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1. Is this house considered at a L-Junction. (L-Junction and T-Junctions are quite similar form of sha-qi).
2. Yes, in theory, Yes, definitely this house is at a L-Junction.
3. But under Shapes and Forms, a further question need to be asked:
3.1. Which country is this photo taken from?
3.2. So what if this house is at an L-Junction. So long as Singapore's cars are "RIGH-HAND" drive; there is no issue with a Sha qi or poison arrow.
4. However, if this is in the US, China or many European countries other than UK, this may be considered as a sha qi.
5. Therefore, for homes at a T-Junction or in this case an L-Junction; do always remember "Righ-hand" or "Left-hand" drive vehicles of that country.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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