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Another way of looking at it is:-
1. In Feng Shui, if one looks at it carefully, the main consideration is: the FORMS determine the stars...
2. Here, in many homes, generaly the Feng Shui is acceptable. Thus, if some one says the cai wei is diagonal to the house, based on statistics and probability; usually 50 percent of the time, it is already may be a good sector. So, by coincidence, if happens to be the cai wei then the kindergarten type of practitioners can say that they are correct.
3. In many of the past illustrations:
Nowadays with the Compass School: Eight House (uses one's year of birth) and Flying Star (timely stars); this school implies that if you are using "our school" your Feng Shui is equivalent to using the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI scan)... Vs an X-Ray type.
http://wiki.geomancy.net/wiki/Feng_Shui_Triage: look under 3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI Scan) Vs An X-ray resource
4. Thus if a person needs to go for say a brain surgery: would you rely on a doctor only using X-ray (x-ray has a problem looking at tissues like the brain unless there are splinters e.g. bones scattered in it)... vs MRI scanning?
5. Same thing, here...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I had mentioned:
1. Common sense says that: if one has the opportunity to ask these sites: what is their rationale for saying that cai wei is always diagonal to the home. And follow-up with: Have you heard of e.g. Compass School of Feng Shui: Eight House and Flying Stars.
2. The practitioners of Flying Star School(s) say that they can confirm whether the diagonal location is the cai wei or not. And if one plots a flying star with 15 different permutations; it is not possible for anyone sector in the home or office to be auspicious every 15 times...
2.1 Go ahead, if you dare, go ask such a question with those who based on the diagonal "thing".
3. In my opinion, 90 to 100 percent of the time; these people would use diagonal location as the cai wei.. WHY? If they identified your cai wei; most likely you will be conned or rather they have a better choice to sell their products.
4. Versus, coming to this forum; and you were told: you must plot a flying star chart etc...
5. Therefore, in my opinion; I strongly believe; the faster, one is enticed into knowing their cai wei (real or unreal) the higher the potential for impulse buying or greet beget greed ... by being asked to purchase lots of rubbish commercial products.
6. Go and do your homework.. And let me know if these sites don't sell feng shui products..
7. I believe, often, we humans can easily be conned, or enticed, when a carrot is dangled in-front of us: The cai wei is always diagonal... vs... the stick approach which means you have to jolly well do your homework to extract out the correct info....
8. Another example is: How many of us have to slog hard to pass a proper examination? Result: a proper diploma and degree and post graduate degree.
9. This type of cai wei at diagonal is like those Degree Mills that entice us to buy their degrees or even doctorate! After getting this type of qualifications; not only will it get one into trouble for false declaration of academic qualifications; can do harm and even give bad repute.. and this type of "wealth " is unreal...

10. Frankly, the location of a cai wei or wealth position does not just drop down from the sky. 

10.1. Thus although Feng Shui is about trying to enhance a location that has cai wei. Correspondingly, one must ask find places of imbalances and fix it.



On 2/13/2012 3:34:30 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Another way of looking at it
is:-1. In Feng Shui, if one
looks at it carefully, the
main consideration is: the
FORMS determine the stars...2.
Here, in many homes, generaly
the Feng Shui is acceptable.
Thus, if some one says the cai
wei is diagonal to the house,
based on statistics and
probability; usually 50
percent of the time, it is
already may be a good sector.
So, by coincidence, if happens
to be the cai wei then the
kindergarten type of
practitioners can say that
they are correct.3. In many of
the past
illustrations:Nowadays with
the Compass School: Eight
House (uses one's year of
birth) and Flying Star (timely
stars); this school implies
that if you are using "our
school" your Feng Shui is
equivalent to using the
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI scan)... Vs an X-Ray
e: look under 3 Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI Scan)
Vs An X-ray resource4. Thus if
a person needs to go for say a
brain surgery: would you rely
on a doctor only using X-ray
(x-ray has a problem looking
at tissues like the brain
unless there are splinters
e.g. bones scattered in it)...
vs MRI scanning?5. Same thing,




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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