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Hi Cecil,
We have a fireplace in our living-room and our master bedroom entry-door is facing directly to the fireplace. Is that bad for feng shui? We looked it up and only few website mentioned about this. Some said that we can place a beach scenery poster or mirror on top of the fireplace. Can you advise us the correct method? Thank you.
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These are some considerations:
1. This comes under the category of "belief".
2. This is much like the main entrance door should not be vulnerable to "attacks" by a lone lamp post "slicing into it" or a sharp corner or a sharp roof -- as a poison arrow or sha qi.
3. Under the same "idea"; as in the above; the entrance or the bedroom door should not be vulnerable to "sharp objects" and things like an oven facing the door.
4. The belief is that "hot" objects like an oven or even a fire-place facing the bedroom door could symbolise: either health concerns: fever etc... and/or marriage problems (excessive heat).
5. This is why (perhaps) some say to place a beach scenery to "cool" the fire-place -- down. Or to place a mirror -- again perhaps to "deflect" back the original qi.... etc...
6. Frankly, as mentioned above, it has more to do with such a belief that sparks the concern.
7. One will or can never find a text book answer to your concern.
8. As this is often not a common situation, again as mentioned above, there is really no quick fix nor which is the ideal or correct "cure".
9. Some imaginative cures may even consider things like: if it is not in use; it is considered as no longer a threat or "enclosing the fire place etc... Often, it may not be practical not to have the fire-place on especially in a cold place...
10. Thus, in my opinion, in such an "uncommon" situation; in reality; sometimes; it is even better not to know of such "beliefs"..... kinda of acting blur... is another consideration...

On 1/11/2012 6:07:06 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,We have a fireplace
in our living-room and our
master bedroom entry-door is
facing directly to the
fireplace. Is that bad for
feng shui? We looked it up and
only few website mentioned
about this. Some said that we
can place a beach scenery
poster or mirror on top of the
fireplace. Can you advise us
the correct method? Thank

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Staff

If there is a possibility of placing sofa's around it or between the line of sight between the fire-place and the master bedroom door; then this is a passive "cure".

On 1/11/2012 8:36:40 AM, Anonymous wrote:
These are some considerations:1. This
comes under the category of "belief".2.
This is much like the main entrance door
should not be vulnerable to "attacks" by
a lone lamp post "slicing into it" or a
sharp corner or a sharp roof -- as a
poison arrow or sha qi.3. Under the same
"idea"; as in the above; the entrance or
the bedroom door should not be
vulnerable to "sharp objects" and things
like an oven facing the door.4. The
belief is that "hot" objects like an
oven or even a fire-place facing the
bedroom door could symbolise: either
health concerns: fever etc... and/or
marriage problems (excessive heat).5.
This is why (perhaps) some say to place
a beach scenery to "cool" the fire-place
-- down. Or to place a mirror -- again
perhaps to "deflect" back the original
qi.... etc...6. Frankly, as mentioned
above, it has more to do with such a
belief that sparks the concern.7. One
will or can never find a text book
answer to your concern.8. As this is
often not a common situation, again as
mentioned above, there is really no
quick fix nor which is the ideal or
correct "cure". 9. Some imaginative
cures may even consider things like: if
it is not in use; it is considered as no
longer a threat or "enclosing the fire
place etc... Often, it may not be
practical not to have the fire-place on
especially in a cold place... 10. Thus,
in my opinion, in such an "uncommon"
situation; in reality; sometimes; it is
even better not to know of such
"beliefs"..... kinda of acting blur...
is another consideration...On 1/11/2012
6:07:06 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Cecil,We have a fireplace
in our
living-room and our
master bedroom
entry-door is
facing directly to the
fireplace. Is that bad for
shui? We looked it up and
only few
website mentioned
about this. Some
said that we
can place a beach
poster or mirror on top of
fireplace. Can you advise us
the correct method? Thank

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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