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I would just like to make some clarifications. I have joined several FS forums, but I guess what was indicated here (using your Bazi free reports) is more applicable on what I am experiencing.
I was born on February 15, 1981 at 11:30 am. In other forums, my DM is weak wood. There are several help and advises from helpful FS enthusiasts and practitioners. Some of them are working but most of them are not. Here, my DM is strong wood and the advises are the total opposite of what I am receiving and reading (since I believe that my DM is weak wood). But, I find most of the readings here more accurate (as compared to my personal experiences).
Let's just take my lucky color for instance...as a weak wood, my lucky colors are green, blue, and black...but, I feel that I am luckier whenever I wear red, violet, and pink.
I want to hear another reading for me from helpful people here.
I hope someone could help.
Thank you.
Lots of love,
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Your case is not uncommon.
And yes, correct, there is a vast difference between being a STRONG WOOD vs being a weak wood person.
But, life is life. And it is a pity that today, although BAZI sounds generic, most likely when you visit those sites, you will get your ba zi all messed up.
If you have the time, you might want to go thru the following links:-


On 5/17/2012 3:24:10 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi,I would just like to make
some clarifications. I
have joined several FS forums,
but I guess what was indicated
here (using your Bazi free
reports) is more applicable on
what I am experiencing.I was
born on February 15, 1981 at
11:30 am. In other
forums, my DM is weak
wood. There are several
help and advises from helpful
FS enthusiasts and
practitioners. Some of
them are working but most of
them are not. Here, my
DM is strong wood and the
advises are the total opposite
of what I am receiving and
reading (since I believe that
my DM is weak wood).
But, I find most of the
readings here more accurate
(as compared to my personal
experiences).Let's just take
my lucky color for
instance...as a weak wood, my
lucky colors are green, blue,
and black...but, I feel that I
am luckier whenever I wear
red, violet, and pink.I want
to hear another reading for me
from helpful people here.I
hope someone could help.Thank
you.Lots of love,Abrys

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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