myfs_154426 Posted January 21, 2013 Share Posted January 21, 2013 Dear Master,While cleaning the altar, Kuan In's finger broke off. I have fixed it back with super glue.Is there any implications from this? If I fix it back is it OK? Do I need to get a new one?This Kuan In was invited by my late grandmother and it has blessed us for 20+ years already.I'm concerned about this ... please give me your advice. Thanks ! Regards,MysticDragon Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 21, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 21, 2013 These are some considerations:1. In the 1960's my grandparent had also a Guan Yin figurine. And was also blessed and given to me in the 1970's. This figurine also has some chipped part e.g. the tip of one of the red lotus leaf was chipped off slightly at the tip.2. In the last few days I still displayed it (not for praying) but kept as one of the decorative piece in a display shelf. But I have since packed it up.3. Sounds abit similar to your situation. Although yours has her finger chipped off and fixed back.3.1 In my opinion, it is real waste or too drastic to "throw" it away.3.2 If you feel really unsettled, then get a replacement "blessed" and maybe keep or store this one away. Given that you still pray to a Guan Yin. Perhaps even later on, throw it away - if question comes up in the future or everything remains status quo.. 3.3 Thus I feel that there is really no harm to keep or store it away given that it does have SENTIMENTAL value, like what I had mentioned under Para 1. And since it belongs to your later grandmother all the more... again NO HARM storing away later on SHOULD you decide to buy a new Guan Yin. Unless it takes too much space in your home.4. Frankly there is no hard or fast rule. Like a former Singapore Minister: Mr George Yeo says "go with the flow" or in my opinion: go with your gut feel. 4.1. Or check with your spouse or elder for their advice. Treat it like a "National conversation" in your family. Again it has to do with your feelings afterwards. What I mentioned under Para 3.2 is in my opinion, more on the practical side of things. Quote On 1/21/2013 11:06:04 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master,While cleaning thealtar, Kuan In's finger brokeoff. I have fixed itback with super glue.Is thereany implications fromthis? If I fix it backis it OK? Do I need to get anew one?This Kuan In wasinvited by my late grandmotherand it has blessed us for 20+years already.I'm concernedabout this ... please give meyour advice. Thanks! Regards,MysticDragon Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 21, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 21, 2013 It is not like it is the end of the world..... Goddess of Mercy is always forgiving.... Quote On 1/21/2013 2:23:01 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. In the1960's my grandparent had also a GuanYin figurine. And was also blessedand given to me in the 1970's. Thisfigurine also has some chipped part e.g.the tip of one of the red lotus leaf waschipped off slightly at the tip.2. Inthe last few days I still displayed it(not for praying) but kept as one of thedecorative piece in a display shelf. ButI have since packed it up.3. Sounds abitsimilar to your situation. Althoughyours has her finger chipped off andfixed back.3.1 In my opinion, it is realwaste or too drastic to "throw" itaway.3.2 If you feel really unsettled,then get a replacement "blessed" andmaybe keep or store this one away. Giventhat you still pray to a Guan Yin.Perhaps even later on, throw it away -if question comes up in the future oreverything remains status quo.. 3.3 ThusI feel that there is really no harm tokeep or store it away given that it doeshave SENTIMENTAL value, like what I hadmentioned under Para 1. And since itbelongs to your later grandmother allthe more... again NO HARM storing awaylater on SHOULD you decide to buy a newGuan Yin. Unless it takes too much spacein your home.4. Frankly there is no hardor fast rule. Like a former SingaporeMinister: Mr George Yeo says "go withthe flow" or in my opinion: go with yourgut feel. 4.1. Or check with your spouseor elder for their advice. Treat it likea "National conversation" in yourfamily. Again it has to do with yourfeelings afterwards. What I mentionedunder Para 3.2 is in my opinion, more onthe practical side of things.On1/21/2013 11:06:04 AM, Mystic Dragonwrote:Dear Master,While cleaningthealtar, Kuan In's finger brokeoff. I have fixed itbackwith super glue.Is thereanyimplications fromthis? If Ifix it backis it OK? Do I need toget anew one?This Kuan In wasinvited by my late grandmotherand it has blessed us for 20+years already.I'm concernedabout this ... please give meyour advice. Thanks! Regards,MysticDragon Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_154426 Posted January 22, 2013 Share Posted January 22, 2013 Dear Master,Thanks for ur advice. My family members felt that we should keep it. In fact my eldest daughter even said.. it's like Kuan In has block an obstacle for us!Regards,MysticDragon Quote On 1/21/2013 2:30:50 PM, Anonymous wrote:It is not like it is the end of theworld..... Goddess of Mercy is alwaysforgiving.... On 1/21/2013 2:23:01 PM,Cecil Lee wrote: >These are someconsiderations:1. In the >1960's mygrandparent had also a Guan >Yinfigurine. And was also blessedand given to me in the 1970's. Thisfigurine also has some chipped parte.g. >the tip of one of the red lotusleaf was >chipped off slightly at thetip.2. In >the last few days I stilldisplayed it >(not for praying) butkept as one of the >decorative piecein a display shelf. But >I have sincepacked it up.3. Sounds abit >similarto your situation. Although >yourshas her finger chipped off and >fixedback.3.1 In my opinion, it is realwaste or too drastic to "throw" itaway.3.2 If you feel reallyunsettled, >then get a replacement"blessed" and >maybe keep or storethis one away. Given >that you stillpray to a Guan Yin. >Perhaps evenlater on, throw it away - >ifquestion comes up in the future oreverything remains status quo.. 3.3Thus >I feel that there is really noharm to >keep or store it away giventhat it does >have SENTIMENTAL value,like what I had >mentioned under Para1. And since it >belongs to yourlater grandmother all >the more...again NO HARM storing away >later onSHOULD you decide to buy a new >GuanYin. Unless it takes too much spacein your home.4. Frankly there is nohard >or fast rule. Like a formerSingapore >Minister: Mr George Yeosays "go with >the flow" or in myopinion: go with your >gut feel. 4.1.Or check with your spouse >or elderfor their advice. Treat it like >a"National conversation" in yourfamily. Again it has to do with yourfeelings afterwards. What Imentioned >under Para 3.2 is in myopinion, more on >the practical sideof things.On >1/21/2013 11:06:04 AM,Mystic Dragon >wrote: >DearMaster,While cleaning >the >altar,Kuan In's finger brokeoff. I have fixed itback >with super glue.Is thereany >implications fromthis? If I >fix it backis it OK? Do I need to >get anew one?This Kuan In wasinvited by my late grandmotherand it has blessed us for 20+years already.I'm concernedabout this ... please give meyour advice. Thanks! Regards,MysticDragon Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 24, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 24, 2013 Under Human or Man Luck factor, yes, it is always excellent to seek immediate family member's view.This often shifts the entire burden of "responsibility" to shared responsibility = consensus.Here, it not only put you personally at ease but also indirectly boost your Human or Man Luck factor.(Under the Holy Trinity of Luck: Heaven (born with) and Feng Shui (Earth luck of home and office). Another or last category of luck Human or Man Luck must never, never to overlooked. Some people, don't have great Heaven nor Feng Shui luck; but with strong Human or Man Luck; it can transcend over the other two type of luck.) Quote On 1/22/2013 3:37:33 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master,Thanks for ur advice. Myfamily members felt that we should keepit. In fact my eldest daughter evensaid.. it's like Kuan In has block anobstacle for us!Regards,MysticDragonOn1/21/2013 2:30:50 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:It is not like it is the end of theworld..... Goddess of Mercy isalwaysforgiving.... On 1/21/2013 2:23:01PM,Cecil Lee wrote:These are someconsiderations:1. In the1960'smygrandparent had also a GuanYinfigurine. And was also blessedand given to me in the 1970's.Thisfigurine also has some chippedparte.g.the tip of one of the redlotusleaf waschipped off slightly atthetip.2. Inthe last few days Istilldisplayed it(not for praying)butkept as one of thedecorativepiecein a display shelf. ButI havesincepacked it up.3. Sounds abitsimilarto your situation. Althoughyourshas her finger chipped off andfixedback.3.1 In my opinion, it is realwaste or too drastic to "throw"itaway.3.2 If you feel reallyunsettled,then get areplacement"blessed" andmaybe keep orstorethis one away. Giventhat youstillpray to a Guan Yin.Perhaps evenlater on, throw it away -ifquestion comes up in the future oreverything remains status quo..3.3ThusI feel that there is reallynoharm tokeep or store it awaygiventhat it doeshave SENTIMENTALvalue,like what I hadmentioned underPara1. And since itbelongs to yourlater grandmother allthemore...again NO HARM storing awaylateronSHOULD you decide to buy a newGuanYin. Unless it takes too much spacein your home.4. Frankly there isnohardor fast rule. Like a formerSingaporeMinister: Mr GeorgeYeosays "go withthe flow" or in myopinion: go with yourgut feel.4.1.Or check with your spouseorelderfor their advice. Treat it likea"National conversation" in yourfamily. Again it has to do withyourfeelings afterwards. What Imentionedunder Para 3.2 is inmyopinion, more onthe practicalsideof things.On1/21/2013 11:06:04AM,Mystic Dragonwrote:DearMaster,While cleaningthealtar,Kuan In's finger brokeoff. I have fixed itbackwith super glue.Isthereanyimplications fromthis? If Ifix it backis it OK? Do I need toget anew one?This Kuan In wasinvited by my lategrandmotherand it has blessed us for20+years already.I'm concernedabout this ... please givemeyour advice. Thanks! Regards,MysticDragon Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 23, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 23, 2024 Get Expert Help from Master Cecil Lee for your Altar Placement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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