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Dear Cecil,
I am looking for an apartment fairly high up at least Level 9 or higher. But I don't know how to choose between them from a purefeng shui facing direction viewpoint. I am stuck on some basics. I am an "East group" person. So my best directions are SE, E, S and N. I have been told to look for a place "facing North or East", but not facing NorthEast because it is "Devil's Entry Gate". It is frustrating becauseI don't know what I should be looking out for or how to rank them.
What is a facing directionfor a high rise? A1,A2,A3, etc. or other ?
For example, is a North facing apartment one based on:
A. where the most "yang energy" from outsideis coming into the homefrom the North ?
If based on "yang energy", what does this really mean ? Is the facing direction therefore:
1. from the front door because this is where the traffic flow into and out of the apartment is highest ?
2. from where the most natural light comes in (but what if thecurtains weremostly closed because neighbours look in ?)?
3. from where most outside activity takes place such as the side of the home closest to a main road with cars going by, and people way down below in the street, and more noise coming in ?
4. from the balcony if people living in the homeare always going in and out of the balcony ?
5. from the side of the home where there is a view of the sea,lake or harbour ?
6. from the side of the home where there is a view of a mountain ?
7. from where you would stand in the apartment and take a photo, the picture you takeis the facing direction coming toward the camera ?
8. all of the above if they are present; But if so, how do we weight them, or how do we rank them, for example, how do we compare the yang energy from a front door versus another side of the home with window views of a wide sweeping landscape of the outside?
9. none of the above ?
10. something else ?
Assuming the main door has the most yang energy, what does "facing" actually mean ? A1. or A2. ?
.Ifthe facing directionis based on the front door, is it based on:
1. the apartment doorbeing actually located in the "North corner" of the floorplan? By North corner, I meanI dividedthe apartment into ninesquares as much as possible andfound the North sector. Here, even if the angle of the door cause people people standing at the door looking into the hometo bestanding facing say a SouthWest direction, it does not matter because only the location of the door in the North sectorcounts; or
the apartment door isactually facing South inward from a North direction looking in ? What I mean is a person standing at the door looking inis facing South, and it is not important that the door is situatedin a non-North corner of the home for example, a door located in the Northwest corner, but nevertheless the door is facing aSouth direction looking in. so therefore looking in from a North direction.
Hope you can clarify. Thanks.
To keep things in prespective, I was told facing direction is not as important as other things like one's personal Bah Zii, whether one's animal sign is in a auspicious year.
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These are some considerations:
1. What is the purpose of selecting the facing direction for a home? Is this a must DO thing?
1.1. One must understand that the MAIN reason for selecting the facing direction is for the purpose of APPLYING Flying Star Feng Shui "correctly".
1.2. Qi or Chi flow.
This is where as you also had mentioned, many geomancers would agree that the most yang qi is always the location often where the most "openings" MAY BE located.
2. Why look at the openings?
2.1. Again this is about finding where the majority of the time; qi can flow into a home or apartment. If so, a properly plotted Flying Star chart can be used both to:-
2.1.1. Enhance qi and/or
2.1.2. To understand bad qi areas and if possible disarm bad sectors.
3. Ultra Conservative Geomancers
3.1. Many conservative or highly ultra conservative types of Geomancers will arm themselves with a comforter or suck on a baby teet.
3.2. These Geomancers will bring out or try to bring out ancient teachings that say that the only correct way is to take a reading e.g. standing inside the main door and looking outwards.
3.3. These hard-core Geomancers literally will quote off from their rigid masters who often learn Feng Shui the same way.
3.4. These hard-core group would lead one to belief that anything else is false or wrong. But these group did not realise that in ancient times, there weren't any high rise development.
4. As most of us know, even for an apartment, sometimes the architect would design the main door of an apartment around a block of flats/apartment.
4.1. Thus, for a layout plan, the main door can be anywhere attached to the block / walkway depending on how the block is designed.
5. Well, the best way is to imagine this:
5.1. For most landed properties the frontage is where: you drive up into say your landed property's gate and into your private car-park. This is often the frontage of the home.
6. For any apartment, again; just imagine, even if the apartment is sky-high be it first level or 9th storey or 44 storey, just imagine if this apartment is at ground level; how does a car drive up to the home (apartment). And how do you think the main door is located? This should often be the frontage of the apartment.
7. In Singapore, majority of the time, I often been to many condos and often, the owner's slam-shut their doors. This is especially so for many condo units where they simply do not install a personal grille gate right outside of their main entrance. If so, this cannot be the frontage of the apartment. While for a HDB flat, sometimes, this MAY be the frontage of the apartment.
8. Singaporeans are considered Kiasu. (Scared to Die). Thus, if you are mapping or personally ploting your home Flying Star Chart and not sure where is the facing direction, some geomancers say: plot a few Flying Star charts.
9. As I mentioned previously, many experienced Geomancers when looking at the Feng Shui and trying to plot a Flying Star chart would often observe (an existing home) to see where are the likely openings. This is often the chief basis for them to try to find the best frontage to plot the flying star as the foundation to work on a Feng Shui audit.
10. For ranking, there are lots of past resources on this subject. Go search out using the left frame of this forum for words like " by ranking "

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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An In-depth understanding of the Frontage of a home.

Is it always the main door?

Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist.

What lead to the Conservatives use of the Main Door only?

1. Who are the Conservatives and the Modernists?
2. An in-depth understanding of why the Conservatives has misunderstood the knowledge passed down by the ancients.


For High Rise Compass Reading should be taken from the living room looking out of it. For eg. towards the living room windows or its balcony (if applicable)






******* OLDER RESOURCES ********



What you wrote: What is a facing direction for a high rise ? A1,A2,A3, etc. or other ?
For example, is a North facing apartment one based on:
A. where the most "yang energy" from outside is coming into the home from the North ?
If based on "yang energy", what does this really mean ? Is the facing direction therefore:
1. from the front door because this is where the traffic flow into and out of the apartment is highest ?
2. from where the most natural light comes in (but what if the curtains were mostly closed because neighbours look in ?) ?
3. from where most outside activity takes place such as the side of the home closest to a main road with cars going by, and people way down below in the street, and more noise coming in ?
4. from the balcony if people living in the home are always going in and out of the balcony ?
5. from the side of the home where there is a view of the sea,lake or harbour ?
6. from the side of the home where there is a view of a mountain ?
7. from where you would stand in the apartment and take a photo, the picture you take is the facing direction coming toward the camera ?
8. all of the above if they are present; But if so, how do we weight them, or how do we rank them, for example, how do we compare the yang energy from a front door versus another side of the home with window views of a wide sweeping landscape of the outside ?
9. none of the above ?
10. something else ?
Can be summed up in one simple illustration. Please see attachment.
What you wrote is alot of academic exercise. No offence, I didn't even read thru the whole thing.





Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to High rise & what is a 'facing direction' ?

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