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Regarding 'Applying4 SYMBOLIC ANIMAL PRINCIPLE' (http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-fs-self?ID1=87518|Kj1KjKjD1jOOLj|HVBZBZ2U|gahgaga2haffea|0|0|0|0|&lang=0&db=0&tpl=chart_part2&pay=1&recno=1&xia=0)
It appears that the 4 animals are ALWAYS fixed for any house anyway. Even if my main door faces East, the back of my house is still a Tortoise (North)?Sothe actual direction faced by the main door makes no difference? Then how the real 4 directions come into this at all?
I'm more confused now reading the above page
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1. The saying goes: a little knowlege is a dangerousthing;
2. Don't jump to wrong conclusions. Recently in one of Singapore's newspaper, there was mentioned something like: if we compare a person who is say 5ft 6 inches tall with another that is 6ft 6inches. Then, would you say that all 5ft 6 inches person are short?
3. Please read this link before one jumps to the wrong conclusions in hyperspace.
In my opinion, this topic was very popular during the first few years of this forum.

On 2/2/2012 2:24:41 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Regarding 'Applying4
=1&xia=0)It appears that the 4
animals are ALWAYS fixed for
any house anyway. Even if my
main door faces East, the back
of my house is still a
e actual direction faced by
the main door makes no
difference? Then how the real
4 directions come into this at
all?I'm more confused now
reading the above page

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thanks Cecil for the explanation. That link explains very clearly. Now there is an eternal question asked by myself and many fellow feng shuienthusiastsliving in Australia - How is north/south treated in the Southern hemisphere. I read you mentioned they can be interchanged in 'down under' but east/west is constant. How would this work in the compass system? South facing now becomes north facing in Australia?
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My use of the term interchange is like I remove e.g. the side lamp from a bmw 3 E90 and it can be interchanged with their bmw 5 E60 upto 2010 models.
Thus the word interchange simply means can be used in both North and South hemisphere. And interchange should not be confused with reverse. Nothing is said about being reversed. Interchange is kinda considered as swop this for that.
Unless, the term REVERSED is used then this is another different story.
From your two quick postings, please try to spent abit more time, before being so quick on the draw. Fact talks not fiction.
If my memory serves me right; around 1998 or thereabouts; a certain Australian geomancer linked or tried to associate the drainage of water from a sink. The geomancer said that when water drains from the sink in Australia, it is always a reverse from elsewhere i.e. the tornado effect when we remove the sink plug and water drains out slowly into the drain hole....
Thus, like yourself today, was wondering should it be swopped.
During that time, many traditional School of Feng Shui have given strong arguments why it should not be. In my opinion, only those smart alec Austrialian or New Zealand geomancer may again bring up this topic. Perhaps, their part-time job is also a witch-doctor of sorts?
From history and from cable History Channel, there were several documentaries to say that in fact for the earth, which is 4 billion years of age; has it's compass reversed. And I believe, it was something like in the order of approximately every 100,000 years, there is a reversal. So perhaps, wether mankind will still be around in the next 99,999 years or so, then debate this subject.

On 2/2/2012 4:57:24 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Thanks Cecil for the
explanation. That link
explains very clearly. Now
there is an eternal question
asked by myself and many
fellow feng
ing in Australia - How is
north/south treated in the
Southern hemisphere. I read
you mentioned they can be
interchanged in 'down under'
but east/west is constant. How
would this work in the compass
system? South facing now
becomes north facing in

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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