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Please note the following:-
1. You can look at this resource which has a link to generate your personal element and use the colour and shape association to design your own logo.
2.It is not true that one should not design a logo WITH circle. BUT, under symbolism in Geomancy, there may be some truth and half-truth in a logo within a circle.
2.1. Again, this has to do with symbolism in Geomancy. As often a circle is considered like a ship's porthole which symbolises sinking feeling or some say a circle symbolises ZERO.
2.2. This has more to do with symbolism.
3. The saying "one man's meat is another man's poison".
4. For example, some say based on superstition that number 13 is inauspicious. While others say that 13 is OK while 14 is inauspicious etc... So, who do you listen to?
5. For example, some Chinese hate the number 4 which sounds like death in their dialect while I understand some Indians say 4 sounds like auspicious to them. So which is which or who you want to listen to?
6. Designing a name card is a new invention. Thus, if you want you could apply all the concepts such as auspicious measurement based on the Feng Shui Ruler etc.. or simply use standard name card blanks.
7. Frankly, name cards does not make or break a company. For example, even today, for companies like Kodak, or if one is in Kodak, getting a well designed name card that confirms to Feng Shui principles are of no use when one is in a sinking ship.
8. In my opinion, if one is also in Nokia, and wants to design a perfect so called Feng Shui conformity name card; I will say ... go and fly a kite!
9. In my opinion, Feng Shui even so called name card design is not a CURE all or an ENHANCER if any ...

On 3/4/2012 9:42:22 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear sir/Mdm
I'm a wood rabbit, dealing in
real estate.
1) How should I design my name
card and
2) may I know what's the dos
and don't I shd follow when
designing one?
3)I heard one shd not design a
logo in a circle, is this
Please reply. Tks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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