myfs_151543 Posted January 29, 2013 Share Posted January 29, 2013 Dear Master Cecil, We have a large tree in the Northeast sector of our home. Is thatinauspicious? Is there any cure for this ? Please help!Thank you ! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 29, 2013 1. Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, there are two considerations, here:-These are some considerations:-1. Yin and Yang concept and Bright Hall effect1.1 Often when someone plants a tree e.g. a fruit tree like the mango tree. If planted in the ground, such a tree often matures and can grow pretty large by the time they reach 8 years or more.1.2 In the past, especially in the 1970's where many who purchased a landed property will have a proper sized garden and car porch. As such often we see a mango tree planted in the compound of the house.1.3 Please take note that in general planting a tree is not a bad idea. But, from these photos one can see that a mango tree can grow pretty large: What is more of a concern is that the area surrounding the tree trunk if not properly trimmed or if the tree is huge; can cast a dark shadow below. Making the area too Yin.1.5 One therefore can no longer enjoy a BRIGHT HALL effect especially if the entire frontage is exceptionally darken by the leave foliage of such a tree.1.6 Thus if there no longer a bright hall effect; it is harder for qi to collect and meander into the home.1.7 This is why nowadays, many Singapore terrace homes and even semi-detached and bungalows opted for low foliage density trees such as the Lipstick palm (Maharaja tree). As most palm trees often have fewer leaves and the lipstick palm being red is considered auspicious and it grows in a cluster both tall and thin with a fan shaped foliage that does not cast as much dark shadows as a well rounded mango or rambutan or similar type of trees.2. Devil's Gate: Devil's front door (portal for them to enter this world) and out.2.1 Even under Indian Vastu principles: it is best not to place figurines of Hindu gods in a North-East and South-West alignment. This is because, there is a concern of or similar to the Devil's gate.2.2 Thus, for Indian homes that install a Pooja, it is strongly recommended to avoid placing the altar facing NE and sitting SW. The concern is that inadvertenly the figurines or the pooja site can become a portal for the movement in and out of such spirits.2.3 More so, as the pooja room (prayer) room is often located in a storeroom for Singapore Indians. And if we do read many stories about "Western" hauntings; often the spirits would hide in a storeroom as it is rather dark and cold. Talk about cold spots, here.3. In a past link, I also mentioned; to be extra careful that the tree trunk does not slice into the living room window(s) or sliding panels or the main entrance door of a home. Please read more from an earlier posting.Do a search and one can find old resources on having tree(s) in a compound:-1.1. Yin and Yang conceptOften, the living room is located at the frontage of the home. And good trimming or landscaping is good, here so that the frontage does not get cluttered. In Singapore, especially in the early 1970's many landed property homes often have a mango tree at e.g. the corner or the frontage of the home. Some have rambutan trees.What happen is that when a mango tree matures, it can grow quite tall and can cast a large "shadow" below, making the frontage very yin (or dark). Some feel that it makes the home "gloomy" as too much shade literally hides the frontage of the home.Nowadays, in Singapore, it is rare for new developments (landed properties) to have a mango tree. Especially since the external floor area is much reduced and no space for such a tree or trees.1.2 Tree trunksBe careful of the trunk of a tree slicing towards one's main entrance area or slicing towards the windows of a bedroom or living room. This is considered as a poison arrow.Make sure that the guava tree's trunk does not directly slice the main door. To test, stand inside the main entrance and look out of it directly. Ref: Quote On 1/29/2013 1:12:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Cecil, We have a large tree inthe Northeast sector of ourhome. Isthatinauspicious?Is there any cure forthis ? Please help!Thank you ! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 29, 2013 Last year, a Hindu client of mine, had his altar facing NE and sitting SW.In Singapore, it is common for many Hindus to place their pooja (altar) in a storeroom or bomb shelter. In this case, please see attachment. The client's original altar is as shown in the attachment i.e. sitting SW facing NE.I recommended him to change the altar to sit SE facing NW as shown in the highlighted in BLUE MESH. Quote On 1/29/2013 7:18:20 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. Under Shapes and Forms FengShui, there are twoconsiderations, here:-Theseare some considerations:-1. Yin and Yang concept andBright Hall effect1.1 Often when someone plantsa tree e.g. a fruit tree likethe mango tree. If planted inthe ground, such a tree oftenmatures and can grow prettylarge by the time they reach 8years or more.1.2 In the past, especially inthe 1970's where many whopurchased a landed propertywill have a proper sizedgarden and car porch. As suchoften we see a mango treeplanted in the compound of thehouse.1.3 Please take note that ingeneral planting a tree is nota bad idea. But, from thesephotos one can see that amango tree can grow prettylarge: What is more of a concernis that the area surroundingthe tree trunk if not properlytrimmed or if the tree ishuge; can cast a dark shadowbelow. Making the area tooYin.1.5 One therefore can nolonger enjoy a BRIGHT HALLeffect especially if theentire frontage isexceptionally darken by theleave foliage of such a tree.1.6 Thus if there no longer abright hall effect; it isharder for qi to collect andmeander into the home.1.7 This is why nowadays, manySingapore terrace homes andeven semi-detached andbungalows opted for lowfoliage density trees such asthe Lipstick palm (Maharajatree). As most palm treesoften have fewer leaves andthe lipstick palm being red isconsidered auspicious and itgrows in a cluster both talland thin with a fan shapedfoliage that does not cast asmuch dark shadows as a wellrounded mango or rambutan orsimilar type of trees.2. Devil's Gate: Devil's frontdoor (portal for them to enterthis world) and out.2.1 Even under Indian Vastuprinciples: it is best not toplace figurines of Hindu godsin a North-East and South-Westalignment. This is because,there is a concern of orsimilar to the Devil's gate.2.2 Thus, for Indian homesthat install a Pooja, it isstrongly recommended to avoidplacing the altar facing NEand sitting SW. The concern isthat inadvertenly thefigurines or the pooja sitecan become a portal for themovement in and out of suchspirits.2.3 More so, as the pooja room(prayer) room is often locatedin a storeroom for SingaporeIndians. And if we do readmany stories about "Western"hauntings; often the spiritswould hide in a storeroom asit is rather dark and cold.Talk about cold spots, here.3. In a past link, I alsomentioned; to be extra carefulthat the tree trunk does notslice into the living roomwindow(s) or sliding panels orthe main entrance door of ahome. Please read more from anearlier posting.Do a searchand one can find old resourceson having tree(s) in acompound:-1.1. Yin and YangconceptOften, the living room islocated at the frontage of thehome. And good trimming orlandscaping is good, here sothat the frontage does not getcluttered.In Singapore, especially inthe early 1970's many landedproperty homes often have amango tree at e.g. the corneror the frontage of the home.Some have rambutan trees.What happen is that when amango tree matures, it cangrow quite tall and can cast alarge "shadow" below, makingthe frontage very yin (ordark). Some feel that itmakes the home "gloomy" as toomuch shade literally hides thefrontage of the home.Nowadays, in Singapore, it israre for new developments(landed properties) to have amango tree. Especially sincethe external floor area ismuch reduced and no space forsuch a tree or trees.1.2 Tree trunksBe careful of the trunk of atree slicing towards one'smain entrance area or slicingtowards the windows of abedroom or living room. Thisis considered as a poisonarrow.Make sure that the guavatree's trunk does not directlyslice the main door. To test,stand inside the main entranceand look out of it directly.Ref: 1:12:00 AM, PADMAJA a wrote:Dear Master Cecil, We have a large treeinthe Northeast sector of ourhome. Isthatinauspicious?Is there any cure forthis? Please help!Thank you ! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 29, 2013 The revised position of the pooja (altar).It is now sitting SE facing NW instead. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 29, 2013 1. Info extracted from a past forum message:-10. Under the Yin and Yang concept, anything that is even number e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8 etc.. is considered yin. While 1, 3, 5, 7 or any odd number is considered yang.---It follows the same principles for all even numbers are considered (yin) and all odd numbers are considered (yang).This means that 2, 4, 6, 8 are yin, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are yang.This theory is applied to all I-Ching, Flying Star and anything to do with number theory.Warmest RegardsRobert Lee 2. A proper Flying Star chart can detect further clues as to how yin a specific sector is. Thus for example: if the bomb shelter storeroom in the earlier example has concentrations of too many YIN flying star numbers like MS#2 MS#4 and Base#2 then, this sector is considered too yin. And have a higher chance of getting hijacked by yin spirits.3.My earlier resources written around 1997 on Devil's gate can be found under this link:- Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 29, 2013 Is this pure coincidence? Under the Yin and Yang concept: all even numbers are considered YIN.And since devil's favourite number is 666 = even = YIN! Wow! Quote On 1/29/2013 7:59:10 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. Info extracted from a pastforum message:-10. Under theYin and Yang concept, anythingthat is even number e.g. 2, 4,6, 8 etc.. is considered yin.While 1, 3, 5, 7 or any oddnumber is consideredyang.---It follows the sameprinciples for all evennumbers are considered (yin)and all odd numbers areconsidered (yang).This meansthat 2, 4, 6, 8 are yin, and1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are yang.Thistheory is applied to allI-Ching, Flying Star andanything to do with numbertheory.Warmest RegardsRobertLee 2. A proper Flying Starchart can detect further cluesas to how yin a specificsector is. Thus for example:if the bomb shelter storeroomin the earlier example hasconcentrations of too many YINflying star numbers like MS#2MS#4 and Base#2 then, thissector is considered too yin.And have a higher chance ofgetting hijacked by yinspirits.3.My earlierresources written around 1997on Devil's gate can be foundunder thislink:- Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted January 29, 2013 What kind of SPIRITS are you talking about? Quote On 1/29/2013 9:35:33 AM, Anonymous wrote:Is this pure coincidence? Under the Yinand Yang concept: all even numbers areconsidered YIN.And since devil'sfavourite number is 666 = even = YIN!Wow!On 1/29/2013 7:59:10 AM, Cecil Leewrote:1. Info extracted from a pastforum message:-10. Under theYinand Yang concept, anythingthat iseven number e.g. 2, 4,6, 8 etc.. isconsidered yin.While 1, 3, 5, 7 orany oddnumber is consideredyang.---It follows the sameprinciples for all evennumbersare considered (yin)and all oddnumbers areconsidered (yang).Thismeansthat 2, 4, 6, 8 are yin, and1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are yang.Thistheory is applied to allI-Ching, Flying Star andanything to do with numbertheory.Warmest RegardsRobertLee2. A proper Flying Starchart candetect further cluesas to how yin aspecificsector is. Thus forexample:if the bomb shelterstoreroomin the earlier example hasconcentrations of too many YINflying star numbers like MS#2MS#4 and Base#2 then, thissector is considered too yin.And have a higher chance ofgetting hijacked by yinspirits.3.My earlierresources written around 1997onDevil's gate can be foundunder thislink:- Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 7, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 7, 2013 As mentioned, previously, in Singapore and in the 1970's one of the most popular trees planted in a landed property garden is the mango tree. In the past, individual landed properties range from: 7,000sq. ft to 12,000 sq. ft for bungalows, half that for semi-detached homes and 1/3 to 1/4 of the above for a terrace homes. It is very common for many home owners to plant a mango or even several mango trees on the grounds of their landed property. In this example, as the mango tree was planted outside of the property; and because the large part of the floor area was covered by concrete; this would account for this tree to be smaller than what it can grow further. But do take a look at this 40+ years old mango tree. One can see that such a tree has lots of leaves that will result in making the ground below the tree "dark" or yin. As it casts a dark shadow; below it. Do a SEARCH on the top left frame of this forum for "Mango Tree" and there are lots of other resources: Quote On 1/29/2013 10:25:43 AM, Anonymous wrote: What kind of SPIRITS are you talking about?On 1/29/2013 9:35:33 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: Is this pure coincidence? Under the Yin and Yang concept: all even numbers are considered YIN.And since devil's favourite number is 666 = even = YIN! Wow!On 1/29/2013 7:59:10 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: 1. Info extracted from a past forum message:-10. Under the Yin and Yang concept, anything that is even number e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8 etc.. is considered yin. While 1, 3, 5, 7 or any odd number is considered yang.---It follows the same principles for all even numbers are considered (yin) and all odd numbers are considered (yang).This means that 2, 4, 6, 8 are yin, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are yang.This theory is applied to all I-Ching, Flying Star and anything to do with number theory.Warmest RegardsRobert Lee 2. A proper Flying Star chart can detect further clues as to how yin a specific sector is. Thus for example: if the bomb shelter storeroom in the earlier example has concentrations of too many YIN flying star numbers like MS#2 MS#4 and Base#2 then, this sector is considered too yin. And have a higher chance of getting hijacked by yin spirits.3.My earlier resources written around 1997 on Devil's gate can be found under this link:- resources/art/art-gate.htm Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 23, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 23, 2024 Get Expert Help from Master Cecil Lee for your Altar Placement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 18, 2024 Staff Share Posted November 18, 2024 Garcinia subelliptica Family Name: Guttiferae Common Name: Happiness Tree Origin: Philippines A Hardy beautiful tree with little to no maintenance tree. Numerous yellowish leaves may indicate an inadequate supply of water. Typically features dark green foliage. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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