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Locate centre of the house and where is the Cai Wei = Wealth Position?

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1. Please see attachment for the centrepoint.
2. If one wants to D.I.Y. got to jolly well plot a Flying Star Chart of the interior.
3. Here, after you have plot it, not only can one determine where is the cai wei but also what type e.g. networking, relationship #8 mountain; #8 water wealth location etc.. etc...
4. Thus, Cai Wei or (Wealth sector) can't fall down from the sky. NOR, you post a simple one line statement and expect our Cai Wei to drop down from the sky sort of thing.

On 2/12/2012 9:07:40 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Master Cecil LeeI would
like to know where is the
centre of the house and Cai
Wei? Thankssrc="http://i131.photobucket.c

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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You wrote:

"As what I know from the Door 45 degree toward corner of the Hall is the Cai Wei(Wealth sector). which Corner? A or B as i stated on the plan or is it true that Door 45 degree toward the corner is a Cai Wei?"

I can only say this: If it sounds so EASY, it must be really be true, right?
Where did you hear this grand-mother tale from? In my opinion, this was one of those tales I heard long time ago; i.e. in the 1970's where Feng Shui is rather rudimentary and lots of hocus pocus.
So do you want to go to that era and live in it?
Alamark! We are in the 2012 period. If you approach someone who is well read or even intermediate Feng Shui knowledge...
Such Fung Sway can fool a child, but ...... (sigh..)

On 2/12/2012 7:14:55 PM, Anonymous wrote:
As what I know from the Door
45 degree toward corner of the
Hall is the Cai Wei(Wealth
sector). which Corner? A or B
as i stated on the plan or
is it true that Door 45
degree toward the corner is a
Cai Wei?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Yes, understand. In fact, there are still some geomancers purely practising: North = career sort of thing.
As I had always mentioned:
1. If it is sounds so good, it does not mean it is true all the time.
2. Look at us human beings. Although we all are called Homo-sapiens; how many of us have the same finger prints or even identical iris blood vessels.
3. Another way of looking at it is:
3.1. There are Feng Shui that range from Kindergarten type to more advanced ones...
4. Based on both the Compass Schools of Feng Shui:
4.1. Eight House = has clues as to where is an individual's prosperity etc..
4.2. Flying Star = clearly has models that shows what are the significance of numbers e.g. from now to 2023: #8 = current prosperity.
5. There will always be websites that practise "Kindergarten" type of Fung Sway.
6. As I mentioned above, what happens if under Flying Star: the diagonal info is not the "correct cai wei".... Flying Star based on timely stars may refute the findings: by coincidence, there may be some instances where perhaps, diagonal happens to be the cai wei.. BUT it is NOT every single case. That's for sure.
7. Frankly, if you want to go and practise Kindergarten type of Fung Sway.. no one is stopping you.
8. If there are lots of Chinese websites that ask us to eat grass; will you want to also go and eat pure grass? Much like the herd of sheep. If one sheep jumps over the cliff; all others follow. But, as an intelligent human being... why should we be so foolish to do so.
9. Most likely, if you check these sites; they also practise wholesale selling of commercial products in the name of Feng Shui. Aka.. bull-shit..

On 2/13/2012 1:15:50 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I get this cai wei information
from web site. I type in
chinese Cai Wei and there's a
lot ofinformation about
finding cai wei corner
diagonally from the main door.
There is quitea lot of
feng shui web
siteteaching this method
to find cai wei as well.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The additional resources to this thread:-



On 2/13/2012 3:11:32 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Yes, understand. In fact, there are
still some geomancers purely practising:
North = career sort of thing.As I had
always mentioned: 1. If it is sounds so
good, it does not mean it is true all
the time.2. Look at us human beings.
Although we all are called Homo-sapiens;
how many of us have the same finger
prints or even identical iris blood
vessels.3. Another way of looking at it
is: 3.1. There are Feng Shui that range
from Kindergarten type to more advanced
ones...4. Based on both the Compass
Schools of Feng Shui:4.1. Eight House =
has clues as to where is an individual's
prosperity etc..4.2. Flying Star =
clearly has models that shows what are
the significance of numbers e.g. from
now to 2023: #8 = current prosperity.5.
There will always be websites that
practise "Kindergarten" type of Fung
Sway.6. As I mentioned above, what
happens if under Flying Star: the
diagonal info is not the "correct cai
wei".... Flying Star based on timely
stars may refute the findings: by
coincidence, there may be some instances
where perhaps, diagonal happens to be
the cai wei.. BUT it is NOT every single
case. That's for sure.7. Frankly, if you
want to go and practise Kindergarten
type of Fung Sway.. no one is stopping
you.8. If there are lots of Chinese
websites that ask us to eat grass; will
you want to also go and eat pure grass?
Much like the herd of sheep. If one
sheep jumps over the cliff; all others
follow. But, as an intelligent human
being... why should we be so foolish to
do so.9. Most likely, if you check these
sites; they also practise wholesale
selling of commercial products in the
name of Feng Shui. Aka.. bull-shit..On
2/13/2012 1:15:50 AM, Gary Thay wrote:
I get this cai wei information
from web site. I type in
Cai Wei and there's a
ofinformation about
cai wei corner
diagonally from the
main door.
There is quitea lot
feng shui web
siteteaching this method
to find cai wei as well.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study: Where is the Wealth Position or Cai Wei in my home?

1. (Below) A sample Feng Shui audit applying Flying Star Feng Shui.

1.1. The Cai Wei are in BLUE colour...

1.2. Plot the Flying Star numbers and interpret the combinations of Mountain and Water Stars:-


2.  NE = [2] & [8] - "Water Wealth" sector from 2004 to 2023. When at home and especially after a heavy rain. Open windows at THIS SIDE of the house e.g. living room windows / bedrooms. [Where #2 = Mountain Star and #8 = Water Star]

3. East = [7] & [4] - Romance Luck.

4. South = [1] & [7] - Good luck in romance. Very lucky when going out. Prosperous.

5. SW = [8] & [5] - Networking, relationship luck from 2004 to 2023

6. West = [3] & [9] - Good for studies

1418313237_CaseStudySampleFengShuiAudit1_1BWNW.png.d18dcfdec24700aeec64cdb9d7a42074.png7. NW = [4] & [1] - Good for sales, going out and business exploration. Will get unexpected wealth.

8. In this sample report, one can see that in some instances, there can be several Cai Wei locations + different kinds of wealth luck (Cai Wei).

9. If the Cai Wei is at this location, most likely it is a coincidence only.. nothing more than that:
"As what I know from the Door 45 degree toward corner of the Hall is the Cai Wei(Wealth sector). which Corner? A or B as i stated on the plan or is it true that Door 45 degree toward the corner is a Cai Wei?"

Reference resources:-

Case Study Sample Feng Shui Audit 1_1.png

Case Study Sample Feng Shui Audit 1_2.png

Case Study Sample Feng Shui Audit 1_3.png

Case Study Sample Feng Shui Audit 1_4.png

Note: Not all Feng Shui Masters give detailed reports. If in doubt check, first.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 11 months later...
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Case Study: Related: Majority of Public Housing and Private Estates in Singapore falls under Period 7 or 8. 

Period 8 From Key collection till maximum of 2023, luck sectors will change locations especially on/from 2024 till 2043:-

If the home is a Period 7:


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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