap.sg) is at 15 degrees facing.
3. The rest of the units or stacks either face 154 degrees and/or 195 degrees.
4. This is based on the street directory map + protractor method.
5. All street directory maps be it digital or satellite maps are all based on geographic North or TRUE NORTH.
6. In Singapore; one need not compensate for the Magnetic North deviation or delination. As the TRUE NORTH is for Feng Shui purposes equal to the Magnetic North.
7. Often, prior to going to do a on-site survey; I will prepare a layout such as shown in the attachment.
8. For this four blocks, it can be clearly seen thru the outline that probably, there are three facing directions: 15 degrees or 154 degrees or 195 degrees.
9. This reading will be matched with the on-site reading using the Luo pan and the various compass in one's arsenal.
10. I find that this is a productive and efficient method of preparation; prior to the first visit or survey.
11. The alternative for such new developments is to obtain the siteplan in the sales brochure and manually match the protractor and measure the degrees off it!

On 9/11/2011 1:33:09 PM, Anonymous wrote:
HDB DBSS Park Central @ Ang Mo
Kio St 52, just TOP
recently.Conveniently near-by
to the Ang Mo Kio Central MRT
station and opposite the Cheng
San market cum food-court.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Majority of the photos are of the car park entrance side (facing 1st block 588A). Access through Ang Mo Kio St 52

On 9/11/2011 6:53:04 PM, Anonymous wrote:
1. There are four blocks in this
development: 588A, 588B, 588C and
588D.2. Each block has two units that
directly face the car-park and parallel
to Ang Mo Kio Street 52. These
apartments based on Streetdirectory map
(onemap.sg) is at 15 degrees facing.3.
The rest of the units or stacks either
face 154 degrees and/or 195 degrees.4.
This is based on the street directory
map + protractor method.5. All street
directory maps be it digital or
satellite maps are all based on
geographic North or TRUE NORTH.6. In
Singapore; one need not compensate for
the Magnetic North deviation or
delination. As the TRUE NORTH is for
Feng Shui purposes equal to the Magnetic
North. 7. Often, prior to going to do a
on-site survey; I will prepare a layout
such as shown in the attachment. 8. For
this four blocks, it can be clearly seen
thru the outline that probably, there
are three facing directions: 15 degrees
or 154 degrees or 195 degrees.9. This
reading will be matched with the on-site
reading using the Luo pan and the
various compass in one's arsenal.10. I
find that this is a productive and
efficient method of preparation; prior
to the first visit or survey.11. The
alternative for such new developments is
to obtain the siteplan in the sales
brochure and manually match the
protractor and measure the degrees off
it!On 9/11/2011 1:33:09 PM, Cecil Lee
HDB DBSS Park Central @ Ang
Kio St 52, just TOP
recently.Conveniently near-by
the Ang Mo Kio Central MRT
and opposite the Cheng
San market
cum food-court.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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