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I am trying to teach myself Flying Stars Feng Shui. Your site has been very helpful My question is concerning mountain and water stars. I am confused as what to do if the nature of the flying star conflicts with the element of mountain or water.
For example, if there the 9 fire star is in the water star position, would you activate it with fire or water? I'm not sure what to do since they are both of opposing forces.
If the stars oppose each other would the cancel each other out? Or is it more important to add water features if there is an auspicious star in this position, regardless of the element of the flying star?
Thank you!!
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Lets look at this example where there is a bad #5 around.
For example:-
Mountain Star is #5 and Water Star is #9;
Here, we must apply the Five elements concept.
ASSOCIATION ONE: #9 = Fire element irregardless whether it falls under the Mountain or Water Star.

In this example, we often say the the Water star #9 is being exhausted by earth star #5. Thus, overall, it is said that the Water Star is being block or wealth (water star) is blocked.
Please note that the above still relies on the five elements concept.
ASSOCIATION TWO: #9 from now to 2023 is the COMING PROSPERITY
In addition, the knowledge that from now to 2023:-
#8 = current prosperity
#9 = COMING prosperity (even if it's element is #9 = fire element and even if it falls in the water star sector). It is still a fire element.
And in order for this star to "prosper" as it is the fire element: check out the five elements to see what kills (blocks it) or enhances it.
Therefore, if one knows the above TWO assocations and link or combine them to analyse the sector.
Erh.. "got it, get it?"

On 3/6/2012 5:24:25 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello,I am trying to teach
myself Flying Stars Feng Shui.
Your site has been very
helpful My question is
concerning mountain and water
stars. I am confused as
what to do if the nature of
the flying star conflicts with
the element of mountain or
water.For example, if there
the 9 fire star is in the
water star position, would you
activate it with fire or
water? I'm not sure what to do
since they are both of
opposing forces.If the stars
oppose each other would the
cancel each other out? Or is
it more important to add water
features if there is an
auspicious star in this
position, regardless of the
element of the flying star?
Thank you!!-Heather

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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