myfs_118038 Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 Master Cecil, I was wondering if you could clarify something else for me please. I am a Kua 4 and a snake in the Chinese astrology. It appears that theKua 4 auspicious directions are in direct conflict with eachother. By this I mean that the best directions for the snake are West,South West and North East. For the Kua 4 those are inauspiciousdirections especially the North East which is total loss for the Kua 4and the best direction for the snake. Which should I be following since the above are in direct conflict.Should I follow the Snakes auspicious directions or the Kua 4 auspiciousdirections? It is really confusing and if you could please help me Iwould really appreciate it.... Thank you so very much Tamara Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 22, 2012 Staff Share Posted March 22, 2012 Further to what I had mentioned,1. In the past, I had often brought out the need to use this simple TOOL:-The Three-Step-Approach2. The above simple tool is about tracing the roots of a concept. And if we were to trace the roots; often, based on common sense, we can deduce which evolution tree a concept falls into.3. Not only a concept falls into but rather what was it's chief evolution path.4. Thus, in this simple attachment, if we trace Kua (Gua number) it falls under the evoluntionary tree of Feng Shui.4.1. While what you mentioned, a snake be it a cobra, python or whatever snake; the concept of snake is based on Chinese Zodiac signs and falls under the evolution of Chinese Horoscope. Chinese Horoscope has more to with identifying an individual's traits and it's key concept is Zi Wei Dou Shu.5. Well, isn't this again another common sense and cow sense way to look at things.6. For us all homo sapiens, our evolution tree seems simple: our roots are in Africa.....and no matter if you are a white, asian, black or charcoal person. You or rather we ALL belong tothis tree. Quote On 3/22/2012 7:42:58 AM, Anonymous wrote:The best clue, here is to lookat the origin of the conceptor theory.GEOMANCY & FENG SHUIFengShui has two major theories:1. Shapes and Forms2. CompassSchool Feng Shui: Eight House(Gua / Kua) and FlyingStar.Thus, based purely oncommon sense, there are twocommon denominators in theabove.See them (above in redand bold).Since Kua or Gua ismeant more for Feng Shui bestdirection, common sense saysthat when you are applyingdirections (Compass School ofFeng Shui); then Kua or Guashould be used in this case.GEOMANCY & CHINESE HOROSCOPEBeingpurely a snake or a rat or a pig or atiger etc... belongs to another branchof Geomancy i.e. ChineseHoroscope.Again, based on common sense,one simply don't mix one branch ofGeomancy: Horoscopes with Feng ShuiOn3/22/2012 7:33:09 AM, Tamara Shielswrote:Master Cecil, I was wonderingif you could clarify somethingelse for me please.I am aKua 4 and a snake inthe Chineseastrology.It appears that theKua 4 auspicious directionsarein direct conflict witheachother. By this I meanthatthe best directions forthe snakeare West,South West and NorthEast. For the Kua 4thoseare inauspiciousdirectionsespecially theNorth East which istotal lossfor the Kua 4and thebest direction for thesnake.Which should I be followingsince the above are in directconflict.Should I followthe Snakesauspicious directions ortheKua 4 auspiciousdirections? It is reallyconfusing and if you couldplease help me Iwould reallyappreciate it....Thank you so verymuch Tamara Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 22, 2012 Staff Share Posted March 22, 2012 The best clue, here is to look at the origin of the concept or theory.GEOMANCY & FENG SHUIFeng Shui has two major theories: 1. Shapes and Forms2. Compass School Feng Shui: Eight House (Gua / Kua) and Flying Star.Thus, based purely on common sense, there are two common denominators in the above.See them (above in red and bold).Since Kua or Gua is meant more for Feng Shui best direction, common sense says that when you are applying directions (Compass School of Feng Shui); then Kua or Gua should be used in this case.GEOMANCY & CHINESE HOROSCOPE Being purely a snake or a rat or a pig or a tiger etc... belongs to another branch of Geomancy i.e. Chinese Horoscope.Again, based on common sense, one simply don't mix one branch of Geomancy: Horoscopes with Feng Shui Quote On 3/22/2012 7:33:09 AM, Anonymous wrote:Master Cecil, I was wonderingif you could clarify somethingelse for me please.I am a Kua 4 and a snake inthe Chinese astrology.It appears that theKua 4 auspicious directionsare in direct conflict witheachother. By this I meanthat the best directions forthe snake are West,South West and NorthEast. For the Kua 4those are inauspiciousdirections especially theNorth East which is total lossfor the Kua 4and the best direction for thesnake.Which should I be followingsince the above are in directconflict.Should I follow the Snakesauspicious directions or theKua 4 auspiciousdirections? It is reallyconfusing and if you couldplease help me Iwould really appreciate it....Thank you so very much Tamara Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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