myfs_141454 Posted November 2, 2011 Share Posted November 2, 2011 Dear Master Lee,I watch several programs saying the North West direction is the favorable directionsand South is not the favorable direction this year.When i consulted you last year you plot out that my favorable facing direction is East and Southso should i still face the south or avoid south here.Abit confused hereNext how do i tapped/search for my wealth sector, cause i shifted from the place you came to audit my unit. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 2, 2011 Staff Share Posted November 2, 2011 Reference: 2011 Flying Star ForecastNorth831975426South2. Please note that Flying Star Feng Shui is based on time dimensions.3. For example, we are under Flying Star Period 8. Which spans between 2004 to 2023. 4. When a geomancer plots a flying star chart for your home; we often plot a 20 YEAR flying star chart. This means that we have taken into consideration three variables per sector. 5. For example, please see sample, below. We already consider three variables say in the NW sector. E.g. #2 #3 and Base #8. While of course this year, #8 happens to be at that sector.Paid Summarized Chart for a GroupNorth-West(Metal - white/gold)283year 8GOOD sector [1.] Health[2.] Death[3.] Spook[4.] SpookComb. 10 Mountain StarNorth(Water - blue/black/gray)737year 3GOOD sector [1.] Spook[2.] Longevity[3.] Health[4.] Health2011 has inauspicious star 3Mountain Star foundWater Star foundComb. 10 Water StarComb. 10 Mountain StarNorth-East(Earth - yellow)915year 1GOOD sector [1.] Excellent[2.] Disaster[3.] Irritation[4.] IrritationComb. 10 Mountain StarWest(Metal - white/gold)194year 9GOOD sector [1.] Longevity[2.] Spook[3.] Death[4.] DeathComb. 10 Mountain StarCenter(Earth - yellow)372year 7GOOD sector 2011 has inauspicious star 7Comb. 10 Mountain StarEast(Wood - green/brown)559year 5INAUSPICIOUS sector [1.] Irritation[2.] Prosperity[3.] Excellent[4.] ExcellentSector Cure: Metal2011 has inauspicious star 5Duplicate Mountain StarComb. 10 Mountain StarSouth-West(Earth - yellow)648year 4GOOD sector [1.] Prosperity[2.] Irritation[3.] Disaster[4.] DisasterComb. 10 Mountain StarSouth(Fire - red)826year 2GOOD sector [1.] Disaster[2.] Excellent[3.] Prosperity[4.] Prosperity2011 has inauspicious star 2Comb. 10 Mountain Star(Main Door)South-East(Wood - green/brown)461year 6EXCELLENT sector [1.] Death[2.] Health[3.] Longevity[4.] LongevityComb. 10 Mountain StarChart LegendSector Cure - represents the suggested cure for the inauspicious stars found in the 20-year analysis for the sector. This cures must be implemented to remove the inauspicious influence created by the Mountain Star, Base Star and Water Star.2011 has inauspicious star - represents the additional inauspicious star which has entered this sector for this particular year (eg. 2011).Mountain Star found - represents that an auspicious mountain star has been found. It can be activated if it is found in a bedroom or in the direction where there is no window (eg. a solid wall). To activate the star either hang a painting of a mountain or put a solid object such as a crystal/paper weight/any items with a solid mass.(Main Door) - represents the direction where the main door is located in reference to the Flying Star Analysis of the house.MSBSWSyear YSNOTE: Flying Star colour scheme, blue is auspicious, red is inauspicious & black is auspicious. Flying Star is formatted as follows, where MS is Mountain Star, WS is Water Star, BS is Base Star, YS is Yearly Star.On Mountain On Water Formation - Water Star is found in the front of the house, while Mountain Star is found at the back of the house. It is desirable to have water in the front and mountain to support the house.Up Mountain Down Water Formation - Mountain Star is found in the front of the house, while Water Star is found at the back of the house. This is deemed inauspicious unless there is water at the back and mountain in front to reinforce this formation.Double Star in Front Formation - This formation should have near water and distant mountain to enhance this structure to activate wealth.Double Star Behind Formation - Requires the necessary near mountain and distant water to enhance this sector to active wealth.Diagonal Star Robbery Formation - Very Auspicious Combination where occupants will enjoy good health, wealth and prosperity for such a house. (!--Duplicate Water Star - Duplicate Mountain Star - -->Combination of 10 Water Star Formation - Combination of 10 in this sector makes this sector auspicious.Combination of 10 Mountain Star Formation - Combination of 10 in this sector makes this sector auspicious. (!--Imprisonment Water Star Formation - Imprisonment Water Star Formation - Serial Stars Formation - -->House Analysed719 or somewhere in SingaporeS2 (180), Period 7 (1984-2003)Main Door/Frontage is located in the South sector of the house.This is considered a Fire (red) element house. No.Name & DOBSuitability to this House[1.]SAMPLE MR ABC26 Jul 1956 5.00 p.m. to 6.59 p.m.Unsuitable as the main door/frontage is Disaster sector[2.]SAMPLE MRS ABC12 Apr 1958 9.00 a.m. to 10.59 a.m.Very Suitable as the main door/frontage is Excellent sector[3.]SON14 May 1988 7.00 a.m. to 8.59 a.m.Suitable as the main door/frontage is Prosperity sector[4.]DAUGHTER20 Sep 1997 5.00 p.m. to 6.59 p.m.Suitable as the main door/frontage is Prosperity sector6. Most geomancers have to responsible and try to balance one's home during an audit based on the 20 Year Flying Star. 7. How often, does one call a geomancer to a home, yearly. For example, we see 500 cases a year. And, if every other client needs to have a review every year for the same home, than we will either be overwhelmed as well as go filthy rich during follow-ups.8. In addition, there is such a thing as the Eight House or Four Good / Bad directions. This is how one's favourable directions are derived!9. Look at it this way: 9.1. We humans have our birth-chart, so does any home.9.2. Since your birthdate and the birthdate or usually TOP date of the home is not the same, therefore, in the simpliest form, your directions may not suit the home.10. Futhermore, frankly, how many people in this world have their home on a huge turntable. And say this year, the best direction is North-west; you mean you have to turn your home's facing direction to North-west??11. So next year how? This is the YEARLY flying star chart for next year:-North729864315South11.1 Next year, the best direction is West. One fine YEAR, the direction will change to "fit" your auspcious directions.12. Frankly, what kind a Feng Shui is, if factors such as this are out of your ANNUAL control?13. Please note that if you had shifted home, you have to re-plot a new Flying Star chart. This chart will aid in not only finding wealth locations but help to fix the leaks.14. Next, year, every donkey site will say that west is good. Again, this is a sector on an ANNUAL basis.15. In fact, as I had mentioned, earlier, go check out your neighbour, or a large percentage of people who had their homes Feng Shuied... how many judiciously look at yearly Feng Shui. Frankly,a very small percentage of what people call "Feng Shui Fanatics ONLY." Quote On 11/2/2011 10:27:15 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Lee,I watchseveral programs saying theNorth West direction is thefavorable directionsand Southis not the favorable directionthis year.When i consulted youlast year you plot out that myfavorable facing direction isEast and Southso should istill face the south or avoidsouth here.Abit confused hereNext how do i tapped/searchfor my wealth sector, cause ishifted from the place youcame to audit my unit. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_141454 Posted November 2, 2011 Share Posted November 2, 2011 Dear Cecil,Thank you for your reply,may i know what are your charges if we engage you to do a fengshui condominium house search ?Do you charge by per hse or one time fee ?pls advise Quote On 11/2/2011 10:49:30 PM, Anonymous wrote:Reference: 2011 Flying Star ForecastNorth831975426South2. Please note thatFlying Star Feng Shui is basedon time dimensions.3. Forexample, we are under FlyingStar Period 8. Which spansbetween 2004 to 2023. 4. Whena geomancer plots a flyingstar chart for your home; weoften plot a 20 YEAR flyingstar chart. This means that wehave taken into considerationthree variables per sector. 5.For example, please seesample, below. We alreadyconsider three variablessay in the NW sector.E.g. #2 #3 and Base #8. Whileof course this year, #8happens to be at thatsector.Paid Summarized Chartfor a GroupNorth-West(Metal - white/gold)283year 8GOOD sector[1.] Health[2.] Death[3.] Spook[4.] SpookComb. 10 Mountain StarNorth(Water - blue/black/gray)737year 3GOOD sector[1.] Spook[2.] Longevity[3.] Health[4.] Health2011 has inauspicious star 3Mountain Star foundWater Star foundComb. 10 Water StarComb. 10 Mountain StarNorth-East(Earth - yellow)915year 1GOOD sector[1.] Excellent[2.] Disaster[3.] Irritation[4.] IrritationComb. 10 Mountain StarWest(Metal - white/gold)194year 9GOOD sector[1.] Longevity[2.] Spook[3.] Death[4.] DeathComb. 10 Mountain StarCenter(Earth - yellow)372year 7GOOD sector2011 has inauspicious star 7Comb. 10 Mountain StarEast(Wood - green/brown)559year 5INAUSPICIOUS sector[1.] Irritation[2.] Prosperity[3.] Excellent[4.] ExcellentSector Cure: Metal2011 has inauspicious star 5Duplicate Mountain StarComb. 10 Mountain StarSouth-West(Earth - yellow)648year 4GOOD sector[1.] Prosperity[2.] Irritation[3.] Disaster[4.] DisasterComb. 10 Mountain StarSouth(Fire - red)826year 2GOOD sector[1.] Disaster[2.] Excellent[3.] Prosperity[4.] Prosperity2011 has inauspicious star 2Comb. 10 Mountain Star(Main Door)South-East(Wood - green/brown)461year 6EXCELLENT sector[1.] Death[2.] Health[3.] Longevity[4.] LongevityComb. 10 Mountain StarChart LegendSector Cure - represents thesuggested cure for theinauspicious stars found inthe 20-year analysis for thesector. This cures must beimplemented to remove theinauspicious influence createdby the Mountain Star, BaseStar and Water Star.2011 has inauspicious star -represents the additionalinauspicious star which hasentered this sector for thisparticular year (eg. 2011).Mountain Star found -represents that an auspiciousmountain star has been found.It can be activated if it isfound in a bedroom or in thedirection where there is nowindow (eg. a solid wall). Toactivate the star either hanga painting of a mountain orput a solid object such as acrystal/paper weight/any itemswith a solid mass.(Main Door) - represents thedirection where the main dooris located in reference to theFlying Star Analysis of thehouse.MSBSWSyear YSNOTE: Flying Star colourscheme, blue is auspicious,red is inauspicious &black is auspicious. FlyingStar is formatted as follows,where MS is Mountain Star, WSis Water Star, BS is BaseStar, YS is Yearly Star.On Mountain On Water Formation- Water Star is found in thefront of the house, whileMountain Star is found at theback of the house. It isdesirable to have water in thefront and mountain to supportthe house.Up Mountain Down WaterFormation - Mountain Star isfound in the front of thehouse, while Water Star isfound at the back of thehouse. This is deemedinauspicious unless there iswater at the back and mountainin front to reinforce thisformation.Double Star in Front Formation- This formation should havenear water and distantmountain to enhance thisstructure to activate wealth.Double Star Behind Formation -Requires the necessary nearmountain and distant water toenhance this sector to activewealth.Diagonal Star RobberyFormation - Very AuspiciousCombination where occupantswill enjoy good health, wealthand prosperity for such ahouse. (!--Duplicate Water Star -Duplicate Mountain Star - -->Combination of 10 Water StarFormation - Combination of 10in this sector makes thissector auspicious.Combination of 10 MountainStar Formation - Combinationof 10 in this sector makesthis sector auspicious. (!--Imprisonment Water StarFormation - ImprisonmentWater Star Formation - SerialStars Formation - -->House Analysed719 or somewhere inSingaporeS2 (180), Period 7(1984-2003)Main Door/Frontage is locatedin the South sector of thehouse.This is considered a Fire(red) element house.No.Name & DOBSuitability to this House[1.]SAMPLE MR ABC26 Jul 1956 5.00p.m. to 6.59 p.m.Unsuitable as the maindoor/frontage is Disastersector[2.]SAMPLE MRS ABC12 Apr 1958 9.00a.m. to 10.59 a.m.Very Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Excellentsector[3.]SON14 May 1988 7.00 a.m. to8.59 a.m.Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Prosperitysector[4.]DAUGHTER20 Sep 1997 5.00 6.59 p.m.Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Prosperitysector6. Most geomancers have toresponsible and try to balanceone's home during an auditbased on the 20 Year FlyingStar. 7. How often, does onecall a geomancer to a home,yearly. For example, we see500 cases a year. And, ifevery other client needs tohave a review every year forthe same home, than we willeither be overwhelmed as wellas go filthy rich duringfollow-ups.8. In addition,there is such a thing as theEight House or Four Good / Baddirections. This is how one'sfavourable directions arederived!9. Look at it thisway: 9.1. We humans have ourbirth-chart, so does anyhome.9.2. Since your birthdateand the birthdate or usuallyTOP date of the home is notthe same, therefore, in thesimpliest form, yourdirections may not suit thehome.10. Futhermore, frankly,how many people in this worldhave their home on a hugeturntable. And say this year,the best direction isNorth-west; you mean you haveto turn your home's facingdirection to North-west??11.So next year how? This is theYEARLY flying star chart fornext year:-North729864315South11.1 Next year, the best directionis West. One fine YEAR, the directionwill change to "fit" your auspciousdirections.12. Frankly, what kind a FengShui is, if factors such as this are outof your ANNUAL control?13. Please notethat if you had shifted home, you haveto re-plot a new Flying Star chart. Thischart will aid in not only findingwealth locations but help to fix theleaks.14. Next, year, every donkey sitewill say that west is good. Again, thisis a sector on an ANNUAL basis.15. Infact, as I had mentioned, earlier, gocheck out your neighbour, or a largepercentage of people who had their homesFeng Shuied... how many judiciously lookat yearly Feng Shui. Frankly,avery small percentage of what peoplecall "Feng Shui Fanatics ONLY."On11/2/2011 10:27:15 PM, Jeremy Teo wrote:Dear Master Lee,I watch >severalprograms saying the >North Westdirection is the >favorabledirectionsand South >is not thefavorable direction >this year.When iconsulted you >last year you plot outthat my >favorable facing directionis >East and Southso should istill face the south or avoidsouth here.Abit confused hereNext how do i tapped/search >formy wealth sector, cause i >shiftedfrom the place you >came to audit myunit. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 2, 2011 Staff Share Posted November 2, 2011 1. ANNUAL Flying Star Feng Shui:-As mentioned, earlier, from now to 2023, #8 is considered as the current prosperity star or number.In 2012, the direction is WEST:- In 2013, the direction is North-East:- Under Compass School Feng Shui; there are two concepts:-2.1. Flying Star Feng Shui (which can be 20 Year chart, Yearly, Monthly, Daily or even Hourly or even in seconds for the fanatics).2.2. The other Compass School is for humans: Eight House or 4 Good or 4 Bad. This is where the persons best or auspicious work/study and or best bed-head directions are:-A sample of someone born where, sometime in the world:- Your 4 Good and 4 Bad Direction North-West(Metal)Spook North(Water)Health North-East(Earth)Irritation West(Metal)Death East(Wood)Excellent South-West(Earth)Disaster South(Fire)Prosperity South-East(Wood)Longevity Your BEST sleeping position Between: North (337.5 to 22.4) = Health South-East (112.5 to 157.4) = Longevity Your BEST Working position Between: East (67.5 to 112.4) = Excellent South (157.5 to 202.4) = Prosperity (!-- Loading Ten Deities Details -->(!-- Loading Five Element Cure Details -->3. For an individual, the above won't change unless one believes in recarnation. 3.1. For example, someone decide to take a lift to the roof of a high-rise. And then free fall to earth without a parachute. This person will splat and dirty the pavement, below.3.2. Perhaps, the god took pity in this person and decided on a re-birth. Then, perhaps, the chart above, changes. And not annually. Quote On 11/2/2011 10:49:30 PM, Anonymous wrote:Reference: 2011 Flying Star ForecastNorth831975426South2. Please note thatFlying Star Feng Shui is basedon time dimensions.3. Forexample, we are under FlyingStar Period 8. Which spansbetween 2004 to 2023. 4. Whena geomancer plots a flyingstar chart for your home; weoften plot a 20 YEAR flyingstar chart. This means that wehave taken into considerationthree variables per sector. 5.For example, please seesample, below. We alreadyconsider three variablessay in the NW sector.E.g. #2 #3 and Base #8. Whileof course this year, #8happens to be at thatsector.Paid Summarized Chartfor a GroupNorth-West(Metal - white/gold)283year 8GOOD sector[1.] Health[2.] Death[3.] Spook[4.] SpookComb. 10 Mountain StarNorth(Water - blue/black/gray)737year 3GOOD sector[1.] Spook[2.] Longevity[3.] Health[4.] Health2011 has inauspicious star 3Mountain Star foundWater Star foundComb. 10 Water StarComb. 10 Mountain StarNorth-East(Earth - yellow)915year 1GOOD sector[1.] Excellent[2.] Disaster[3.] Irritation[4.] IrritationComb. 10 Mountain StarWest(Metal - white/gold)194year 9GOOD sector[1.] Longevity[2.] Spook[3.] Death[4.] DeathComb. 10 Mountain StarCenter(Earth - yellow)372year 7GOOD sector2011 has inauspicious star 7Comb. 10 Mountain StarEast(Wood - green/brown)559year 5INAUSPICIOUS sector[1.] Irritation[2.] Prosperity[3.] Excellent[4.] ExcellentSector Cure: Metal2011 has inauspicious star 5Duplicate Mountain StarComb. 10 Mountain StarSouth-West(Earth - yellow)648year 4GOOD sector[1.] Prosperity[2.] Irritation[3.] Disaster[4.] DisasterComb. 10 Mountain StarSouth(Fire - red)826year 2GOOD sector[1.] Disaster[2.] Excellent[3.] Prosperity[4.] Prosperity2011 has inauspicious star 2Comb. 10 Mountain Star(Main Door)South-East(Wood - green/brown)461year 6EXCELLENT sector[1.] Death[2.] Health[3.] Longevity[4.] LongevityComb. 10 Mountain StarChart LegendSector Cure - represents thesuggested cure for theinauspicious stars found inthe 20-year analysis for thesector. This cures must beimplemented to remove theinauspicious influence createdby the Mountain Star, BaseStar and Water Star.2011 has inauspicious star -represents the additionalinauspicious star which hasentered this sector for thisparticular year (eg. 2011).Mountain Star found -represents that an auspiciousmountain star has been found.It can be activated if it isfound in a bedroom or in thedirection where there is nowindow (eg. a solid wall). Toactivate the star either hanga painting of a mountain orput a solid object such as acrystal/paper weight/any itemswith a solid mass.(Main Door) - represents thedirection where the main dooris located in reference to theFlying Star Analysis of thehouse.MSBSWSyear YSNOTE: Flying Star colourscheme, blue is auspicious,red is inauspicious &black is auspicious. FlyingStar is formatted as follows,where MS is Mountain Star, WSis Water Star, BS is BaseStar, YS is Yearly Star.On Mountain On Water Formation- Water Star is found in thefront of the house, whileMountain Star is found at theback of the house. It isdesirable to have water in thefront and mountain to supportthe house.Up Mountain Down WaterFormation - Mountain Star isfound in the front of thehouse, while Water Star isfound at the back of thehouse. This is deemedinauspicious unless there iswater at the back and mountainin front to reinforce thisformation.Double Star in Front Formation- This formation should havenear water and distantmountain to enhance thisstructure to activate wealth.Double Star Behind Formation -Requires the necessary nearmountain and distant water toenhance this sector to activewealth.Diagonal Star RobberyFormation - Very AuspiciousCombination where occupantswill enjoy good health, wealthand prosperity for such ahouse. (!--Duplicate Water Star -Duplicate Mountain Star - --Combination of 10 Water StarFormation - Combination of 10in this sector makes thissector auspicious.Combination of 10 MountainStar Formation - Combinationof 10 in this sector makesthis sector auspicious. (!--Imprisonment Water StarFormation - ImprisonmentWater Star Formation - SerialStars Formation - --House Analysed719 or somewhere inSingaporeS2 (180), Period 7(1984-2003)Main Door/Frontage is locatedin the South sector of thehouse.This is considered a Fire(red) element house.No.Name & DOBSuitability to this House[1.]SAMPLE MR ABC26 Jul 1956 5.00p.m. to 6.59 p.m.Unsuitable as the maindoor/frontage is Disastersector[2.]SAMPLE MRS ABC12 Apr 1958 9.00a.m. to 10.59 a.m.Very Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Excellentsector[3.]SON14 May 1988 7.00 a.m. to8.59 a.m.Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Prosperitysector[4.]DAUGHTER20 Sep 1997 5.00 6.59 p.m.Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Prosperitysector6. Most geomancers have toresponsible and try to balanceone's home during an auditbased on the 20 Year FlyingStar. 7. How often, does onecall a geomancer to a home,yearly. For example, we see500 cases a year. And, ifevery other client needs tohave a review every year forthe same home, than we willeither be overwhelmed as wellas go filthy rich duringfollow-ups.8. In addition,there is such a thing as theEight House or Four Good / Baddirections. This is how one'sfavourable directions arederived!9. Look at it thisway: 9.1. We humans have ourbirth-chart, so does anyhome.9.2. Since your birthdateand the birthdate or usuallyTOP date of the home is notthe same, therefore, in thesimpliest form, yourdirections may not suit thehome.10. Futhermore, frankly,how many people in this worldhave their home on a hugeturntable. And say this year,the best direction isNorth-west; you mean you haveto turn your home's facingdirection to North-west??11.So next year how? This is theYEARLY flying star chart fornext year:-North729864315South11.1 Next year, the best directionis West. One fine YEAR, the directionwill change to "fit" your auspciousdirections.12. Frankly, what kind a FengShui is, if factors such as this are outof your ANNUAL control?13. Please notethat if you had shifted home, you haveto re-plot a new Flying Star chart. Thischart will aid in not only findingwealth locations but help to fix theleaks.14. Next, year, every donkey sitewill say that west is good. Again, thisis a sector on an ANNUAL basis.15. Infact, as I had mentioned, earlier, gocheck out your neighbour, or a largepercentage of people who had their homesFeng Shuied... how many judiciously lookat yearly Feng Shui. Frankly,avery small percentage of what peoplecall "Feng Shui Fanatics ONLY."On11/2/2011 10:27:15 PM, Jeremy Teo wrote:Dear Master Lee,I watchseveralprograms saying theNorth Westdirection is thefavorabledirectionsand Southis not thefavorable directionthis year.When iconsulted youlast year you plot outthat myfavorable facing directionisEast and Southso should istill face the south or avoidsouth here.Abit confused hereNext how do i tapped/searchformy wealth sector, cause ishiftedfrom the place youcame to audit myunit. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 2, 2011 Staff Share Posted November 2, 2011 Another use for the Eight House Chart; is for someone who wants to built a home from scratch or prior to purchasing an existing home, try to match something like below to their "dream" home.Summary Guideline of another Person (Owner/Breadwinner) Eight House Chart.DirectionLocationStatussuitable forNorth-WestLongevityGood: Ideal for health.Beds, bedrooms and dining table.NorthDeathBad: Poor health, accidents, misfortune and loss.Storeroom or toilet.North-EastProsperityGood: The Best location. Money luck and promotion.door, room doors, kitchen door, beds, working desks.WestHealthGood: Ideal situation for speedy recovery.Beds, doors, master bedroom and the dining table.EastDisasterBad: Quarrels, frustration, disputes and legal problems.Storeroom or toilet.South-WestExcellentVery Good: Prime Location, ideal for vitalityFront door, beds and religious altars.SouthIrritationBad: Petty annoyances, disease, headaches, theft and infidelity.Toilet or kitchen.South-EastSpookBad: Uneasy, theft, robbery and financial loss.Storeroom or toilet. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 2, 2011 Staff Share Posted November 2, 2011 Main Resource for Can or Cannot Buy:- some faq on Can or Cannot Buy:- Quote On 11/2/2011 11:34:40 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Cecil,Thank you for your reply,mayi know what are your charges if weengage you to do a fengshui condominiumhouse search ?Do you charge by per hseor one time fee ?pls adviseOn 11/2/201110:49:30 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:Reference: 2011 Flying Star ForecastNorth831975426South2. Please note thatFlying Star Feng Shui is basedon time dimensions.3. Forexample, we are under FlyingStar Period 8. Which spansbetween 2004 to 2023. 4. Whena geomancer plots a flyingstar chart for your home; weoften plot a 20 YEAR flyingstar chart. This means that wehave taken into considerationthree variables per sector. 5.For example, please seesample, below. We alreadyconsider three variablessay in the NW sector.E.g. #2 #3 and Base #8. Whileof course this year, #8happens to be at thatsector.Paid Summarized Chartfor a GroupNorth-West(Metal - white/gold)283year 8GOOD sector[1.] Health[2.] Death[3.] Spook[4.] SpookComb. 10 Mountain StarNorth(Water - blue/black/gray)737year 3GOOD sector[1.] Spook[2.] Longevity[3.] Health[4.] Health2011 has inauspicious star 3Mountain Star foundWater Star foundComb. 10 Water StarComb. 10 Mountain StarNorth-East(Earth - yellow)915year 1GOOD sector[1.] Excellent[2.] Disaster[3.] Irritation[4.] IrritationComb. 10 Mountain StarWest(Metal - white/gold)194year 9GOOD sector[1.] Longevity[2.] Spook[3.] Death[4.] DeathComb. 10 Mountain StarCenter(Earth - yellow)372year 7GOOD sector2011 has inauspicious star 7Comb. 10 Mountain StarEast(Wood - green/brown)559year 5INAUSPICIOUS sector[1.] Irritation[2.] Prosperity[3.] Excellent[4.] ExcellentSector Cure: Metal2011 has inauspicious star 5Duplicate Mountain StarComb. 10 Mountain StarSouth-West(Earth - yellow)648year 4GOOD sector[1.] Prosperity[2.] Irritation[3.] Disaster[4.] DisasterComb. 10 Mountain StarSouth(Fire - red)826year 2GOOD sector[1.] Disaster[2.] Excellent[3.] Prosperity[4.] Prosperity2011 has inauspicious star 2Comb. 10 Mountain Star(Main Door)South-East(Wood - green/brown)461year 6EXCELLENT sector[1.] Death[2.] Health[3.] Longevity[4.] LongevityComb. 10 Mountain StarChart LegendSector Cure - represents thesuggested cure for theinauspicious stars found inthe 20-year analysis for thesector. This cures must beimplemented to remove theinauspicious influence createdby the Mountain Star, BaseStar and Water Star.2011 has inauspicious star -represents the additionalinauspicious star which hasentered this sector for thisparticular year (eg. 2011).Mountain Star found -represents that an auspiciousmountain star has been found.It can be activated if it isfound in a bedroom or in thedirection where there is nowindow (eg. a solid wall). Toactivate the star either hanga painting of a mountain orput a solid object such as acrystal/paper weight/any itemswith a solid mass.(Main Door) - represents thedirection where the main dooris located in reference to theFlying Star Analysis of thehouse.MSBSWSyear YSNOTE: Flying Star colourscheme, blue is auspicious,red is inauspicious &black is auspicious. FlyingStar is formatted as follows,where MS is Mountain Star, WSis Water Star, BS is BaseStar, YS is Yearly Star.On Mountain On Water Formation- Water Star is found in thefront of the house, whileMountain Star is found at theback of the house. It isdesirable to have water in thefront and mountain to supportthe house.Up Mountain Down WaterFormation - Mountain Star isfound in the front of thehouse, while Water Star isfound at the back of thehouse. This is deemedinauspicious unless there iswater at the back and mountainin front to reinforce thisformation.Double Star in Front Formation- This formation should havenear water and distantmountain to enhance thisstructure to activate wealth.Double Star Behind Formation -Requires the necessary nearmountain and distant water toenhance this sector to activewealth.Diagonal Star RobberyFormation - Very AuspiciousCombination where occupantswill enjoy good health, wealthand prosperity for such ahouse. (!--Duplicate Water Star -Duplicate Mountain Star - --Combination of 10 Water StarFormation - Combination of 10in this sector makes thissector auspicious.Combination of 10 MountainStar Formation - Combinationof 10 in this sector makesthis sector auspicious. (!--Imprisonment Water StarFormation - ImprisonmentWater Star Formation - SerialStars Formation - --House Analysed719 or somewhere inSingaporeS2 (180), Period 7(1984-2003)Main Door/Frontage is locatedin the South sector of thehouse.This is considered a Fire(red) element house.No.Name & DOBSuitability to this House[1.]SAMPLE MR ABC26 Jul 1956 5.00p.m. to 6.59 p.m.Unsuitable as the maindoor/frontage is Disastersector[2.]SAMPLE MRS ABC12 Apr 1958 9.00a.m. to 10.59 a.m.Very Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Excellentsector[3.]SON14 May 1988 7.00 a.m. to8.59 a.m.Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Prosperitysector[4.]DAUGHTER20 Sep 1997 5.00 6.59 p.m.Suitable as the maindoor/frontage is Prosperitysector6. Most geomancers have toresponsible and try to balanceone's home during an auditbased on the 20 Year FlyingStar. 7. How often, does onecall a geomancer to a home,yearly. For example, we see500 cases a year. And, ifevery other client needs tohave a review every year forthe same home, than we willeither be overwhelmed as wellas go filthy rich duringfollow-ups.8. In addition,there is such a thing as theEight House or Four Good / Baddirections. This is how one'sfavourable directions arederived!9. Look at it thisway: 9.1. We humans have ourbirth-chart, so does anyhome.9.2. Since your birthdateand the birthdate or usuallyTOP date of the home is notthe same, therefore, in thesimpliest form, yourdirections may not suit thehome.10. Futhermore, frankly,how many people in this worldhave their home on a hugeturntable. And say this year,the best direction isNorth-west; you mean you haveto turn your home's facingdirection to North-west??11.So next year how? This is theYEARLY flying star chart fornext year:-North729864315South11.1 Next year, the bestdirectionis West. One fine YEAR, thedirectionwill change to "fit" your auspciousdirections.12. Frankly, what kind aFengShui is, if factors such as this areoutof your ANNUAL control?13. Pleasenotethat if you had shifted home, youhaveto re-plot a new Flying Star chart.Thischart will aid in not only findingwealth locations but help to fix theleaks.14. Next, year, every donkeysitewill say that west is good. Again,thisis a sector on an ANNUAL basis.15.Infact, as I had mentioned, earlier,gocheck out your neighbour, or a largepercentage of people who had theirhomesFeng Shuied... how many judiciouslylookat yearly Feng Shui. Frankly,avery small percentage of what peoplecall "Feng Shui FanaticsONLY."On11/2/2011 10:27:15 PM, Jeremy Teowrote:Dear Master Lee,I watchseveralprograms saying theNorth Westdirection is thefavorabledirectionsand Southis not thefavorable directionthisyear.When iconsulted youlast year you plotoutthat myfavorable facingdirectionisEast and Southso should istill face the south or avoidsouth here.Abit confused hereNext how do i tapped/searchformy wealth sector, cause ishiftedfrom the place youcame to auditmyunit. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_141454 Posted November 3, 2011 Share Posted November 3, 2011 Hi Cecil,Is the chart a general guidelines for every hse fengshuiNE, W & SW are the good directions ?So the floorplan i sent in in earlier post are quite near to this directionsso its quite ideal ? Quote On 11/2/2011 11:48:29 PM, Anonymous wrote:Another use for the EightHouse Chart; is for someonewho wants to built a home fromscratch or prior to purchasingan existing home, try to matchsomething like below to their"dream" home.Summary Guidelineof another Person(Owner/Breadwinner) EightHouse Chart.DirectionLocationStatussuitable forNorth-WestLongevityGood: Ideal for health.Beds, bedrooms and diningtable.NorthDeathBad: Poor health, accidents,misfortune and loss.Storeroom or toilet.North-EastProsperityGood: The Best location. Moneyluck and promotion.door, room doors, kitchendoor, beds, working desks.WestHealthGood: Ideal situation forspeedy recovery.Beds, doors, master bedroomand the dining table.EastDisasterBad: Quarrels, frustration,disputes and legal problems.Storeroom or toilet.South-WestExcellentVery Good: Prime Location,ideal for vitalityFront door, beds and religiousaltars.SouthIrritationBad: Petty annoyances,disease, headaches, theft andinfidelity.Toilet or kitchen.South-EastSpookBad: Uneasy, theft, robberyand financial loss.Storeroom ortoilet. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 3, 2011 Staff Share Posted November 3, 2011 1. Frankly, I had given clues that what you seem to think is good is based purely on ANNUAL stars that people say is good.2. But please note that come the next Chinese New Year CNY, which is a few months away, NW is not the best ranking.3. Unless, of course, it is perplexing that I had mentioned that your home is on a turntable, and all 360 degrees is kinda of open space. 4. So what happens if after CNY, next year? Is one prepared to change home yearly ( some laughter is heard..)5. Furthermore, if you are east group person, then "jolly well" read some of the resources, first before jumping the gun.6. In fact, I just did a simple search and just pick up sample past articles.6.1. For example, if you have the time, this link and in particular TOPIC 4/5 is relevant. (4/5):7. Other tons of past forum messages. Again, I just cut-paste sample links:- Today, we live in a global world. Where every country depends on other countries on trade etc.. Same as Feng Shui. 9. Frankly, how can just talk and talk on wow: I must find a NW home only. An apartment is but enclosed often by FOUR walls. Even if one beautify one's home in gold; but outside is crumbling e.g. external Feng Shui is bad be it direct afternoon sun, sun that bake into the wall; or poor views; this is more critical than just because the floorplan looks good? Frankly, I can't fantom this. 10. Thus, "IT DEPENDS": the key word is: LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. And not NW, NW, NW or next year is WEST, WEST or WEST. This is close to looney tunes... Quote On 11/3/2011 12:04:20 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Cecil,Is the chart a generalguidelines for every hse fengshuiNE, W& SW are the good directions ?So thefloorplan i sent in in earlier post arequite near to this directionsso itsquite ideal ?On 11/2/2011 11:48:29 PM,Cecil Lee wrote:Another use for the EightHouse Chart; is for someonewho wants to built a home fromscratch or prior to purchasingan existing home, try to matchsomething like below to their"dream" home.Summary Guidelineof another Person(Owner/Breadwinner) EightHouse Chart.DirectionLocationStatussuitable forNorth-WestLongevityGood: Ideal for health.Beds, bedrooms and diningtable.NorthDeathBad: Poor health, accidents,misfortune and loss.Storeroom or toilet.North-EastProsperityGood: The Best location. Moneyluck and promotion.door, room doors, kitchendoor, beds, working desks.WestHealthGood: Ideal situation forspeedy recovery.Beds, doors, master bedroomand the dining table.EastDisasterBad: Quarrels, frustration,disputes and legal problems.Storeroom or toilet.South-WestExcellentVery Good: Prime Location,ideal for vitalityFront door, beds and religiousaltars.SouthIrritationBad: Petty annoyances,disease, headaches, theft andinfidelity.Toilet or kitchen.South-EastSpookBad: Uneasy, theft, robberyand financial loss.Storeroom ortoilet. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 3, 2011 Staff Share Posted November 3, 2011 20 YEAR FLYING STAR EQUIVALENT OF LONG TERM PLANNING1. Another way of understanding Flying Star Charts is to bring in the field of Strategic Planning.2. Why do most Geomancers plot a 20 Year Flying Star Chart to analyse a home or apartment?2.1. The 20 Year Flying Star Chart is like a strategic planner who plans ongoing with the aim of the future.2.2. Thus, the 20 Year Flying Star Chart, guides us to our long term aim. And most importantly it leads us to the RIGHT DIRECTION.2.3. In addition, a Geomancer can't be auditing a home every year. For a lay-person, if they want to, they can easily do it ANNUAL by themselves by ploting or checking out the yearly stars.YEARLY FLYING STAR = THIS YEAR NW IS VERY AUSPICIOUS = SHORT TERM PLANNING3. Thus the annual stars or what you had mentioned that every donkey Geomancer says that this year NW is the most auspicious.4. Again, under the concept of Strategic Planning; NW is only a short-term, and in a few months, it will be bygone.5. In my opinion, this is another way of approaching the subject: 20 Year Flying Star vs Yearly or even Monthly. 6. Even Singapore Prime Minister recently said that the government is not about "popular policies" but rather, if there is a bitter pill to swallow; the government is thinking LONG TERM not SHORT TERM. Flying star is similar. 20 Year Flying Star Charts are for long term aims. Quote On 11/3/2011 12:15:49 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. Frankly, I had given cluesthat what you seem to think isgood is based purely on ANNUALstars that people say isgood.2. But please note thatcome the next Chinese New YearCNY, which is a few monthsaway, NW is not the bestranking.3. Unless, of course,it is perplexing that I hadmentioned that your home is ona turntable, and all 360degrees is kinda of openspace. 4. So what happens ifafter CNY, next year? Is oneprepared to change home yearly( some laughter is heard..)5.Furthermore, if you are eastgroup person, then "jollywell" read some of theresources, first beforejumping the gun.6. In fact, Ijust did a simple search andjust pick up sample pastarticles.6.1. For example, ifyou have the time, this linkand in particular TOPIC 4/5 isrelevant. Other tons of past forummessages. Again, I justcut-paste samplelinks:-, we live in a global world. Whereevery country depends on other countrieson trade etc.. Same as Feng Shui. 9.Frankly, how can just talk and talk onwow: I must find a NW home only. Anapartment is but enclosed often by FOURwalls. Even if one beautify one's homein gold; but outside is crumbling e.g.external Feng Shui is bad be it directafternoon sun, sun that bake into thewall; or poor views; this is morecritical than just because the floorplanlooks good? Frankly, I can't fantomthis. 10. Thus, "IT DEPENDS": the keyword is: LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.And not NW, NW, NW or next year is WEST,WEST or WEST. This is close to looneytunes...On 11/3/2011 12:04:20 AM, JeremyTeo wrote:Hi Cecil,Is the chart ageneralguidelines for every hsefengshuiNE, W& SW are the gooddirections ?So thefloorplan i sentin in earlier post arequite near tothis directionsso itsquite ideal?On 11/2/2011 11:48:29 PM,Cecil Leewrote:Another use for the EightHouse Chart; is for someonewho wants to built a home fromscratch or prior to purchasingan existing home, try to matchsomething like below to their"dream" home.Summary Guidelineof another Person(Owner/Breadwinner) EightHouse Chart.DirectionLocationStatussuitable forNorth-WestLongevityGood: Idealfor health.Beds, bedrooms anddiningtable.NorthDeathBad:Poor health, accidents,misfortune and loss.Storeroom or toilet.North-EastProsperityGood: The Best location. Moneyluck and promotion.door, room doors, kitchendoor, beds, working desks.WestHealthGood: Ideal situation forspeedy recovery.Beds,doors, master bedroomand thedining table.EastDisasterBad: Quarrels,frustration,disputes and legalproblems.Storeroom or toilet.South-WestExcellentVery Good:Prime Location,ideal forvitalityFront door, beds andreligiousaltars.SouthIrritationBad: Petty annoyances,disease, headaches, theft andinfidelity.Toilet orkitchen.South-EastSpookBad: Uneasy,theft, robberyand financialloss.Storeroom ortoilet. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 3, 2011 Staff Share Posted November 3, 2011 If u have time to have a better understanding read Topic 2/6: from the above link:-1. There are many factors to consider for an apartment:-1.1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui1.2. Flying Star Feng Shui1.3. Eight House (East / West Group)2. The "unknown" factor, here is how good or bad the Shapes and Forms of the new apartment.3. Flying Star Feng Shui:What period is this apartment? Period 6 or 7 or even 8?What facing direction it is: S1 or S2/3 under Flying star Feng ShuiIt would be considered good Flying Star Feng Shui if the home is a Period 8, S2 or S3. But for S1, hopefully, the toilet or kitchen is not drowned at it's North side.Some homes that have better Flying Star can withstand "poor" Eight House of the owners. Since this overall luck is higher, than the individual Eight House incompatibility. For your previous apartment, both Period 7 and 8 only have good stars at the frontage, otherwise, they need to be disarmed or neutralised as other than the frontage every other sector has relatively nasty stars that need to be disarmed.4. Thus if apartment has good Shapes and Forms of both the external and interior laout, this would be a plus side! 5. With these two major unknowns; it is a question mark, here. As especially NW Period 7; even if it suits both you and your brothers may not equally have good luck as all Period 7, NW apartments have their water wealth (clear space) locked up at the centre of the home. And most of the time, even if one wants to try to activate water wealth #8 for such a home, it is only giving "small luck". In GENERAL, a west group person may consider NE or SW facing homes as having better wealth (but need to disarm health issues).6. Usually if we single handledly consider just the Flying Star, in GENERAL, ranking of facing directions (excluding Shapes and Forms) are:-Ranking by Flying Star choice=====================Rank 1: NE or SW facing (But beware of afternoon sun)Rank 2: South facingRank 3: East or West facing (But beware of afternoon sun)Not so fantastic facing directions are usually:-Last Resort 1: NW or SE (But if under Period 8, can consider)Last, last Resort 2: NorthRank 1, 2 and 3, would benefit greatly if they are Period 8 apartments. However, again, individual layout plans has to be evaluated. As the above is a very GENERAL guideline based on "Academic" Feng Shui and does not look into the greater details of room layouts, living rooms (clear space) where are the kitchen / toilets etc.... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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