myfs_152043 Posted January 10, 2012 Share Posted January 10, 2012 Dear Master,My SE sector has a natal FS of 4M, 1W and base of 6. I would like to activate this location with a fountain but this mth and the 2012 annual FS is #5 yellow.Q1. If I place cure of metal wind chime and metal Hu Lu for this location, is it safe to go with the fountain?Q2. If yes, I am sorry I am not clear on your article Q2. By Oasis, does it mean that I should have a fountain with all 5 elements present or only 4 elements, omitting the element that is in affliction (ie. #5 yellow Earth).Q3. Is this place safe after the cure I mentioned above for my children to study,etc, taking into account that the House and their Kua are suitable for this place.Appreciate your help and Many thanks in advance Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 11, 2012 Staff Share Posted January 11, 2012 1. You wrote: Q2. If yes, I am sorry I am not clear on your article Q2. By Oasis, does it mean that I should have a fountain with all 5 elements present or only 4 elements, omitting the element that is in affliction (ie. #5 yellow Earth).2. Often, there is a constraint in that one was adviced not to use say a certain colour in an area. For example, in a location where there is the #5 yellow; the name already says it all: if possible avoid YELLOW. and in addition as fire fuels or inflames YELLOW (#5) then often RED should not be present in or under that area or sector.2.1 In real life situations, sometimes it may be unavoilable not to have especially bright primary colours. How often do we see a child's play toy and not see YELLOW in them. 2.2 Under the Five Elements concept; sometimes instead of cracking one's head as to how to avoid YELLOW totally; the other view-point is the opposite; let's introduce a rainbow of colours especially the primary colours of: BLUE, RED and GREEN. (In many instances YELLOW may be considered another sub-PRIMARY colour).2.2.1 Reference:- Refer to Para 7.3. You wrote: "My SE sector has a natal FS of 4M, 1W and base of 6. I would like to activate this location with a fountain but this mth and the 2012 annual FS is #5 yellow.Q1. If I place cure of metal wind chime and metal Hu Lu for this location, is it safe to go with the fountain?"3.1 The popular saying: Shapes and Forms determine the stars; and the stars determine the sectors of the home... 3.2 But there is an additional saying: Hey! Did you take note of where Tai Sui (Grand Duke resides in that year?)3.3 In my opinion, don't just think of the annual FS #5 yellow which happens to be at SE. In some instances, the Grand Duke follows the Five Yellow:-3.4 2012 Flying Star ForecastNorth729864315South3.4.1 Take note the following sectors:-Sickness Star this year is at North Misfortune/Sickness Star this year is at South-East Disputes/Quarrel Star this year is at South-West Education/Romance Star this year is at East Grand Duke this year is East-South-East, 120 Degree. - Avoid sitting facing the grand duke or disturbing him by having renovations. Location in Conflict is South. - Avoid having renovations done opposite the location in conflict. 3.4.2 Reference: 4. Do not forget that Grand Duke is also at SE or (East-South-East) sector. In such a situation, "respect" and quiet is due, here. So, do you think that it would be wise to hang a wind-chime at SE?? Please put on your thinking cap, here.5. As for having a water position, the idea is that it can still be of a help; often as mentioned prevously so long as the water position: be it a fountain etc.. has all the five elements to create a balanced flow; this is the safest bet if you still want to place a cure, there.6. You wrote: "Q3. Is this place safe after the cure I mentioned above for my children to study,etc, taking into account that the House and their Kua are suitable for this place."6.1 In reality, once a sector is balanced etc and that if one does not have many rooms appropriate for the above activity; have to use the place, means have to use the place. In a recent forum message, a room e.g. the living room area spans two sectors and I have already mentioned how to determine which sector stars are more prevalent over the other star(s).... go read that article...Reference: Quote On 1/10/2012 4:57:52 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master,My SE sector has anatal FS of 4M, 1W and base of6. I would like to activatethis location with a fountainbut this mth and the 2012annual FS is #5 yellow.Q1. IfI place cure of metal windchime and metal Hu Lu for thislocation, is it safe to gowith the fountain?Q2. If yes,I am sorry I am not clear onyour article under Q2. By Oasis, doesit mean that I should have afountain with all 5 elementspresent or only 4 elements,omitting the element that isin affliction (ie. #5 yellowEarth).Q3. Is this place safeafter the cure I mentionedabove for my children tostudy,etc, taking into accountthat the House and their Kuaare suitable for thisplace.Appreciate your help andMany thanks in advance Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_152043 Posted January 11, 2012 Share Posted January 11, 2012 Thank You Master Lee for taking time from your busy schedule to help reply to clear my doubts. Really appreciate it and thanks for pointing out about Tai Sui and the windchime! Sorry to trouble you further:1. I read of another posting from your site , " sectors element is fixed for everyone as that is based on the direction. So North is like Water element. This means everyone's north is Water element." Can I just confirm that this is only true if we decorate the sector with these elements? or does it mean that sectors are already of the element base without the deco of that element?2. The strength of the star is a factor when considering if a cure is needed? eg. If I have 2 #7 weak metal star, eg #7m,#7w, and a base star of #3 strong wood, the 2 weak metal star will destroy the 1 strong wood. So, that means I only need to cure on #7 metal? 3. Is a) or b) correct: My SE(small wood) with 4m,1w and 6base, since both #4wood and #1 water are weak stars:a) the strong metal from base 6 will actually destroy some of the good #4 wood but is considered ok, since SE is itself small wood? ie. ONLY if my sector is already decorated in green/wood and water element? There is enough wood in the sector to neutralise the excess strong metal 6 base star. I may still need to add some metal to counter the #5 annual earth star for 2012b) the strong metal from base 6 will actually destroy some of the good #4 wood but is considered ok even though the wood deco in the sector is not considered. The excess strong metal 6 base star can counter the #5 annual earth star for 2012 without additional metal.4. If the said sector chi is coming solely from SE direction based on "how to determine which sector stars are more prevalent over the other star(s).... Reference:,which stars (natal or annual star) has the priority or greater influence,ie. based on 4m,1w and 6b, it is good sector, but if the annual star #5 has greater influence (eg. if I did not have sufficient cure in place), then it means I should not use the place too often.Once again, Thank You Very Much! Quote On 1/11/2012 9:14:04 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. You wrote: Q2. If yes, I am sorry Iam not clear on your article Q2. By Oasis, does itmean that I should have a fountain withall 5 elements present or only 4elements, omitting the element that isin affliction (ie. #5 yellow Earth).2.Often, there is a constraint in that onewas adviced not to use say a certaincolour in an area. For example, in alocation where there is the #5 yellow;the name already says it all: ifpossible avoid YELLOW. and in additionas fire fuels or inflames YELLOW (#5)then often RED should not be present inor under that area or sector.2.1 In reallife situations, sometimes it may beunavoilable not to have especiallybright primary colours. How often do wesee a child's play toy and not seeYELLOW in them. 2.2 Under the FiveElements concept; sometimes instead ofcracking one's head as to how to avoidYELLOW totally; the other view-point isthe opposite; let's introduce a rainbowof colours especially the primarycolours of: BLUE, RED and GREEN. (Inmany instances YELLOW may be consideredanother sub-PRIMARY colour).2.2.1Reference:- Refer to Para 7.3. You wrote: "MySE sector has a natal FS of 4M, 1W andbase of 6. I would like to activate thislocation with a fountain but this mthand the 2012 annual FS is #5 yellow.Q1.If I place cure of metal wind chime andmetal Hu Lu for this location, is itsafe to go with the fountain?"3.1 Thepopular saying: Shapes and Formsdetermine the stars; and the starsdetermine the sectors of the home... 3.2But there is an additional saying: Hey!Did you take note of where Tai Sui(Grand Duke resides in that year?)3.3 Inmy opinion, don't just think of theannual FS #5 yellow which happens to beat SE. In some instances, the Grand Dukefollows the Five Yellow:-3.4 2012 Flying Star ForecastNorth729864315South3.4.1 Take note the following sectors:-Sickness Star this year is at NorthMisfortune/Sickness Star this year is atSouth-EastDisputes/Quarrel Star this year is atSouth-WestEducation/Romance Star this year is atEastGrand Duke this year is East-South-East,120 Degree. - Avoid sitting facing thegrand duke or disturbing him by havingrenovations.Location in Conflict is South. - Avoidhaving renovations done opposite thelocation in conflict. 3.4.2 Reference: 4. Do notforget that Grand Duke is also at SE or(East-South-East) sector. In such asituation, "respect" and quiet is due,here. So, do you think that it would bewise to hang a wind-chime at SE?? Pleaseput on your thinking cap, here.5. As forhaving a water position, the idea isthat it can still be of a help; often asmentioned prevously so long as the waterposition: be it a fountain etc.. has allthe five elements to create a balancedflow; this is the safest bet if youstill want to place a cure, there.6. Youwrote: "Q3. Is this place safe after thecure I mentioned above for my childrento study,etc, taking into account thatthe House and their Kua are suitable forthis place."6.1 In reality, once asector is balanced etc and that if onedoes not have many rooms appropriate forthe above activity; have to use theplace, means have to use the place. In arecent forum message, a room e.g. theliving room area spans two sectors and Ihave already mentioned how to determinewhich sector stars are more prevalentover the other star(s).... go read thatarticle...Reference: 4:57:52 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master,My SE sector has anatal FS of 4M, 1W and base of6. I would like to activate >thislocation with a fountain >but thismth and the 2012 >annual FS is #5yellow.Q1. If >I place cure of metalwind >chime and metal Hu Lu for thislocation, is it safe to go >withthe fountain?Q2. If yes, >I am sorryI am not clear on >your article under Q2. By Oasis, does >itmean that I should have a >fountainwith all 5 elements >present or only4 elements, >omitting the elementthat is >in affliction (ie. #5 yellowEarth).Q3. Is this place safeafter the cure I mentioned >abovefor my children to >study,etc, takinginto account >that the House andtheir Kua >are suitable for thisplace.Appreciate your help andMany thanks in advance Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 11, 2012 Staff Share Posted January 11, 2012 These are futher considerations:1. I shall not go into or drawn intothe nitty gritty of your specific sectors.2. What I like to highlight is that Flying Star is based on time dimension.3. For practical reasons, if we consult a geomancer, often the Geomancer would plot the 20 year flying star and also if the Feng Shui audit is in that year, also check the annual Flying Star when considering a cure.4. As mentioned, most people don't consult a geomancer annually. Thus, again for practical reasons, the geomancer would try to balance the home Feng Shui sectors using the 20 Year mainly the two variables Mountain# and Water#.5. Of course, if one is not Feng Shui and can even DIY yearly, then in THEORY, many Geomancers would consider the YEAR or ANNUAL star with importance. Thus, for that year, if the #8 e.g. 2012 is located in the West sector and if this happens to be the living room balcony area; the recommendation may be to activate a water position, there. Subject to further analysis.6. Look at the same; Flying Star can even zoom into the monthly stars and if one wants to, look into the hourly and even in minutes.7. How often does one place a water feature on a track and move it according to the monthly stars. For example, in June it goes to East then July goes to South etc... 8. Mathematically, the 20 year flying star takes into consideration or in particular especially two variables: X and Y. X = mountain star# and Y = water star#. And often, if there is a cure needed, it is often considered with an option of Z = perhaps the annual star. Thus, if one has done one's homework, would have tried to do a sort of "moving average" to balance a certain sector for the long term e.g. now to 2021.Typical 20 Year Flying Star Chart, Period 7 (1984-2003) with the combinedAnnualand Monthly charts:-North-West (Metal)4[view Sector]88Year 2012 7JanFebMarAprMayJun(7)65432JulAugSepOctNovDec198765North (Water)9[view Sector]34Year 2012 2JanFebMarAprMayJun(2)19876JulAugSepOctNovDec543219North-East (Earth)2[view Sector]16Year 2012 9JanFebMarAprMayJun(9)87654JulAugSepOctNovDec321987West (Metal)3[view Sector]9(Door)7Year 2012 8JanFebMarAprMayJun(8)76543JulAugSepOctNovDec219876Center (Earth)5[view Sector]79Year 2012 6JanFebMarAprMayJun(6)54321JulAugSepOctNovDec987654East (Wood)7[view Sector]52Year 2012 4JanFebMarAprMayJun(4)32198JulAugSepOctNovDec765432South-West (Earth)8[view Sector]43Year 2012 3JanFebMarAprMayJun(3)21987JulAugSepOctNovDec654321South (Fire)1[view Sector]25Year 2012 1JanFebMarAprMayJun(1)98765JulAugSepOctNovDec432198South-East (Wood)6[view Sector]61Year 2012 5JanFebMarAprMayJun(5)43219JulAugSepOctNovDec876543This Flying Star chart includes Yearly Star & Current Monthly Star for Jan 2012.2012's annual #5 is at SE and coincidentally the monthly #5 is also located at SE. Fortunately for this chart, there are the big metal mountain star #6 and #1 water located at the SE sector to lessen the situation. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_152043 Posted January 14, 2012 Share Posted January 14, 2012 Thank you once again Master Lee for your detail explanation. Took me quite a while to digest ;)Can you help to enlighten me on :1. when we say "North is Water,South is Fire,etc, does it mean that these sectors are already of these elements without the deco of the respective shapes, colour, material of the said element or it is only true if we decorate these locations with shapes, colours of the respective element?2. whether the sector base flying star is taken into consideration when we analyse the sector's mountain and water star if a cure is required.Thank you so much Quote On 1/11/2012 11:08:21 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are futherconsiderations:1. I shall notgo into or drawn intothenitty gritty of your specificsectors.2. What I like tohighlight is that Flying Staris based on time dimension.3.For practical reasons, if weconsult a geomancer, often theGeomancer would plot the 20year flying star and also ifthe Feng Shui audit is in thatyear, also check the annualFlying Star when considering acure.4. As mentioned, mostpeople don't consult ageomancer annually. Thus,again for practical reasons,the geomancer would try tobalance the home Feng Shuisectors using the 20 Yearmainly the two variablesMountain# and Water#.5. Ofcourse, if one is not FengShui and can even DIY yearly,then in THEORY, manyGeomancers would consider theYEAR or ANNUAL star withimportance. Thus, for thatyear, if the #8 e.g. 2012 islocated in the West sector andif this happens to be theliving room balcony area; therecommendation may be toactivate a water position,there. Subject to furtheranalysis.6. Look at the same;Flying Star can even zoom intothe monthly stars and if onewants to, look into the hourlyand even in minutes.7. Howoften does one place a waterfeature on a track and move itaccording to the monthlystars. For example, in June itgoes to East then July goes toSouth etc... 8.Mathematically, the 20 yearflying star takes intoconsideration or in particularespecially two variables: Xand Y. X = mountain star# andY = water star#. And often, ifthere is a cure needed, it isoften considered with anoption of Z = perhaps theannual star. Thus, if one hasdone one's homework, wouldhave tried to do a sort of"moving average" to balance acertain sector for the longterm e.g. now to 2021.Typical20 Year Flying Star Chart,Period 7 (1984-2003) with thecombinedAnnualandMonthly charts:-North-West (Metal)4[view Sector]88Year 2012 7JanFebMarAprMayJun(7)65432JulAugSepOctNovDec198765North (Water)9[view Sector]34Year 2012 2JanFebMarAprMayJun(2)19876JulAugSepOctNovDec543219North-East (Earth)2[view Sector]16Year 2012 9JanFebMarAprMayJun(9)87654JulAugSepOctNovDec321987West (Metal)3[view Sector]9(Door)7Year 2012 8JanFebMarAprMayJun(8)76543JulAugSepOctNovDec219876Center (Earth)5[view Sector]79Year 2012 6JanFebMarAprMayJun(6)54321JulAugSepOctNovDec987654East (Wood)7[view Sector]52Year 2012 4JanFebMarAprMayJun(4)32198JulAugSepOctNovDec765432South-West (Earth)8[view Sector]43Year 2012 3JanFebMarAprMayJun(3)21987JulAugSepOctNovDec654321South (Fire)1[view Sector]25Year 2012 1JanFebMarAprMayJun(1)98765JulAugSepOctNovDec432198South-East (Wood)6[view Sector]61Year 2012 5JanFebMarAprMayJun(5)43219JulAugSepOctNovDec876543This Flying Star chartincludes Yearly Star &Current Monthly Star for Jan2012.2012's annual #5 is at SEand coincidentally the monthly#5 is also located at SE.Fortunately for this chart,there are the big metalmountain star #6 and #1 waterlocated at the SE sector tolessen the situation. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 14, 2012 Staff Share Posted January 14, 2012 1. North = water, South = fireGenerally, today; especially thanks to the internet and more information of scientific Feng Shui; this North and South "thing" should in general be considered just as a stepping stone or close to something like the Kindergarten type of Feng Shui. In some instances, it is still used much like a background understanding of a sector; but should not be the MAIN consideration. 2. As there are many indivdiuals in this world, there are many many opinions or practices by various geomancers even with the regards to Flying Stars and how to interpret them.3. This site does not claim that there is a one best (or one super best) practise) but rather, no one should or could say that their method is superior. Thus wide claims as to say only Mountain and Water stars are important only while others also do consider the base star.4. It is just like a person joining a Kung Fu school. If the school prescribes a certain course of action for defense and attack then, you may have to follow your own school.5. There are always some smart alec who only recognises that theirs is the best practise. Thus if you were to I believe check around, there will be different practises throughout even Flying Stars interpretation. But be ware those with huge egos who always say that "only my method is the best"... Quote On 1/14/2012 12:41:41 PM, Anonymous wrote:Thank you once again Master Lee for yourdetail explanation. Took me quite awhile to digest ;)Can you help toenlighten me on :1. when we say "Northis Water,South is Fire,etc, does it meanthat these sectors are already of theseelements without the deco of therespective shapes, colour, material ofthe said element or it is only true ifwe decorate these locations with shapes,colours of the respectiveelement?2. whether the sector baseflying star is taken into considerationwhen we analyse the sector's mountainand water star if a cure isrequired.Thank you so muchOn 1/11/201211:08:21 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:These are futherconsiderations:1. I shall notgo into or drawn intothenitty gritty of your specificsectors.2. What I like tohighlight is that Flying Staris based on time dimension.3.For practical reasons, if weconsult a geomancer, often theGeomancer would plot the 20year flying star and also ifthe Feng Shui audit is in thatyear, also check the annualFlying Star when considering acure.4. As mentioned, mostpeople don't consult ageomancer annually. Thus,again for practical reasons,the geomancer would try tobalance the home Feng Shuisectors using the 20 Yearmainly the two variablesMountain# and Water#.5. Ofcourse, if one is not FengShui and can even DIY yearly,then in THEORY, manyGeomancers would consider theYEAR or ANNUAL star withimportance. Thus, for thatyear, if the #8 e.g. 2012 islocated in the West sector andif this happens to be theliving room balcony area; therecommendation may be toactivate a water position,there. Subject to furtheranalysis.6. Look at the same;Flying Star can even zoom intothe monthly stars and if onewants to, look into the hourlyand even in minutes.7. Howoften does one place a waterfeature on a track and move itaccording to the monthlystars. For example, in June itgoes to East then July goes toSouth etc... 8.Mathematically, the 20 yearflying star takes intoconsideration or in particularespecially two variables: Xand Y. X = mountain star# andY = water star#. And often, ifthere is a cure needed, it isoften considered with anoption of Z = perhaps theannual star. Thus, if one hasdone one's homework, wouldhave tried to do a sort of"moving average" to balance acertain sector for the longterm e.g. now to 2021.Typical20 Year Flying Star Chart,Period 7 (1984-2003) with thecombinedAnnualandMonthly charts:-North-West (Metal)4[view Sector]88Year 2012 7JanFebMarAprMayJun(7)65432JulAugSepOctNovDec198765North (Water)9[view Sector]34Year 2012 2JanFebMarAprMayJun(2)19876JulAugSepOctNovDec543219North-East (Earth)2[view Sector]16Year 2012 9JanFebMarAprMayJun(9)87654JulAugSepOctNovDec321987West (Metal)3[view Sector]9(Door)7Year 2012 8JanFebMarAprMayJun(8)76543JulAugSepOctNovDec219876Center (Earth)5[view Sector]79Year 2012 6JanFebMarAprMayJun(6)54321JulAugSepOctNovDec987654East (Wood)7[view Sector]52Year 2012 4JanFebMarAprMayJun(4)32198JulAugSepOctNovDec765432South-West (Earth)8[view Sector]43Year 2012 3JanFebMarAprMayJun(3)21987JulAugSepOctNovDec654321South (Fire)1[view Sector]25Year 2012 1JanFebMarAprMayJun(1)98765JulAugSepOctNovDec432198South-East (Wood)6[view Sector]61Year 2012 5JanFebMarAprMayJun(5)43219JulAugSepOctNovDec876543This Flying Star chartincludes Yearly Star &Current Monthly Star for Jan2012.2012's annual #5 is at SEand coincidentally the monthly#5 is also located at SE.Fortunately for this chart,there are the big metalmountain star #6 and #1 waterlocated at the SE sector tolessen the situation. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_152043 Posted January 16, 2012 Share Posted January 16, 2012 Dear Master Lee, Thanks for your advise. Appreciate your help! Have a Great Dragon Year! Quote On 1/14/2012 1:24:17 PM, Anonymous wrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 16, 2012 Staff Share Posted January 16, 2012 See below, Sample, partial extract:-20-Year & 2012 Yearly Flying Star ReportThis report is generated for: Sample Period 8 N320-Year Reigning Period: 8 (2004-2023)House Direction: N3 (15)Owner: Sample Mr AGender: MaleDate of Birth: 23 Feb 1978 Flying Star Chart, Period 8 (2004-2023):-North-West (Metal)295Year 2012 7JanFebMarAprMayJun(7)65432JulAugSepOctNovDec198765North (Water)74(Main Door / Frontage)9Year 2012 2JanFebMarAprMayJun(2)19876JulAugSepOctNovDec543219North-East (Earth)927Year 2012 9JanFebMarAprMayJun(9)87654JulAugSepOctNovDec321987West (Metal)116Year 2012 8JanFebMarAprMayJun(8)76543JulAugSepOctNovDec219876Center (Earth)384Year 2012 6JanFebMarAprMayJun(6)54321JulAugSepOctNovDec987654East (Wood)562Year 2012 4JanFebMarAprMayJun(4)32198JulAugSepOctNovDec765432South-West (Earth)651Year 2012 3JanFebMarAprMayJun(3)21987JulAugSepOctNovDec654321South (Fire)838Year 2012 1JanFebMarAprMayJun(1)98765JulAugSepOctNovDec432198South-East (Wood)473Year 2012 5JanFebMarAprMayJun(5)43219JulAugSepOctNovDec876543This Flying Star chart includes Yearly Star & Current Monthly Star for Jan 2012.A Summary of your Flying Star Base Sectors:-DirectionGeneral SignificanceElementNorth-WestYou Bi Xing, Coming Prosperity (9)MetalNorthWen Qu Xing, Education, Romance (4)WaterNorth-EastJu Men Xing, Sickness (2)EarthWestTan Lang Xing, Career and Income (1)MetalCenterZuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity (8)EarthEastWu Qu Xing, Luck from Heaven (6)WoodSouth-WestLian Zhen Xing, Misfortune, Sickness (5)EarthSouthLu Cun Xing, Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts (3)FireSouth-EastPo Jun Xing, Burglary, Violence, Fading Prosperity (7)WoodDid you notice that each base star or palace star has it's own significance.Whether some Feng Shui Schools, choose to consider it (directly or in the back ground) or totally ignore it; again depends on their individual SiFu or Master.In Feng Shui and like other disciplines; often the more information or more details provided is better. Quote On 1/16/2012 8:05:57 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Lee, Thanks for your advise.Appreciate your help! Have a GreatDragon Year!On 1/14/2012 1:24:17 PM,Cecil Lee wrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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