myfs_152148 Posted December 25, 2011 Share Posted December 25, 2011 When i do a free bazi report, it say a metal element. there are sites & books that list down the years w/ element say 1982 is a water element?which one is correct?i am confused.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 26, 2011 Staff Share Posted December 26, 2011 Frankly, what are you looking at?1. For example, if you are looking at your GENERAL Chinese Horoscope,it is not wrong to say that 1982 is considered asa METAL-ROOSTER.Check out this Reference: But if you are referring to BAZI then there could a difference. As Ba Zi takes into consideration:DD / MM / YY / HHHH and House of Life and House of Conception variables to come out with the findings.While under Para 1; you are only looking at your YEAR of birth. There ain't no DD / MM etc... etc...3. Here, you are like comparing an Apple with a Durian. How can they be based on the same "source". Quote On 12/25/2011 10:56:44 AM, Anonymous wrote:When i do a free bazi report,it say a metalelement. there are sites& books that list down theyears w/ element say 1982 is awater element?which one iscorrect?i am confused.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 26, 2011 Staff Share Posted December 26, 2011 Further to what I had mentioned:-1. The individual element depends on one's DAY of birth. 2. For example, everyone can be born in 1982 and considered as a METAL-ROOSTER. 3. This is too simplistic especially if one wants to apply it to an individual. This is also known as the dinasour method. If you are in the 1930's to 1970's and you can get tons of general books to tell you that you are a Rooster be it metal etc...4. Thus, using the Year of birth as just like a baby or kindergarten type of analysis. 5. As one goes higher into middle school and graduate school; ba zi is based on as mentioned earlier more variables like DD / MM and more etc...6. But ba zi is different. It depends on your DAY of birth. Thus one can be a water element or earth or metal or wood or fire again DEPENING on which day one is born.7. Thus there is no right or wrong here. Just that how detailed or general the INPUT in is.8. The saying goes: GARBAGE in GARBAGE out. GENERAL input; GENERAL output etc... Quote On 12/26/2011 8:15:34 AM, Anonymous wrote:Frankly, what are you looking at?1. Forexample, if you are looking at yourGENERAL Chinese Horoscope,it isnot wrong to say that 1982 is consideredasa METAL-ROOSTER.Check outthis Reference: But if you are referringto BAZI then there could a difference.As Ba Zi takes into considerationD /MM / YY / HHHH and House of Life andHouse of Conception variables to comeout with the findings.While under Para1; you are only looking at your YEAR ofbirth. There ain't no DD / MM etc...etc...3. Here, you are like comparing anApple with a Durian. How can they bebased on the same "source".On 12/25/201110:56:44 AM, Roly Z wrote:When i doa free bazi report,it say a metalelement. there are sites& books that list down theyears w/ element say 1982 is awater element?which one iscorrect?i am confused.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 26, 2011 Staff Share Posted December 26, 2011 In this example, born a few days difference from the earlier sample and this person is instead a "Weak Fire" person. Quote On 12/26/2011 8:40:44 AM, Anonymous wrote:Further to what I had mentioned:-1. Theindividual element depends on one's DAYof birth. 2. For example, everyone canbe born in 1982 and considered as aMETAL-ROOSTER. 3. This is too simplisticespecially if one wants to apply it toan individual. This is also known as thedinasour method. If you are in the1930's to 1970's and you can get tons ofgeneral books to tell you that you are aRooster be it metal etc...4. Thus, usingthe Year of birth as just like a baby orkindergarten type of analysis. 5. As onegoes higher into middle school andgraduate school; ba zi is based on asmentioned earlier more variables like DD/ MM and more etc...6. But ba zi isdifferent. It depends on your DAY ofbirth. Thus one can be a water elementor earth or metal or wood or fire againDEPENING on which day one is born.7.Thus there is no right or wrong here.Just that how detailed or general theINPUT in is.8. The saying goes: GARBAGEin GARBAGE out. GENERAL input; GENERALoutput etc...On 12/26/2011 8:15:34 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Frankly, what areyou looking at?1. Forexample, ifyou are looking at yourGENERALChinese Horoscope,it isnotwrong to say that 1982 is consideredasa METAL-ROOSTER.Checkoutthis Reference: But if you arereferringto BAZI then there could adifference.As Ba Zi takes intoconsiderationD /MM / YY / HHHH andHouse of Life andHouse ofConception variables to comeoutwith the findings.While under Para1; you are only looking at your YEARofbirth. There ain't no DD / MMetc...etc...3. Here, you are likecomparing anApple with a Durian.How can they bebased on the same"source".On 12/25/201110:56:44 AM,Roly Z wrote:When i doa freebazi report,it say a metalelement. there are sites& books that list down theyears w/ element say 1982 is awater element?which one iscorrect?i am confused.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 9, 2024 Staff Share Posted August 9, 2024 Gain insight into the Chinese Lunar and Xia Calendar within Ba Zi (Four Pillars) as utilized by different Masters. It is advisable not to rely solely on the Xia [ Hsia / Seasonal /Solar ] Calendar. The text invites readers to explore additional information, suggesting that there is more to discover on the topic at hand. The key takeaway is the encouragement to seek further insights or details. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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