myfs_154747 Posted April 18, 2012 Share Posted April 18, 2012 Hi, It was fascinating to read some threads here. I'm currently in the middle of house hunting. I found a condo that I'm very interested in. I like almost everything except that the condo is at the end of a dead end street. The front door is facing East on the 2nd floor. Garage door on the ground level. There is a large window in the living room facing South. The unit is bright (getting sunlight from EAST/South and a bit of West), which I love. I attached a picture showing the location (the unit is marked in a blue rectangle). I really like the condo, but am worried about the dead end street that would bring bad luck. Would greatly appreciate your advice.Thanks very much,John Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 18, 2012 Staff Share Posted April 18, 2012 Please confirm which map did you use in the attachment.As if you do not let me know, I may have to delete this thread. Please respect copyright laws. And either copy the entire may (often they will add their copyright info on it; else ensure that Source & Credit is included in the map. This is only common sense.No matter whether this is Singapore, US, India - again, respect intellectual property rights. Quote On 4/18/2012 7:37:38 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi, It was fascinating to readsome threads here. I'mcurrently in the middle ofhouse hunting. I found acondo that I'm very interestedin. I like almosteverything except that thecondo is at the end of a deadend street. The frontdoor is facing East on the 2ndfloor. Garage door onthe ground level. There is alarge window in the livingroom facing South. Theunit is bright (gettingsunlight from EAST/South and abit of West), which Ilove. I attached apicture showing the location(the unit is marked in a bluerectangle). I reallylike the condo, but am worriedabout the dead end street thatwould bring bad luck.Would greatly appreciate youradvice.Thanks very much,John Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_154747 Posted April 19, 2012 Share Posted April 19, 2012 Apologies.The map is the Copyright of Mircosoft Corporations. Image reposted with Source. Quote On 4/18/2012 11:44:46 AM, Anonymous wrote:Please confirm which map did you use inthe attachment.As if you do not let meknow, I may have to delete this thread.Please respect copyright laws. Andeither copy the entire may (often theywill add their copyright info on it;else ensure that Source & Credit isincluded in the map. This is only commonsense.No matter whether this isSingapore, US, India - again, respectintellectual property rights.On4/18/2012 7:37:38 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi, It was fascinating to readsome threads here. I'mcurrently in the middle ofhousehunting. I found acondo thatI'm very interestedin. I likealmosteverything except that thecondo is at the end of a deadend street. The frontdooris facing East on the 2ndfloor. Garage door ontheground level. There is alargewindow in the livingroom facingSouth. Theunit is bright(gettingsunlight from EAST/Southand abit of West), which Ilove. I attached apictureshowing the location(the unit ismarked in a bluerectangle). Ireallylike the condo, but amworriedabout the dead end streetthatwould bring bad luck.Would greatly appreciate youradvice.Thanks very much,John Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 19, 2012 Staff Share Posted April 19, 2012 1. Thanks for respecting Microsoft Corporation's intellectual property rights. The internet is not a free for all or lawless frontier.2. Please refer to attachment.2.1. Generally, the frontage e.g. the road leading to the condo seems acceptable under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.2.2. I believe the land marked in RED as "A" and in YELLOW "C" are flat land. And not a sudden drop. 2.3. If there is a sudden drop especially at marking "A"; and if no proper retaining walls; and in the event of a landslide, this is bad. 3. In fact, buildings in PURPLE "B" and GREEN "D" have poor (frontage) shapes and forms due to the road wayas shown in the arrows. Quote On 4/19/2012 2:28:24 AM, Anonymous wrote:Apologies.The map is the Copyrightof Mircosoft Corporations. Imagereposted with Source.On 4/18/201211:44:46 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:Pleaseconfirm which map did you use intheattachment.As if you do not let meknow, I may have to delete thisthread.Please respect copyrightlaws. Andeither copy the entire may(often theywill add their copyrightinfo on it;else ensure that Source& Credit isincluded in the map.This is only commonsense.No matterwhether this isSingapore, US, India- again, respectintellectualproperty rights.On4/18/2012 7:37:38AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi, It wasfascinating to readsome threadshere. I'mcurrently in themiddle ofhousehunting. Ifound acondo thatI'm veryinterestedin. I likealmosteverything except thatthecondo is at the end of adeadend street. The frontdooris facing East on the 2ndfloor. Garage door ontheground level. There is alargewindow in the livingroom facingSouth. Theunit is bright(gettingsunlight from EAST/Southand abit of West), which Ilove. I attached apictureshowing the location(the unit ismarked in a bluerectangle). Ireallylike the condo, but amworriedabout the dead end streetthatwould bring bad luck.Would greatly appreciate youradvice.Thanks very much,John Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_154747 Posted April 22, 2012 Share Posted April 22, 2012 Thanks very much for advice. The "A" and "C" areas are actually "sudden drops" (unfortunately) with retaining walls but drops are not high at all (approx. 5 feet high).There are trees/bushes...I would saythe risk of landslide is really low. Quote On 4/19/2012 11:18:42 PM, Anonymous wrote:1. Thanks for respecting MicrosoftCorporation's intellectual propertyrights. The internet is not a free forall or lawless frontier.2. Please referto attachment.2.1. Generally, thefrontage e.g. the road leading to thecondo seems acceptable under Shapes andForms Feng Shui.2.2. I believe the landmarked in RED as "A" and in YELLOW "C"are flat land. And not a sudden drop.2.3. If there is a sudden dropespecially at marking "A"; and if noproper retaining walls; and in the eventof a landslide, this is bad. 3. In fact,buildings in PURPLE "B" and GREEN "D"have poor (frontage) shapes and formsdue to the road wayas shown in thearrows.On 4/19/2012 2:28:24 AM, JohnHwang wrote:Apologies.The mapis the Copyrightof MircosoftCorporations. Imagereposted withSource.On 4/18/201211:44:46 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Pleaseconfirmwhich map did you use intheattachment.As if you do not let meknow, I may have to delete thisthread.Please respect copyrightlaws. Andeither copy the entiremay(often theywill add theircopyrightinfo on it;elseensure that Source& Credit isincluded in the map.This isonly commonsense.No matterwhether this isSingapore, US,India- again, respectintellectualproperty rights.On4/18/2012 7:37:38AM, Anonymouswrote:Hi, It wasfascinating to readsomethreadshere. I'mcurrently in themiddle ofhousehunting. Ifoundacondo thatI'm veryinterestedin. I likealmosteverything exceptthatthecondo is at the endof adeadend street.The frontdooris facingEast on the 2ndfloor.Garage door onthegroundlevel. There is alargewindow in the livingroomfacingSouth. Theunitis bright(gettingsunlightfrom EAST/Southand abit ofWest), which Ilove. Iattached apictureshowingthe location(the unit ismarked in a bluerectangle). Ireallylike the condo, but amworriedabout the dead endstreetthatwould bring badluck.Would greatlyappreciate youradvice.Thanks very much,John Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 22, 2012 Staff Share Posted April 22, 2012 As mentioned based purely on a top-view Shapes and Forms:1. the service road that is parallel to the condo plot is not an issue.2.As the plot where you had marked is not threatened by any service or public road.3.Thefrontage of the condo is unblocked: more good than bad. As there is alarge clear space.Minor issue is that there is no blockages thus shouldit be windy, there is nothing to block the wind blowing strongly towards the face.4. Plot of land at a corner is subject to another science of Feng Shui.4.1 Here, one must imagine that rainfall will fall onto the plot of land and often if the DROP at A andC are open drainage, depending on this; some apartment units may be inauspicious orunlucky.4.2 Drainage of plot of land e.g. see sample attachment.5. These are some of the external considerations.... Quote On 4/22/2012 11:22:22 AM, Anonymous wrote:Thanks very much for advice. The"A" and "C" areas are actually "suddendrops" (unfortunately) with retainingwalls but drops are not high at all(approx. 5 feet high).There aretrees/bushes...I wouldsaythe risk of landslide is reallylow. On 4/19/2012 11:18:42 PM,Cecil Lee wrote:1. Thanks forrespecting MicrosoftCorporation'sintellectual propertyrights. Theinternet is not a free forall orlawless frontier.2. Please refertoattachment.2.1. Generally, thefrontage e.g. the road leading tothecondo seems acceptable underShapes andForms Feng Shui.2.2. Ibelieve the landmarked in RED as"A" and in YELLOW "C"are flat land.And not a sudden drop.2.3. If thereis a sudden dropespecially atmarking "A"; and if noproperretaining walls; and in the eventofa landslide, this is bad. 3. In fact,buildings in PURPLE "B" and GREEN"D"have poor (frontage) shapes andformsdue to the road wayasshown in thearrows.On 4/19/20122:28:24 AM, JohnHwang wrote:Apologies.The mapis theCopyrightof MircosoftCorporations. ImagerepostedwithSource.On 4/18/201211:44:46 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Pleaseconfirmwhich map didyou use intheattachment.Asif you do not let meknow, Imay have to delete thisthread.Please respect copyrightlaws. Andeither copy theentiremay(often theywilladd theircopyrightinfo on it;elseensure that Source& Credit isincluded inthe map.This isonly commonsense.No matterwhether thisisSingapore, US,India-again, respectintellectualproperty rights.On4/18/20127:37:38AM, Anonymouswrote:Hi, It wasfascinatingto readsomethreadshere. I'mcurrently in themiddleofhousehunting. Ifoundacondo thatI'mveryinterestedin. Ilikealmosteverythingexceptthatthecondo isat the endof adeadendstreet.The frontdooris facingEast on the 2ndfloor.Garage dooronthegroundlevel.There is alargewindowin the livingroomfacingSouth. Theunitisbright(gettingsunlightfrom EAST/Southand abit ofWest), which Ilove. Iattached apictureshowingthelocation(the unit ismarked in a bluerectangle). Ireallylike the condo,but amworriedabout thedead endstreetthatwould bring badluck.Would greatlyappreciateyouradvice.Thanks verymuch,John Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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