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1. Very often, many clients would asked me where should they or rather; where should they NOT hang "sensitive" photos (husband & wife wedding photos) and family portaits?
2. Again, one should think about whether is it related to common sense or not?
3. For example, if one is living on the ground floor and close to the "ground".
4. In the attached photo; of course, I merely use an outdated Iphone 4 with low resolution; and yet, I am able to take a photo of a 2nd storey apartment room. And if one can see, there are some pictures / photos hanging on the wall.
5. Thus, if one is living close to the ground and often, many don't fully close their windows; In such a situation, avoid hanging sensitive photos / portaits of family and loved ones ... to avoid someone else recognising us or our children...
6. Sometimes, an apartment is facing another neighbouring block (in close proximity). Hanging a sensitive photo/portait that allows others to see it.. is again... not ideal... and has more to do with common sense than Feng Shui.
7. Lots of times; I had mentioned: because of common sense.. that is why some relate it as a Feng Shui no no... It should be the other way around...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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