myfs_156895 Posted February 21, 2013 Share Posted February 21, 2013 Under area affected this year 2013 SE corner - tai sui, can light be placed in this corner to enhance SE area (let's assuming we exclude flying star)?May I seek your advice on how to correctly put a pi yao for tai sui as there were different saying on placing pi yao for tai sui. Some say place it at SE for this year and another say place opposite affected area and face tai sui. Which is true? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 21, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 21, 2013 These are some considerations:1. Under the Tai Sui or Grand Duke concept, it is best not to "disturb" him. Thus, ideally, avoid noise and renovations at this area. 1.2 Unless there is a dark hallway (be it whether tai sui is there is irrelevant); then perhaps for safety reasons, that location is lighted up. 1.3 Otherwise, the saying goes "to each his own". Light up or don't light up is up to the individual so long as it does not "make noise" at SE.2. You wrote: "May I seek your advice on how to correctly put a pi yao for tai sui as there were different saying on placing pi yao for tai sui. Some say place it at SE for this year and another say place opposite affected area and face tai sui. Which is true?"2.1 Just earlier this year, some one wrote in asking which day for her to "pray" to the God of Wealth.2.2 I mentioned to her that the best CLUE gleam is that since there are so many people who voiced so many different dates on when the God of Wealth would arrive e.g. some say he will arrive on the eve of Chinese New Year, others say on the 5th day of Chinese New Year and more.2.3 It is very similar to what you wrote.ry3. All have no exact clue and thus give conflicting information is that what you wrote above in RED is a modern invention.3.1. Thus one can place, here, there etc... implies that all this is real BULLSHIT! These are all bull-shit commercial products in the name of whatever! CON, CON and got CON!3.2. If there is a REAL position, then there should not be so many contradictory statements to the effect. 4. The simple truth is : "When the buying stops, the selling can!". Overtime, many of such rubbish products collects dusts and thrown away! Quote On 2/21/2013 7:34:05 AM, Anonymous wrote:Under area affected this year2013 SE corner - tai sui, canlight be placed in this cornerto enhance SE area (let'sassuming we exclude flyingstar)?May I seek your adviceon how to correctly put a piyao for tai sui as there weredifferent saying on placing piyao for tai sui. Some sayplace it at SE for this yearand another say place oppositeaffected area and face taisui. Which is true? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 21, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 21, 2013 You wrote: "May I seek your advice on how to correctly put a pi yao for tai sui as there were different saying on placing pi yao for tai sui. Some say place it at SE for this year and another say place opposite affected area and face tai sui. Which is true?"One can place one pi yao, two pi yaos, place it facing affected area, face away from tai sui, place it at SE. What does all these tell you?For me, IT IS TELLING! All these make-believes does not make ONE RIGHT!A person with a keen eye can after understanding what I said above, separate the grass from the weeds.Please don't be fooled by buying such useless products: Place it left, right, top, bottom is not gonna make any difference at all!The only people laughing to the bank are those selling these products are very high mark-ups! Buy them if you like decorative pieces.. otherwise, steer clear of them.Don't fall for such CON tricks. Quote On 2/21/2013 8:25:05 AM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. Underthe Tai Sui or Grand Duke concept, it isbest not to "disturb" him. Thus,ideally, avoid noise and renovations atthis area. 1.2 Unless there is a darkhallway (be it whether tai sui is thereis irrelevant); then perhaps for safetyreasons, that location is lighted up.1.3 Otherwise, the saying goes "to eachhis own". Light up or don't light up isup to the individual so long as it doesnot "make noise" at SE.2. You wrote:"May I seek your advice on how tocorrectly put a pi yao for tai sui asthere were different saying on placingpi yao for tai sui. Some say place it atSE for this year and another say placeopposite affected area and face tai sui.Which is true?"2.1 Just earlierthis year, some one wrote in askingwhich day for her to "pray" to the Godof Wealth.2.2 I mentioned to her thatthe best CLUE gleam is that since thereare so many people who voiced so manydifferent dates on when the God ofWealth would arrive e.g. some say hewill arrive on the eve of Chinese NewYear, others say on the 5th day ofChinese New Year and more.2.3 It is verysimilar to what you wrote.ry3. All haveno exact clue and thus give conflictinginformation is that what you wrote abovein RED is a modern invention.3.1. Thusone can place, here, there etc...implies that all this is real BULLSHIT!These are all bull-shit commercialproducts in the name of whatever! CON,CON and got CON!3.2. If there is a REALposition, then there should not be somany contradictory statements to theeffect. 4. The simple truth is : "Whenthe buying stops, the selling can!".Overtime, many of such rubbish productscollects dusts and thrown away!On2/21/2013 7:34:05 AM, Anonymous wrote:Under area affected this year2013 SE corner - tai sui, canlight be placed in this cornerto enhance SE area (let'sassuming we exclude flyingstar)?May I seek your adviceonhow to correctly put a piyao fortai sui as there weredifferentsaying on placing piyao for taisui. Some sayplace it at SE forthis yearand another say placeoppositeaffected area and face taisui. Which is true? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 21, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 21, 2013 If one has the time, one can go through this resource:- above can be seen as drawing a parallel to what you had written.Till today, no one can provide a concrete date that the God of Wealth will appear in one's home.Furthermore, as to how many Gods of Wealth and visiting dates; there are so many conflicting stories.Ain't it similar in nature to your confusion of so many different advices on the placement of the pi yao?Again, let me remind all that; if one again comes across a similar situation e.g. how to place a three-legged toad etc... Do remember that you had entered into the realm of "make-believe". In a make believe situation: Anything GOES... Quote On 2/21/2013 8:45:04 AM, Anonymous wrote:You wrote: "May I seek your advice onhow to correctly put a pi yao for taisui as there were different saying onplacing pi yao for tai sui. Some sayplace it at SE for this year and anothersay place opposite affected area andface tai sui. Which is true?"One canplace one pi yao, two pi yaos, place itfacing affected area, face away from taisui, place it at SE. What does all thesetell you?For me, IT IS TELLING! Allthese make-believes does not make ONERIGHT!A person with a keen eye can afterunderstanding what I said above,separate the grass from the weeds.Pleasedon't be fooled by buying such uselessproducts: Place it left, right, top,bottom is not gonna make any differenceat all!The only people laughing to thebank are those selling these productsare very high mark-ups! Buy them if youlike decorative pieces.. otherwise,steer clear of them.Don't fall for suchCON tricks.On 2/21/2013 8:25:05 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:These are someconsiderations:1. Underthe Tai Suior Grand Duke concept, it isbestnot to "disturb" him. Thus,ideally,avoid noise and renovations atthisarea. 1.2 Unless there is a darkhallway (be it whether tai sui isthereis irrelevant); then perhapsfor safetyreasons, that location islighted up.1.3 Otherwise, thesaying goes "to eachhis own". Lightup or don't light up isup to theindividual so long as it doesnot"make noise" at SE.2. You wrote:"May I seek your advice on how tocorrectly put a pi yao for tai suiasthere were different saying onplacingpi yao for tai sui. Some sayplace it atSE for this year andanother say placeopposite affectedarea and face tai sui.Which istrue?"2.1 Just earlierthisyear, some one wrote in askingwhichday for her to "pray" to the GodofWealth.2.2 I mentioned to her thatthe best CLUE gleam is that sincethereare so many people who voicedso manydifferent dates on when theGod ofWealth would arrive e.g. somesay hewill arrive on the eve ofChinese NewYear, others say on the5th day ofChinese New Year andmore.2.3 It is verysimilar to whatyou wrote.ry3. All haveno exactclue and thus give conflictinginformation is that what you wroteabovein RED is a moderninvention.3.1. Thusone can place,here, there etc...implies that allthis is real BULLSHIT!These are allbull-shit commercialproducts in thename of whatever! CON,CON and gotCON!3.2. If there is a REALposition, then there should not besomany contradictory statements totheeffect. 4. The simple truth is :"Whenthe buying stops, the sellingcan!".Overtime, many of suchrubbish productscollects dusts andthrown away!On2/21/2013 7:34:05 AM,Anonymous wrote:Under areaaffected this year2013 SEcorner - tai sui, canlight beplaced in this cornerto enhanceSE area (let'sassuming weexclude flyingstar)?May I seekyour adviceonhow to correctlyput a piyao fortai sui asthere weredifferentsaying onplacing piyao for taisui. Somesayplace it at SE forthis yearand another say placeoppositeaffected area and face taisui. Which is true? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 21, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 21, 2013 Always remember: "Why are there so many different practises".Draws a Red Flag! Put on your thinking cap and visualise if there are any hidden motives (if any). Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_156895 Posted February 21, 2013 Share Posted February 21, 2013 Quote On 2/21/2013 8:54:31 AM, Anonymous wrote:What you are saying i can understand. I would like to ask, how do you see feng shui as? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 21, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 21, 2013 Please don't think that Feng Shui is just about products, products and more products, only.This simple illustration shows the practical approach to Feng Shui:- Quote On 2/21/2013 9:47:57 PM, Anonymous wrote:On 2/21/2013 8:54:31 AM, Cecil Leewrote:What you are saying i can understand. Iwould like to ask, how do you see fengshui as? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 22, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 22, 2013 Major Chinese cities in the past were planned according to Feng Shui principles. For example: Beijing (Peking).Enclosed is just one of the few planning projects that I have done. For example in the attachment, I have planned for an entire new town in Vietnam.You can see an example of allocation of roads; residential, business, public amenities and even future LRT line(s).And believe me, Feng Shui starts BIG. And just compare it with those useless products in the name of Feng Shui - to enrich the sellers and burn a hole in the pocket of their "vicitims".When the BUYING stops, the SELLING can! Quote On 2/21/2013 9:49:16 PM, Anonymous wrote:Please don't think that Feng Shui isjust about products, products and moreproducts, only.This simple illustrationshows the practical approach to FengShui:- 9:47:57 PM, Raymond Chengwrote:On 2/21/2013 8:54:31 AM,Cecil Leewrote:What you aresaying i can understand. Iwouldlike to ask, how do you see fengshui as? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 25, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 25, 2013 Attached is the planning of Villas, Hotel and Country Club to the North-East of this project.The planning takes into consideration: entry into the resort, parking spaces; individual buildings, site of clusters of villas etc... for a full functional Country Club facility. Quote On 2/22/2013 11:57:35 AM, Anonymous wrote:Major Chinese cities in the past wereplanned according to Feng Shuiprinciples. For example: Beijing(Peking).Enclosed is just one of the fewplanning projects that I have done. Forexample in the attachment, I haveplanned for an entire new town inVietnam.You can see an example ofallocation of roads; residential,business, public amenities and evenfuture LRT line(s).And believe me, FengShui starts BIG. And just compare itwith those useless products in the nameof Feng Shui - to enrich the sellers andburn a hole in the pocket of their"vicitims".When the BUYING stops, theSELLING can!On 2/21/2013 9:49:16 PM,Cecil Lee wrote:Please don't thinkthat Feng Shui isjust aboutproducts, products and moreproducts, only.This simpleillustrationshows the practicalapproach to FengShui:- 9:47:57 PM, RaymondChengwrote:On 2/21/20138:54:31 AM,Cecil Leewrote:What you aresaying i canunderstand. Iwouldlike to ask,how do you see fengshui as? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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