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Hello and thank you for your help with this question.
I am lucky enough to have a room that I can dedicate to my meditation practice. It islocated in the Knowledge/Spirituality section of the second floor of my home.My only concern is that it faces south and the windows are directly over the septic tank for the house. There are some flowers and plants planted over the septic tank, but the concrete openings are visible.
What is the best action to take so this does not interfer with my use of this room?
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In my opinion, this has more to do with the "human factor" : feel.
Since the septic tank is outside; and should it be a distraction to you; then often a simple day curtain or a roller blind could be used, here.
Personally, I feel that if one is really into meditation; I would have thought that a good meditation is one where even in the middle of the highway island; one would still be at peace and still do productive meditation.

On 3/25/2012 12:24:14 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello and thank you for your
help with this question. I am
lucky enough to have a room
that I can dedicate to my
meditation practice. It
islocated in the
Knowledge/Spirituality section
of the second floor of my
home.My only concern is
that it faces south and the
windows are directly over the
septic tank for the house.
There are some flowers and
plants planted over the septic
tank, but the concrete
openings are
visible.What is the best
action to take so this does
not interfer with my use of
this room?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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