myfs_139394 Posted October 9, 2012 Share Posted October 9, 2012 Hi Cecil,I would like to check where is the centre of the house as the toilet appears located at centre of the house (see my attachment). also would like to check the general feng shui of this development.Thanks & regards,Annie Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 10, 2012 Staff Share Posted October 10, 2012 These are some considerations:1. Attachment: BY RANKING SKIES MILTONIA: Please ignore the bottom right box as it is specific to the "right person". (Note the bottom right box is for a west group person.)2. The working file shows that especially for the larger apartments especially 3 and 4 bedrooms; they are predominantly facing S1 or SW1.2.1 Many of the better units are facing afternoon sun.3. From now to 2023, the better stacks are those facing SW1 and for the two bedders, NE1 (not shown).4. Out of topic: Recently, I was at the show room, not sure about the workmanship of the units. As I went into the master bedroom toilet of one of the two showflats and the tiles are not there and was covered by a rug. And also most showflats have toilets in the show area. This one and Laurel Tree (Hillview showroom) same those external plastic toilets. Sometimes.. such first impressions count. 5. Top stacks (3 and 4 bedrooms) are stacks 8, 12 and 16. Coincidentally, when I was at the development; another geomancer I know had purchased a unit at stack 12.5.1. From now to 2023, SW is both the indirect water spirit as well and ranked highly in the Flying Star "food chain". And if one is a west group like the attached "By ranking" then it is a bonus for a west group person.5.2. Especially for stacks 12 and 18 lower floors would not be as affected by afternoon sun as it will be blocked by BLOCKS 33 and 35. 5.3. Thus for stacks facing SW; it is not possible for me to cover all the aspects with regards to afternoon sun or slight afternoon sun or none at all. For those who are purchasing such stacks should bear in mind the stack that you want and visualise any impact (if any of the afternoon sunlight)6. Currently for those who have loved ones who have to depend on the MRT, there were grouses that some even had to wait 9 trains during peak period before they can take the North - South line. And according to another comment some had to wait the 4th train. This is another bad news given that the new tracks from Woodlands is not ready, yet. Quote On 10/9/2012 11:15:37 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Cecil,I would like to checkwhere is the centre of thehouse as the toilet appearslocated at centre of the house(see my attachment). alsowould like to check thegeneral feng shui of thisdevelopment.Thanks ®ards,Annie Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 10, 2012 Staff Share Posted October 10, 2012 1. Predominantly, for the condo development; this development = Skies Miltonia has 4 facing directions: N1 or S1 or SW1 or NE1.2. Toilets at the centrepoint is often considered a leak. However, for example, if one selects stacks like 18 = SW1 facing; it can easily withstand easy; a leak at the centrepoint ... during Period 8... as an example. Quote On 10/10/2012 2:30:48 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1.Attachment: BY RANKING SKIES MILTONIA:Please ignore the bottom right box as itis specific to the "right person". (Notethe bottom right box is for a west groupperson.)2. The working file shows thatespecially for the larger apartmentsespecially 3 and 4 bedrooms; they arepredominantly facing S1 or SW1.2.1 Manyof the better units are facing afternoonsun.3. From now to 2023, the betterstacks are those facing SW1 and for thetwo bedders, NE1 (not shown).4. Out oftopic: Recently, I was at the show room,not sure about the workmanship of theunits. As I went into the master bedroomtoilet of one of the two showflats andthe tiles are not there and was coveredby a rug. And also most showflats havetoilets in the show area. This one andLaurel Tree (Hillview showroom) samethose external plastic toilets.Sometimes.. such first impressionscount. 5. Top stacks (3 and 4 bedrooms)are stacks 8, 12 and 16. Coincidentally,when I was at the development; anothergeomancer I know had purchased a unit atstack 12.5.1. From now to 2023, SW isboth the indirect water spirit as welland ranked highly in the Flying Star"food chain". And if one is a west grouplike the attached "By ranking" then itis a bonus for a west group person.5.2.Especially for stacks 12 and 18 lowerfloors would not be as affected byafternoon sun as it will be blocked byBLOCKS 33 and 35. 5.3. Thus for stacksfacing SW; it is not possible for me tocover all the aspects with regards toafternoon sun or slight afternoon sun ornone at all. For those who arepurchasing such stacks should bear inmind the stack that you want andvisualise any impact (if any of theafternoon sunlight)6. Currently forthose who have loved ones who have todepend on the MRT, there were grousesthat some even had to wait 9 trainsduring peak period before they can takethe North - South line. And according toanother comment some had to wait the 4thtrain. This is another bad news giventhat the new tracks from Woodlands isnot ready, yet.On 10/9/2012 11:15:37 PM,annie annie wrote:Hi Cecil,I wouldlike to checkwhere is the centre ofthehouse as the toilet appearslocated at centre of the house(see my attachment). alsowouldlike to check thegeneral feng shuiof thisdevelopment.Thanks ®ards,Annie Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 10, 2012 Staff Share Posted October 10, 2012 These are further considerations:1. In my opinion, the compass marking on the sales brochure matches the outline of the proposed construction of the outline of the blocks within Skies Miltonia.2. If I am not mistaken, when I was looking at the north marking on the model in the showroom, somehow, if I am not wrong the north marking on that layout may be a little off... as I was trying to visualise the afternoon sun and at the showroom; blocks 21 and 23 are distinctly directly facing the west sun. 2.1 But in the sales brochure, seems like block 23 by block 35. A vast difference from the sales brochure siteplan! Let's hope that the siteplan + streetdirectory's plan are correct and not the other way around. Quote On 10/10/2012 2:38:28 PM, Anonymous wrote:1. Predominantly, for the condodevelopment; this development = SkiesMiltonia has 4 facing directions: N1 orS1 or SW1 or NE1.2. Toilets at thecentrepoint is often considered a leak.However, for example, if one selectsstacks like 18 = SW1 facing; it caneasily withstand easy; a leak at thecentrepoint ... during Period 8... as anexample.On 10/10/2012 2:30:48 PM, CecilLee wrote:These are someconsiderations:1.Attachment: BYRANKING SKIES MILTONIA:Pleaseignore the bottom right box as itisspecific to the "right person". (Notethe bottom right box is for a westgroupperson.)2. The working fileshows thatespecially for the largerapartmentsespecially 3 and 4bedrooms; they arepredominantlyfacing S1 or SW1.2.1 Manyof thebetter units are facing afternoonsun.3. From now to 2023, the betterstacks are those facing SW1 and forthetwo bedders, NE1 (not shown).4.Out oftopic: Recently, I was at theshow room,not sure about theworkmanship of theunits. As I wentinto the master bedroomtoilet ofone of the two showflats andthetiles are not there and was coveredby a rug. And also most showflatshavetoilets in the show area. Thisone andLaurel Tree (Hillviewshowroom) samethose externalplastic toilets.Sometimes.. suchfirst impressionscount. 5. Topstacks (3 and 4 bedrooms)are stacks8, 12 and 16. Coincidentally,when Iwas at the development; anothergeomancer I know had purchased aunit atstack 12.5.1. From now to2023, SW isboth the indirect waterspirit as welland ranked highly inthe Flying Star"food chain". And ifone is a west grouplike theattached "By ranking" then itis abonus for a west group person.5.2.Especially for stacks 12 and 18lowerfloors would not be asaffected byafternoon sun as it willbe blocked byBLOCKS 33 and 35. 5.3.Thus for stacksfacing SW; it is notpossible for me tocover all theaspects with regards toafternoonsun or slight afternoon sun ornoneat all. For those who arepurchasingsuch stacks should bear inmind thestack that you want andvisualiseany impact (if any of theafternoonsunlight)6. Currently forthose whohave loved ones who have todependon the MRT, there were grousesthatsome even had to wait 9 trainsduring peak period before they cantakethe North - South line. Andaccording toanother comment somehad to wait the 4thtrain. This isanother bad news giventhat the newtracks from Woodlands isnot ready,yet.On 10/9/2012 11:15:37 PM,annieannie wrote:Hi Cecil,I wouldlike to checkwhere is thecentre ofthehouse as thetoilet appearslocated at centreof the house(see myattachment). alsowouldlike tocheck thegeneral feng shuiofthisdevelopment.Thanks ®ards,Annie Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_139394 Posted October 10, 2012 Share Posted October 10, 2012 Dear Cecil,Thanks for your analysis.Is the toiletat the centre of the house? My drawing shows that the toilet is near the centre of the house. I read somewhere that by adding the earth element to the toilet (eg. putting a potted plant in the toilet) keeping toilet clutter free, keeping the toilet bowls seats down, closing the toilet doorand meditation (keep energy levels up) will help to solve the problem of toilet being at the centre of the house. Regards,Annie Quote On 10/10/2012 2:54:08 PM, Anonymous wrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 11, 2012 Staff Share Posted October 11, 2012 1. In my opinion, what you wrote automatically linked me to the attached illustration. 2. Especially today in Singapore; with so many responsibilities, worries, congestion and putting up with huge population increase (and more are coming).... 3. I for one, would not want to become a "slave" especially to my TOILET! *Sucks*. 4. Well, don't get me wrong. 5. Under the Chinese Holy Trinity of Luck: 5.1. Heaven Luck = born with (ba zi) = 33.3 % 5.2. Earth Luck = Feng Shui of home and office = 33.3% 5.3. Human Luck = Here, feeling good belongs to this category. = 33.4% Total = 100 % 6. Human nature is as such.. If someone gives us a "solution" even if it is a sugar coated pill; some people would feel "damn" good about it. Thus, if you feel "shiok" about the solution; and if it helps you to bring or pull up your Human Luck, overall, your combined luck is higher (note above: 33.3 % of this and that... 7. If it makes you feel good, then even with a sugar coated pill: You certainly feel good right? You can then feel at ease. 8. As to meditation.. this was the trigger point in bring up the attached illustration. Again, one can meditate anywhere... might as well meditate at one's THRONE ROOM right? Feel shiok (good) right... Go ahead.. make your day! (not mine)... Quote On 10/10/2012 11:48:53 PM, Anonymous wrote: Dear Cecil,Thanks for your analysis.Is the toiletat the centre of the house? My drawing shows that the toilet is near the centre of the house. I read somewhere that by adding the earth element to the toilet (eg. putting a potted plant in the toilet) keeping toilet clutter free, keeping the toilet bowls seats down, closing the toilet doorand meditation (keep energy levels up) will help to solve the problem of toilet being at the centre of the house. Regards,AnnieOn 10/10/2012 2:54:08 PM, Cecil Lee wrote: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 6, 2024 Staff Share Posted August 6, 2024 AS WE ENTER PERIOD 9 FLYING STAR FENG SHUI FROM 2024 TILL 2043 WHICH UNITS ARE LUCKY? Part 1: How is the luck of the Internal Feng Shui of this unit? Part 2: External Feng Shui luck? Part 3: How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom? PART 1 = 35% Depends on the Internal Layout & Sectors - How Lucky? Good, Better, Best! S1 = Luckier in Period 9. However this depends on where is the living room & external features of the unit. Extra care if e.g. a bedroom e.g. Master Bedroom is located at SE with Misfortune/sickness. +++ The Rest! N1 = Less lucky under Period 9. As formerly double #8's at it's frontage. Thus not so smooth under Period 9. +++ NE1 = Less lucky under Period 9. It also depends on the layout plan. +++ SW1 = Take extra care of health issues from 2024 onwards. Like Band-Aid; need to fix-it! * BEST TO CURE IT * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ But also need to review/consider the individual Internal Layout Plan & this is just part of the many considerations in a home purchase. However the above does not take into consideration things like: Kitchen/Stove at Inauspicious Fire @ Heaven's Gate or Poison arrow aimed towards the unit, proximity to common bin etc.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ ++++ PART 2 = 35% Location, location, location? Sha Qi? Poison Arrow? Watch Your Front, Sides & Back! Our New e-Book 12 Practical Tips for Choosing a new BTO Flat with External Feng Shui Considerations POOR SCORE? THESE ARE SOME CONCERNS: Sha Qi or Poison arrow(s) from Sharp Corner(s) 天斩煞 (tiān zhǎn shà) = Tian Zhan Sha etc... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ ++++ PART 3 = 30% How Suitable to breadwinner? Please note that has yet to take into consideration: 1. How suitable is the unit to the main breadwinner & 2. External Shapes and Forms of the unit TOTAL SCORE = 35 + 35 + 30 = 100% Get Expert Help: ++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ How do you Feng Shui your home? Use your front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist? Applies to Homes that previously T.O.P. between Years 2004 to 2023... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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