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We are planning to buy the house of a relative (grandma), but she was brutally murdered by her male house helper. We want the house for sentimental values. It has been in our family for over 80 years.
Someone said it is not good property because her spirit will always haunt the place. But we think since we are her relatives maybe her spirit will not harm us. What do you advice? Will the negative energy always be there? Should weBuy the property for our own use or Sell them because of what happened?

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These are some considerations:
1. In this home, NEVER, (NEVER) play with the Ouija board that summons spirits. Some call this a Wiggy Board "game" or a "talking-to spirit" board.
2. What happens is that when one plays with this board; it is opening a portal.
2.1. And in many instances, because of the past incident, this house is more "yin". And often, one may unintentally invite visitors.
2.2. We are not so scared of the "low ranking" visitors e.g. those that have yet to cross through "the LIGHT".
2.3. What is most fearful is that often such portals can inadvertently sent is a High Ranking (General) or Devil's right hand person i.e. the Dark force.
3. Once this occurs, even if assuming your grandma has not gone thru "the light" She and others epecially the timid (spirits) would be under this Dark force control.
4. What is worse is that some make the silly mistake of playing with the Oujia board, got scared and burn or throw it away! Once one does this, the portal will be fully opened.
5. Generally, hopefully your grandma has passed through "the light".
5.1. In my opinion, on her own, she will never do harm to her loved ones. Unless Para 2.3 occurs.
5.2. If her old furniture is around especially a cupboard or a cupboard with mirror or an antique vase or some other item especially in the house or attic, this is often the place where an entity might reside.
5.3. If the home is made of plastered wall especially in America, some spirits do harbour inside these walls. And often, if a major renovation is done such as tearing away the "spirits" santuary, a sudden haunting migh occur.
5.4.In Feng Shui, or rather Flying Star Feng Shui, we look for clusters of YIN stars in a sector to determine the most likelyhood of a portal. Some consider NE and SW as locations to be aware of.
Well for now, I can think up to, here....

On 5/12/2012 6:14:04 PM, Anonymous wrote:
We are planning to buy the
house of a relative (grandma),
but she was brutally murdered
by her male house helper. We
want the house for sentimental
values. It has been in our
family for over 80 years.
Someone said it is not good
property because her spirit
will always haunt the place.
But we think since we are her
relatives maybe her spirit
will not harm us. What do you
advice? Will the negative
energy always be there? Should
weBuy the property for
our own use or Sell them
because of what happened?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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