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Dear Master,
1) As I known that Crystal Display direction is Centre, NE and SW,
If the NE,SW is not my good direction for my Bai Zi, can I still display my crystal at that direction due to Crystal is belong to Earth?
I must display at my good direction accordingly to my Bai Zi?
2) May I know that normally Kitchen area is a good direction or bad direction for us? if good direction's area is located at Kitchen area, is that GOOD or BAD for us?
Tan Kah Yeow
Geomancy.net's student
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You wrote: 1) As I known that Crystal Display direction is Centre, NE and SW,
If the NE,SW is not my good direction for my Bai Zi, can I still display my crystal at that direction due to Crystal is belong to Earth?
I must display at my good direction accordingly to my Bai Zi?
Reply: We human beings each have our birthday (birthdate). And as you had mentioned, the tool to understanding our birthdate is Ba ZI (Heaven Luck).
However, do take note that each and every home also has it's own birthdate. For example, some homes were born between 1984 to 2003. While others that had just T.O.P. are born between 2004 onwards (until 2023).
To analyse such EARTH luck, one of the tools used is the Flying Star Feng Shui.
Thus although we humans have our birthdate, our own home has it's own ba zi. This is why, some say " Can I place a water feature in my home even if I am a weak fire or strong water person? "
IF the location is or under Flying Star Feng Shui; your water wealth as defined as #8 water star; then definitely YES, one can place such a water feature even if it is not compatible to one's birth chart (Ba zi).
Same thing, if that sector is (especially) your Mountain star #8 a "mountain star" can be activated, here.
2) May I know that normally Kitchen area is a good direction or bad direction for us? if good direction's area is located at Kitchen area, is that GOOD or BAD for us?
To determine if the kitchen is good or bad for a person (especially the breadwinner); it can be determined from one's Eight House Chart. Please see a real life example. See attachment.
Where this person is tearing down an existing home and trying his best to built from scratch a home that fits his Eight House chart as best as he can. Note: not possible to have a perfect home but if as many sectors match up with his Eight House, much the better.

On 10/27/2012 12:02:32 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master,1) As I known that
Crystal Display direction is
Centre, NE and SW,If the NE,SW
is not my good direction for
my Bai Zi, can I still display
my crystal at that direction
due to Crystal is belong to
Earth?ORI must display
at my good direction
accordingly to my Bai Zi?2)
May I know that normally
Kitchen area is a good
direction or bad direction for
us? if good direction's area
is located at Kitchen area, is
that GOOD or BAD for
us?ThanksRegardsTan Kah
YeowGeomancy.net's student

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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This sample shows an actual Can or Cannot Buy comparison of two different units in two different condos.
It so happens that the male breadwinner's Eight House chart is identical to the wife's chart.
And this family is interested in two different units. And seeking advice as in which unit is better.
An individual chart for each home has been done. But for confidentiality; it is not shown, here.
I am only showing the Eight House sector by sector analysis of each unit.

On 10/29/2012 5:10:10 AM, Anonymous wrote:
You wrote: 1) As I known that Crystal
Display direction is Centre, NE and
SW,If the NE,SW is not my good direction
for my Bai Zi, can I still display my
crystal at that direction due to Crystal
is belong to Earth?ORI must
display at my good direction accordingly
to my Bai Zi?Reply: We human beings each
have our birthday (birthdate). And as
you had mentioned, the tool to
understanding our birthdate is Ba ZI
(Heaven Luck).However, do take note that
each and every home also has it's own
birthdate. For example, some homes were
born between 1984 to 2003. While others
that had just T.O.P. are born between
2004 onwards (until 2023).To analyse
such EARTH luck, one of the tools used
is the Flying Star Feng Shui.Thus
although we humans have our birthdate,
our own home has it's own ba zi. This is
why, some say " Can I place a water
feature in my home even if I am a weak
fire or strong water person? "IF the
location is or under Flying Star Feng
Shui; your water wealth as defined as #8
water star; then definitely YES, one can
place such a water feature even if it is
not compatible to one's birth chart (Ba
zi).Same thing, if that sector is
(especially) your Mountain star #8 a
"mountain star" can be activated,
here.2) May I know that normally Kitchen
area is a good direction or bad
direction for us? if good direction's
area is located at Kitchen area, is that
GOOD or BAD for us?To determine if the
kitchen is good or bad for a person
(especially the breadwinner); it can be
determined from one's Eight House Chart.
Please see a real life example. See
attachment.Where this person is tearing
down an existing home and trying his
best to built from scratch a home that
fits his Eight House chart as best as he
can. Note: not possible to have a
perfect home but if as many sectors
match up with his Eight House, much the
better.On 10/27/2012 12:02:32 PM, Tan
Kah Yeow wrote:
Dear Master,1) As I
known that
Crystal Display direction
Centre, NE and SW,If the NE,SW
is not my good direction for
Bai Zi, can I still display
crystal at that direction
due to
Crystal is belong to
must display
at my good direction
accordingly to my Bai Zi?2)
I know that normally
Kitchen area is
a good
direction or bad direction
us? if good direction's area
is located at Kitchen area, is
that GOOD or BAD for
us?ThanksRegardsTan Kah
YeowGeomancy.net's student

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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