myfs_154908 Posted May 9, 2012 Share Posted May 9, 2012 Dear Mr.Lee,Thank you very much for all the knowledge that you have imparted to us with regards to feng-shui.i have learned so much from your site. i am currently drafting my house with a limited space(30 sqm).i would like to ask if it is ok to place the septic tank under the kitchen sink or stove in an auspicious or non-auspicious position?if not, what is the feng-shui cure?Hope to read from you soon.Thanks again. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 9, 2012 Staff Share Posted May 9, 2012 1. In my opinion, your question has more to do with common sense than Feng Shui.2. The concern has more to do with hygiene such as unseen vapours. Anything relating to the "dirty" such as sewerage, septic etc... is considered dirty liquid.3. Thus of course, if there is a choice, one should not even place be such things within living quarters.4. Between the devil (the stove) and the deep blue sea (the sink); if one has to really choose where to place the septic tank, then it would have to be furthest away from the STOVE.4.1 Thus if one really (I mean) really have to choose; then go with the sink area. 5. What happens ifone applys Flying Star Feng Shui?5.1 A geomancer would always (if possible) ask not to place e.g. the septic tank at an auspicious sector.5.2 Again, one has to be practical; with a limited space 30sqm.. no choice..... rather go with the sink than the stove. Why?5.3 From a Feng Shui point of view; the stove represents the fire element and septic belongs to the water element. Fire and Water clash. As compared to the sink (WITH) water.Ref: Dangers of Underground Water (Unseen vapours) Quote On 5/9/2012 12:48:57 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Mr.Lee,Thank you verymuch for all the knowledgethat you have imparted to uswith regards to feng-shui.ihave learned so much from yoursite. i am currently draftingmy house with a limitedspace(30 sqm).i would like toask if it is ok to place theseptic tank under the kitchensink or stove in an auspiciousor non-auspicious position?ifnot, what is the feng-shuicure?Hope to read from yousoon.Thanks again. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 9, 2012 Staff Share Posted May 9, 2012 1. Often, many Feng Shui concepts have it's origin from pure common sense.2. From a Feng Shui point of view, take the attached example.2.1. In some homes for convenience the contractor may run a water pipe close-to or the stove perhaps to install a water pipe to a Fridge that can dispense cold water.2.2. When we use a stove, often the surrounding space close to some stove may heat up. And what is worse if we run a water pipe e.g. six inches across the stove? 2.3 As most water pipes are made of copper, copper conducts heat easily and the result is that water passing thru would get heated up.3. In Feng Shui, this is explained as the stove belongs to the fire element. And the water-pipe since it contains water (implies that water is close to the stove) = considered inauspicious. Quote On 5/9/2012 7:18:24 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. In my opinion, your question has moreto do with common sense than FengShui.2. The concern has more to do withhygiene such as unseen vapours. Anythingrelating to the "dirty" such assewerage, septic etc... is considereddirty liquid.3. Thus of course, ifthere is a choice, one should not evenplace be such things within livingquarters.4. Between the devil (thestove) and the deep blue sea (the sink);if one has to really choose where toplace the septic tank, then it wouldhave to be furthest away from theSTOVE.4.1 Thus if one really (I mean)really have to choose; then go with thesink area. 5. What happens ifoneapplys Flying Star Feng Shui?5.1 Ageomancer would always (if possible) asknot to place e.g. the septic tank at anauspicious sector.5.2 Again, one has tobe practical; with a limited space30sqm.. no choice..... rather go withthe sink than the stove. Why?5.3 From aFeng Shui point of view; the stoverepresents the fire element and septicbelongs to the water element. Fire andWater clash. As compared to the sink(WITH) water.Ref: Dangers of UndergroundWater (Unseenvapours) 5/9/2012 12:48:57 AM,Anonymous wrote:Dear Mr.Lee,Thankyou verymuch for all the knowledgethat you have imparted to uswith regards to feng-shui.ihavelearned so much from yoursite. i amcurrently draftingmy house with alimitedspace(30 sqm).i would liketoask if it is ok to place theseptic tank under the kitchensink or stove in an auspiciousor non-auspicious position?ifnot, what is the feng-shuicure?Hope to read from yousoon.Thanks again. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_154908 Posted May 9, 2012 Share Posted May 9, 2012 Dear Mr. Lee,Thank you very much for your speedy reply. Quote On 5/9/2012 7:36:02 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. Often, many Feng Shui concepts haveit's origin from pure common sense.2.From a Feng Shui point of view, take theattached example.2.1. In somehomes for convenience the contractor mayrun a water pipe close-to or the stoveperhaps to install a water pipe to aFridge that can dispense coldwater.2.2. When we use a stove,often the surrounding space close tosome stove may heat up. And what isworse if we run a water pipe e.g. sixinches across the stove? 2.3 As mostwater pipes are made of copper, copperconducts heat easily and the result isthat water passing thru would get heatedup.3. In Feng Shui, this is explained asthe stove belongs to the fire element.And the water-pipe since it containswater (implies that water is close tothe stove) = considered inauspicious.On5/9/2012 7:18:24 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:1. In my opinion, your question hasmore >to do with common sense thanFeng >Shui.2. The concern has more todo with >hygiene such as unseenvapours. Anything >relating to the"dirty" such as >sewerage, septicetc... is considered >dirtyliquid.3. Thus of course, ifthere is a choice, one should noteven >place be such things withinliving >quarters.4. Between the devil(the >stove) and the deep blue sea(the sink); >if one has to reallychoose where to >place the septictank, then it would >have to befurthest away from the >STOVE.4.1Thus if one really (I mean) >reallyhave to choose; then go with thesink area. 5. What happensifone >applys Flying Star FengShui?5.1 A >geomancer would always(if possible) ask >not to place e.g.the septic tank at an >auspicioussector.5.2 Again, one has to >bepractical; with a limited space30sqm.. no choice..... rather gowith >the sink than the stove.Why?5.3 From a >Feng Shui point ofview; the stove >represents the fireelement and septic >belongs to thewater element. Fire and >Water clash.As compared to the sink >(WITH)water.Ref: Dangers of UndergroundWater (Unseenvapours) >=?iframe=trueOn 5/9/201212:48:57 AM, >Anonymous wrote:Dear Mr.Lee,Thank >you verymuch for all the knowledgethat you have imparted to uswith regards to feng-shui.ihave >learned so much from yoursite. i am >currently draftingmy house with a >limitedspace(30 sqm).i would like >toask if it is ok to place theseptic tank under the kitchensink or stove in an auspiciousor non-auspicious position?ifnot, what is the feng-shuicure?Hope to read from yousoon.Thanks again. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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