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These are some considerations:
1. Three main purposes of a ba gua mirror:-
1.1. If a poison arrow e.g. another neighbour's roof or lamp post is aimed at a home or a home is at a 'T'junction; then aba gua mirror may be used. Here, a conVEX mirror is used to deflect sha qi or such poison arrow(s) if any.
1.2.If there is a missing corner at an important sector or if facing a beautiful scenery, a conCAVE mirror is used to "suck" in. In the case of the missing corner, to "suck" back wealth.
1.3. Protection. Cars got air bags to protect.Often a bagua mirror with the 8 trigrams is used in conjunctionwith a middle convex mirror for the dual purpose of 1.1. and against "evil" spirits.
2. Inyour case, very hard totellfrom the photo ifyour situation is similar toa 'T'junction or not. If so,Para 1.1 may be used e.g. in your photo the smallest TOP middle photo.
3. Note: a ba gua mirror is not a cure all. Sometimes, there are more leaks in the home.

On 11/8/2012 4:41:44 AM, Anonymous wrote:
To Cecil or Fengshui Master, I
attachment photos of my front
doot. Please help me to decide
which bagua to use for this
remedies. Greatly appreciated
for your response. Michelle

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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