myfs_152537 Posted January 3, 2012 Share Posted January 3, 2012 Dear Master Lee,Hello and thank you so much for this forum! I am relatively knewto Feng Shui but have read very much in the past weeks (and thank youfor all the wonderful information posted here).I have a concernabout my entrance in the upcoming year and am wondering if I couldreceive some input. I have done myflying stars chart for the home (both the 2012 annual and the Natal).My home is a period 7 Kun, NE2 facing with my main entrance in the N sector. North is also my living room with a couch, love seat andsome square end tables. My NW palace is also part of the same area which has a large aquarium. (I've attached part of my layout for clarity). The North palace stars:Mountain Star = 9, Water Star = 5, Period Star = 3Annual Star = 2Wandering Star = Jue MingNW Stars:Mountain Star = 5, Water Star = 9, Period Star = 8Annual Star = 7Wandering Star = Yan NianI feel like these combinations are in need of mitigation and I can't avoid ever using the entrance. Is a Chiming Metal Clock with aSaltwater cure strong in N enough to temper this area of my main door? I am supposing I need to create aFire Quote EarthMetalWater result but with the 2 palaces in one room I am unclear on the strength required for all the interactions.I would like toexpress my gratitude to all for their time and efforts in creating,maintaining and supporting this wonderful site and forum. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 9, 2012 Staff Share Posted January 9, 2012 These are some considerations:1. Often when applying the Flying Stars, always visualise where chi (qi) or wind comes in.2. Here, looks like you have external qi coming in from any openings(maybe look like) there are windows at the North area. 3. At NW, seems like the qi is a secondary one as qi or wind or air flows in from other parts of the home into that area. As there are no external openings from NW other than from open spaces...4. Thus, in GENERAL, the qi within the North area could be argued to have a higher influence in an area or room that has two sectors spanning it. 5. An aquarium at NW, does seem to help that sector: not so much to enhance qi but rather to help "neutralise" bad stars within the NW sector.6. Thus predominantly, focus more on the stars located at North. Unless you often close (air-tight) if there are any windows at the North "face" of the home. Quote On 1/3/2012 2:32:36 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Lee,Helloand thank you so much for thisforum! I am relatively knewto Feng Shui but have readvery much in the past weeks(and thank youfor all the wonderfulinformation posted here).Ihave a concernabout my entrance in theupcoming year and am wonderingif I couldreceive some input. Ihave done myflying stars chart for thehome (both the 2012 annual andthe Natal).My home is a period 7 Kun, NE2facing with my main entrancein the N sector. Northis also my living room with acouch, love seat andsome square end tables. My NWpalace is also part of thesame area which has a largeaquarium. (I've attached partof my layout for clarity). TheNorth palace stars:MountainStar = 9, Water Star =5, Period Star = 3Annual Star= 2Wandering Star = Jue MingNWStars:Mountain Star = 5,Water Star = 9, Period Star =8Annual Star = 7Wandering Star= Yan NianI feel like thesecombinations are in need ofmitigation and I can't avoidever using the entrance. Is aChiming Metal Clock with aSaltwater cure strong in Nenough to temper this area ofmy main door? I am supposing Ineed to create aFireEarthMetalWater result but with the 2palaces in one room I amunclear on the strengthrequired for all theinteractions.I would like toexpress my gratitude to allfor their time and efforts increating,maintaining and supportingthis wonderful site andforum. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 9, 2012 Staff Share Posted January 9, 2012 Please refer to attachment.If a room spans two Flying Star Sectors: 1. In this case: North and NW; 1.1. Visualise or locate any openings in the room; 1.2. Priority is any external opening(s)1.3. Next, other "openings" like a corridor or passage way. 1.4. In this illustration if there are openings a marking in RED "A" then in theory; and if NW does not have an external opening;then, we may consider this room is most likely to be influenced moreby North vs NW sector. Quote On 1/9/2012 7:36:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. Oftenwhen applying the Flying Stars, alwaysvisualise where chi (qi) or wind comesin.2. Here, looks like you have externalqi coming in from anyopenings(maybe look like) thereare windows at the North area. 3. At NW,seems like the qi is a secondary one asqi or wind or air flows in from otherparts of the home into that area. Asthere are no external openings from NWother than from open spaces...4. Thus,in GENERAL, the qi within the North areacould be argued to have a higherinfluence in an area or room that hastwo sectors spanning it. 5. An aquariumat NW, does seem to help that sector:not so much to enhance qi but rather tohelp "neutralise" bad stars within theNW sector.6. Thus predominantly, focusmore on the stars located at North.Unless you often close (air-tight) ifthere are any windows at the North"face" of the home.On 1/3/2012 2:32:36PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear MasterLee,Helloand thank you somuch for thisforum! I am relativelyknewto Feng Shui but have readvery much in the past weeks(andthank youfor all the wonderfulinformation posted here).Ihavea concernabout my entrance in theupcoming year and am wonderingif I couldreceive someinput. Ihave done myflying stars chart for thehome(both the 2012 annual andtheNatal).My home is a period 7Kun, NE2facing with my mainentrancein the N sector.Northis also my living room with acouch, love seat andsome squareend tables. My NWpalace is alsopart of thesame area which has alargeaquarium. (I've attached partof my layout for clarity). TheNorth palace stars:MountainStar= 9, Water Star =5, PeriodStar = 3Annual Star= 2WanderingStar = Jue MingNWStars:MountainStar = 5,Water Star = 9,Period Star =8Annual Star =7Wandering Star= Yan NianI feellike thesecombinations are in needofmitigation and I can't avoidever using the entrance. Is aChiming Metal Clock with aSaltwater cure strong in Nenough to temper this area ofmymain door? I am supposing Ineed tocreate aFireEarthMetalWater result but with the 2palaces in one room I amunclearon the strengthrequired for all theinteractions.I would like toexpress my gratitude to allfortheir time and efforts increating,maintaining and supportingthiswonderful site andforum. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 9, 2012 Staff Share Posted January 9, 2012 1. Further to what I had mentioned, in my opinion, most geomancers that plot lots of Flying star charts often would prefer to use the Pie chart method.2. In your illustration, the quickest way to visualise qi is to look first for an external openings especially if a room is within two or more sectors.3. In this case, take a look at the attachment. I have marked in BLUE, where the PRIMARY qi if there are openings (external openings) would often have the highest weightage.4. Thus in this illustration; North PRIMARY FACE seems to have lots of windows and even a door. (Other than considering whether they are opened - afterwards or should they be opened wide etc. this is another consideration.)5. In this illustration, there does not seem to have any external openings at NW at the PRIMARY face of the NW sector. Of course, there seems to have lots of passageway with qi from other sectors indirectly leading towards it. Some of the external qi can even come from the North direction.6. Of course, this can be considered as highly technical. But, does it make sense? Does what I say make common sense? Quote On 1/9/2012 7:36:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. Oftenwhen applying the Flying Stars, alwaysvisualise where chi (qi) or wind comesin.2. Here, looks like you have externalqi coming in from anyopenings(maybe look like) thereare windows at the North area. 3. At NW,seems like the qi is a secondary one asqi or wind or air flows in from otherparts of the home into that area. Asthere are no external openings from NWother than from open spaces...4. Thus,in GENERAL, the qi within the North areacould be argued to have a higherinfluence in an area or room that hastwo sectors spanning it. 5. An aquariumat NW, does seem to help that sector:not so much to enhance qi but rather tohelp "neutralise" bad stars within theNW sector.6. Thus predominantly, focusmore on the stars located at North.Unless you often close (air-tight) ifthere are any windows at the North"face" of the home.On 1/3/2012 2:32:36PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear MasterLee,Helloand thank you somuch for thisforum! I am relativelyknewto Feng Shui but have readvery much in the past weeks(andthank youfor all the wonderfulinformation posted here).Ihavea concernabout my entrance in theupcoming year and am wonderingif I couldreceive someinput. Ihave done myflying stars chart for thehome(both the 2012 annual andtheNatal).My home is a period 7Kun, NE2facing with my mainentrancein the N sector.Northis also my living room with acouch, love seat andsome squareend tables. My NWpalace is alsopart of thesame area which has alargeaquarium. (I've attached partof my layout for clarity). TheNorth palace stars:MountainStar= 9, Water Star =5, PeriodStar = 3Annual Star= 2WanderingStar = Jue MingNWStars:MountainStar = 5,Water Star = 9,Period Star =8Annual Star =7Wandering Star= Yan NianI feellike thesecombinations are in needofmitigation and I can't avoidever using the entrance. Is aChiming Metal Clock with aSaltwater cure strong in Nenough to temper this area ofmymain door? I am supposing Ineed tocreate aFireEarthMetalWater result but with the 2palaces in one room I amunclearon the strengthrequired for all theinteractions.I would like toexpress my gratitude to allfortheir time and efforts increating,maintaining and supportingthiswonderful site andforum. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_152537 Posted January 10, 2012 Share Posted January 10, 2012 Dear Master Lee,I would like to express my gratitude for the clear and detailed insights, thank you. This helps me to understand and visualize, and it makes sense to consider the influence from the chi sources as more profound.You are correct. The NE wall in the North area has 2 large windows (the A marked area in the one illustration) and next to those is my main entrance. There are also two other possible entrance paths for chi, from the center of the home, and also from the hall in the South (which have my SW and W areas feeding the hall).When adding metal to the N area to weaken the 5 and 2 flying stars, shall I also be concerned about assisting the Jue Ming Wandering Star here? (and perhaps weakening it by assisting the N palace with some water).It seems clear it would be beneficial to keep the N windows closed and try to use the entrance as little as possible. Also to use the window in the W area as much as possible (which connects to the S hall which enters this NW - N living room area) where there is an 8 Water Star.Thank you once more for your help and insights. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 10, 2012 Staff Share Posted January 10, 2012 1. You wrote: "It seems clear it would be beneficial to keep the N windows closed and try to use the entrance as little as possible. Also to use the window in the W area as much as possible (which connects to the S hall which enters this NW - N living room area) where there is an 8 Water Star."1A. Yes, you got (the above) correct!2. You wrote: When adding metal to the N area to weaken the 5 and 2 flying stars, shall I also be concerned about assisting the Jue Ming Wandering Star here? (and perhaps weakening it by assisting the N palace with some water).2A. It is ok to do so. Quote On 1/10/2012 12:50:12 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Lee,I would liketo express my gratitude forthe clear and detailedinsights, thank you.This helps me to understandand visualize, and it makessense to consider theinfluence from the chi sourcesas more profound.You arecorrect. The NE wall in theNorth area has 2 large windows(the A marked area in the oneillustration) and next tothose is my mainentrance. There are alsotwo other possible entrancepaths for chi, from the centerof the home, and also from thehall in the South (which havemy SW and W areas feeding thehall).When adding metal to theN area to weaken the 5 and 2flying stars, shall I also beconcerned about assisting theJue Ming Wandering Star here?(and perhaps weakening it byassisting the N palace withsome water).It seems clear itwould be beneficial to keepthe N windows closed and tryto use the entrance as littleas possible. Also to usethe window in the W area asmuch as possible (whichconnects to the S hall whichenters this NW - N living roomarea) where there is an 8Water Star.Thank you once morefor your help and insights. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_152537 Posted January 18, 2012 Share Posted January 18, 2012 Thank you again Master Lee!! You have my gratitude. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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